Once in a while driving, you'll find yourself wanting to wander go explore, dream a little 有时候你会觉得自己想四处游荡去探索 去寻梦 and visit some faraway places, cities off your normal course the normal course that everyone else

发表于:2018-12-30 / 阅读(110) / 评论(0) 分类 公众人物毕业演讲

So very seldom do we really pay attention to the fact that life does have rules if you look for them 我们很少真正去注意这个事实 那就是如果你仔细去找 生活中是存在规则的 My wife and I recently went to a basketball game i

发表于:2018-12-30 / 阅读(73) / 评论(0) 分类 公众人物毕业演讲

They don't want to acknowledge the role played by accident in their lives 他们不愿承认机会事件 在他们生命中所扮演的角色 There is a reason for this the world does not want to acknowledge it either 他们这么认为是有原因的

发表于:2018-12-30 / 阅读(63) / 评论(0) 分类 公众人物毕业演讲

Sort of. I'm going to explain briefly, how that happened 对吧 算是吧 我将简短的描述 我是如何飞黄腾达的 I want you to understand just how mysterious careers can be before you go out and have one yourself 我希望你们在走出校门

发表于:2018-12-30 / 阅读(82) / 评论(0) 分类 公众人物毕业演讲

The human vs. the technology, which is more important? 人类和技术 哪个更重要? Almost everyone you out there would say the human but it's very intersting when you get into companies 几乎你们每个人都会说人类可是等你们进了公

发表于:2018-12-30 / 阅读(62) / 评论(0) 分类 公众人物毕业演讲

Perhaps we'll never know what tipped the scales for those young men who did that terrible thing at the Boston Marathon 也许我们永远不会得知是什么 让那些年轻人决定在波士顿马拉松赛上做出如此可怕的事情 Perhaps we w

发表于:2018-12-30 / 阅读(59) / 评论(0) 分类 公众人物毕业演讲

And the person with the highest measured IQ here, in this entire crowd, the biggest genius here went into another room 然后再选出你们当中智商最高的人让这位最聪明的人进另一个房间 And then we just kept feeding questions in

发表于:2018-12-30 / 阅读(85) / 评论(0) 分类 公众人物毕业演讲

And, I'm not quite that old while I'll look it in some days 虽然我还没那么老 但是多些日子就会的 But I also am glad to be here because of the record of this great university 另外一个让我很高兴来到这里的原因是这所优秀

发表于:2018-12-30 / 阅读(82) / 评论(0) 分类 公众人物毕业演讲

We have been through a long season of war 我们经历了漫长的战争 We have faced trials that were not foreseen 我们面临过无法预见的考验 And we've seen divisions about how to move forward 也产生过关于如何前进的分歧 But t

发表于:2018-12-30 / 阅读(98) / 评论(0) 分类 公众人物毕业演讲

America does not simply stand for stability or the absence of conflict no matter what the cost 美国并非希望不择手段 追求稳定与和平 We stand for the more lasting peace that can only come through opportunity and freedom for people ever

发表于:2018-12-30 / 阅读(115) / 评论(0) 分类 公众人物毕业演讲

And I looked at her. Where am I sitting? Ma'am, I'm in first class And this was the first time I had flown in first class. 我看着她 我在哪坐 女士 我可是坐头等舱这是我平生第一次坐头等舱 And they have seats in first class t

发表于:2019-01-25 / 阅读(66) / 评论(0) 分类 公众人物毕业演讲

It's not We're all on the same plane. 并不像我们都在同一架飞机上 When we hit turbulence, it shakes us all We may not realize it but it does. When. 碰到紊流时 我们所有人都会摇晃我们可能没意识到 但事实确实如此

发表于:2019-01-25 / 阅读(79) / 评论(0) 分类 公众人物毕业演讲

Low-income families and great Americans I still say it's one of the greatest phases i've ever lived in my life. 低收入家庭 以及伟大的美国人我现在仍然认为 这是我生命中最好的时期之一 These buildings some of the greatest

发表于:2019-01-25 / 阅读(91) / 评论(0) 分类 公众人物毕业演讲

Because for 2 of my years I lived with undergraduates in Pierson College. 因为我有两年和皮尔逊学院的本科生们住在一起 As a yes and yes. 作为 好而且 好 The P is for the P in Pierson College So I just cannot take this is an op

发表于:2019-01-25 / 阅读(96) / 评论(0) 分类 公众人物毕业演讲

A family of folks who didn't quit because she saw her dad get up and go to work every day even though he never finished college. 一个不轻易退却的家庭因为她看到她的父亲每天一大早起来去上班尽管他从未念完大学 Even t

发表于:2019-01-25 / 阅读(67) / 评论(0) 分类 公众人物毕业演讲

So if you want to change the world start singing when you're up to your neck in mud如果你想改变世界 请下次在泥潭浸过颈部时 开始唱歌Finally, in SEAL training there is a bell最后 海豹训练有一个铜铃 A brass bell that ha

发表于:2019-01-25 / 阅读(91) / 评论(0) 分类 公众人物毕业演讲

During the entire swim even well below the surface游动虽然是在水面下进行 there is some light that comes through 但仍然有一些光能够通过 It is comforting to know that there is open water above you这能让你知道 上方没有船只

发表于:2019-01-25 / 阅读(93) / 评论(0) 分类 公众人物毕业演讲

And you have seen that your community has become even stronger 而且你们看到 自己的社区变得比以往更强 even more vibrant because of these men and women 更充满活力 这正是得益于这些人 because they are part of this communit

发表于:2019-02-16 / 阅读(101) / 评论(0) 分类 公众人物毕业演讲

So you all should be very proud of this community 所以 你们有理由为这个群体感到自豪 But graduates, graduates 但毕业生们 毕业生们 you can't stop serving once you leave here 离开这里之后 你也不应停止服务 Whether y

发表于:2019-02-16 / 阅读(88) / 评论(0) 分类 公众人物毕业演讲

There is no secret society out there 外面没有秘密帮会 that will tap you on the shoulder one night and show you the way 能够某天晚上轻拍你的肩膀 给你指明方向 because the true secret is 因为真正的秘密在于 your life wi

发表于:2019-02-16 / 阅读(69) / 评论(0) 分类 公众人物毕业演讲