星期天,我买了好多便宜的火腿,但是吃了之后就感到肚子疼! 【口语要素1】Ouch! My stomach hurts! 之后,快到傍晚的时候我就开始拉肚子。 【口语要素2】I have the runs. 我吃了一些药,以为就是

发表于:2018-12-02 / 阅读(48) / 评论(0) 分类 英语场景口语

[00:01.87]我的行李过不了检查。 [00:03.74]Useful Expressions [00:04.75]常用语句 [00:05.77]1.These are all my personal effects. [00:09.22]这些全部都是我的个人用品。 [00:12.67]2.This is a small gift for my friend. [00:16.37]这是

发表于:2018-12-02 / 阅读(64) / 评论(0) 分类 海外求助英语会话

Jessica在北京学汉语,她的中国朋友要是遇到了不知道用美语怎么说的词,就会来请教她。今天是方方要问的:食客。 FF:Jessica, 今晚跟我去吃饭怎么样? Jessica: 好啊! 吃什么! FF: 吃正宗的湖南

发表于:2018-12-02 / 阅读(47) / 评论(0) 分类 美语怎么说

A bad day I felt very bad early today because everything went wrong. Then in the classroom I found that I brought a wrong test book and no pen. Finally when I got home everything became much better. Peter的文章 I felt very bad early today because

发表于:2018-12-07 / 阅读(38) / 评论(0) 分类 我的第一本英文作文书

[ti:UNIT 4 Stay Healthy Lesson 25 What's Wrong with Danny?] [0:00.487]UNIT 4 第四单元 [0:02.009]Stay Healthy 保持健康 [0:03.796]Lesson 25: 第二十五课: [0:05.765]What's Wrong with Danny? 丹尼怎么了? [0:08.754]THINK ABOUT IT! [0:1

发表于:2018-12-10 / 阅读(112) / 评论(0) 分类 河北教育初中英语(初中起点)九年级上

Ever get a sour stomach after your morning coffee? Well, you might end up switching to a dark roastbecause that coffee concoction may leave you with a happier tummy. That's according to the research presented at the American Chemical Society meeting

发表于:2018-12-24 / 阅读(81) / 评论(0) 分类 Scientific American(三)月

[00:03.27]Useful Expressions [00:04.09]常用语句 [00:04.91]1.Do you mind calling an ambulance for me,please? [00:08.16]请替我叫辆救护车,你介意吗? [00:11.42]2.You need a consent of your family for the operation. [00:15.37]开刀的事你务必获得你家人的同

发表于:2018-12-26 / 阅读(136) / 评论(0) 分类 求助英语会话

发表于:2019-01-03 / 阅读(57) / 评论(0) 分类 英文名句短语

李华和Larry一起开车去参加人材招聘会。今天我们要学习两个常用语: butterflies in one's stomach和go overboard. LH: Larry, 我心里特别紧张。你怎么样? LL: Yeah, I have to admit that I'm a bit nervous as well. Eve

发表于:2019-01-15 / 阅读(48) / 评论(0) 分类 美国之音《流行美语》

A: Can you tell me where it hurts? B: I am so glad they called you. It feels like something is really wrong with my stomach! A: Does it hurt when I push here? B: Its mostly on my right side. Right here! A: Have you been feeling this way for awhile? B

发表于:2019-01-15 / 阅读(74) / 评论(0) 分类 英语情景对话-健康

December 29 12月29日 Read it! 读读看! Oh, no! Everyone is getting sick. 糟糕!大家都生病了。 Taylor has a headache. 泰乐头痛, She is also starting to cough a lot. 也开始不断咳嗽。 Alex's stomach doesn't feel very good. 亚

发表于:2019-01-23 / 阅读(41) / 评论(0) 分类 大家说英语

五十句户外经典口语 1 Great minds think alike. (英雄所见略同,这句做第一句最合适不过了,不过最好翻译成英雄 和美女所见略同,嘿嘿) 2 Get going!(赶快动身吧,用在开始行动时) 3 We've got to h

发表于:2019-02-05 / 阅读(31) / 评论(0) 分类 实用英语

In this episode, The Teacher introduces you to three idiomatic phrases connected with insects. 1. Knee-high to a grasshopper 小不点,乳臭未干 例句:Charles started reading when knee-high to a grasshopper. 查尔斯在很小的时候就开始

发表于:2019-02-05 / 阅读(37) / 评论(0) 分类 英语万花筒

I like to eat buffet so much, because I can taste so many food at the same time. There are all kinds of fruits, meat and ice cream, I like them all, so I have great motivation to eat buffet. Every time I eat buffet, I will eat as more as possible, be

发表于:2019-02-05 / 阅读(61) / 评论(0) 分类 英语作文

pooper来自poop。 poop这个词有一种解释是筋疲力尽,说poop out意思是累得喘不过气来了。那么party pooper是聚会上什么样的人呢? 我们通过一个例子来体会吧。这是夫妇俩在商量举办party的事情。他

发表于:2019-02-06 / 阅读(42) / 评论(0) 分类 美国俚语

Go,wash up for lunch,Irma called to Orty。OK,Orty replied,yet when he finally showed up at the table,he was covered with mud from head to toe!The soap was so wet and slippery I couldn't hold it,he explained。Irma sighed。For a little

发表于:2019-02-09 / 阅读(67) / 评论(0) 分类 美国俚语

Plenty of us have spent time sweating it out at the gym, doing sit-ups and crunches til our muscles cramp, with the aim of getting washboard abs. 为了练出搓衣板般健壮的腹肌,很多人都曾在健身大汗淋漓地做仰卧起坐和卷腹运

发表于:2019-02-17 / 阅读(84) / 评论(0) 分类 英语新闻

一直梦想着用英语秒杀老外,机会来了!快来偷学! What are you trying to say? (你到底想说什么?) Don't be silly. (别胡闹了。) How strong are your glasses? (你近视多少度?) Just because. (没有别的原因。)

发表于:2019-02-19 / 阅读(50) / 评论(0) 分类 英语口语

pay for that 支付的费用 You'll pay for that! 你会付出代价的!(我们走着瞧!) How would you like to pay for this? 你想怎么支付? How much did you pay for that? 你花了多少钱? How'd you pay for them? 你是怎么买到

发表于:2019-02-26 / 阅读(63) / 评论(0) 分类 老外最常用的英文短语

Voice 1 Welcome to Spotlight. Im Liz Waid. Voice 2 And Im Joshua Leo. Spotlight uses a special English method of broadcasting. It is easier for people to understand - no matter where in the world they live. Voice 1 Do you know what to do when someone

发表于:2019-03-15 / 阅读(221) / 评论(0) 分类 环球英语 Spotlight