标签:sks发音规则 相关文章
秘诀90 后元音[R]的发音技巧 一、口形解说:? (1)?舌身低平后缩,舌后部抬得比[B]略高;(2)?双唇收的比[B]更圆更小;而且向外突出。 二、疯狂简说:? 在李阳疯狂英语中叫做圆圆唇突出
Exercise 1-28: Sentence Stress with Set Phra ses CD 1 Track41 Repeat the following sentences. 图片1
Review Exercise 8: Russian Rebellion CD 3 Track 58 Rəshəz əfensəv əgnst rebəlz in thəbrikəway reejənəv Chechnyəiz entering ənyu fiz. n thəwən hnd, Rəshən forsəzr teiking fl kəntrol əv thəRəshən kpədəl Grzny, ənd Msko sezthəw
Exercise 13-2: The Letter X CD 4 Track 55 The letter X can sound like either KS or GZ, dependingon the letter that follows the X and where thestress falls. 图片1
[00:00.00]Liaisons:Word connections in American English-Overview [01:03.19]My name is Ann. [01:06.46]American accent [01:09.80]LA [01:12.44]909-5068 [01:16.98]My friend Don knows sick geese. [01:21.06]On the job,Pam may push Sherry. [01:25.21]Go away
Exercise 2-13: PracticingLiaisons CD 3 Track 1 Back up the CD to the last paragraph just read and repeat again. Thistime, however, read from theparagraph below. The intonation is marked for you in boldface. Use your rubber band on everystressed word.
Review Exercise 6: Realty? Maybe! CD 3 Track 56 Repeat the following statements and responses expressing the various feelings. 图片1
Exercise 11-11: Presidential Candidates' Debate CD 4 Track 48 Thəprezədənt təmrrou nidiz əxpectədiniz stidəv thəyoonyən mesəj təprəpouz fedrəl səbzədeez təhelp lou(w)inkəmfmleez ouvrkəm thəsou-kld dijədəl dəvid. Izidənəpropree
《发音练习》 1.Why do you want to sell it? 2.This antique tea set here is gorgeous
Exercise 6-5: R Combinations CD 3 Track 47 Don't think about spelling here. Just pronounce eachcolumn of words as the heading indicates. 图片1
Review Exercise 3: Get a Better Water Heater! CD 3 Track 53 Pause the CD and go through the same steps with Get a better water heater! 图片1
Exercise 4-9: Karina's T Connections CD 3 Track21 Here are some extremely common middle T combinations. Repeat after me: 图片1
Exercise 4-8: Rule 5The Silent T CD 3 Track20 Read the following sentences out loud. Make sure that the underlined Ts are silent. 图片1 图片2
Exercise 4-7: Rule 5The Silent T CD 3 Track 19 [t] and [n] are so close in the mouth thatthe [t] can simply disappear. Repeat. 图片1
Exercise 11-8: Your Own Compound Nouns CD 4 Track 45 Pause the CD and build up your own compound nouns, both subject and object. 图片1
我们都清楚,多练习英语口语才是真正改善发音的唯一办法。但是如果你每天不能和英语母语人士交谈的话,也不必担心!还有很多提高英语口语能力的方法。 1. Listen to yourself. 如果你听不到
一./s/的发音方法: 发 /s/时,两腮向两侧拉开,脸要smile,舌靠近前牙,但不touch前牙,然后吹气就行了.发/s/实际上没有多大问题. 二.//的发音方法: 问题出在发//这个音,把舌头伸到至少跟上下唇一样齐
你知道以kn作为开头的词汇如何发音吗?看看今天的英语点滴来了解更多!你会掌握这个knack(诀窍)并know(知道)这些词汇的正确发音。 这里有一个规则:以字母组合kn开头的英语单词词首的
The hardest word in the English language for foreigners to the pronounce is 'Worcestershire', according to a recent poll. 根据最新调查,对于以非英语为母语的人来说,英语里最难发音的单词是Worcestershire( 伍斯特郡)。