标签:radical 相关文章
[00:00.00]I began to inquire about opportunities [00:03.06] and whenever I searched [00:05.04]the internet for jobs, [00:06.56]I always seemed to be [00:08.09]drawn like a magnet [00:09.74]to the category of teaching. [00:10.94]It did not take long b
Truly Outstanding word 真正出类拔萃的词句 The trend in everyday conversation is to use grandiose words. Outstanding is new good, amazing is the new OK, and huge is the new big. 用词浮夸是如今日常会话的时髦。出类拔萃代替了
Unit 07 On Duty109 值勤 一个年轻士兵,一个怀孕女人,一个奇特的场景。没人能够领会他们当时真正的心理,但只需领会一个人生命中总会偶尔被他人感动,而自己也可能在无意中感动别人,就足够了 The young soldier, stationed on guard at a foreign city street corner
[00:01.28]Hi. I'm Bill O'Reilly. Thanks for watching. 观众朋友们大家好 我是Bill O'Reilly [00:05.68]Tonight's special segment is July 4th. 今天节目的主题是独立日 [00:08.44]Now, most folks will be celebrating by going to a barbecue
[00:06.44]momentous and radical but invisible to most of us, 是翻天覆地的,但却不为我们所知 [00:09.96]cause who knows a farmer anymore? 现在有谁还认识农民? [00:11.64]But their way of life 但是人们的生活方式 [00:15.64]ha
French Ambassador: Religion Not Cause of Riots 法国大使:宗教不是导致暴乱的原因 Ambassador Levitte says last month's unrest was triggered by the accidental electrocution of two Muslim
Chechen Peace Prospects Said to Dim in Aftermath of Maskhadov Killing Recent Chechen history has brought to prominence two separatist leaders who have been fighting Russian forces for about a decade.
奥巴马总统就反恐问题发表罕见重要演说 Islamic State-inspired carnage on U.S. soil is a concept many Americans find unnerving. 极端恐怖组织ISIS在美国本土大肆杀戮的景象令许多美国人深感不安。 It's really sca
In his inaugural address, President Donald Trump repeated his promise to defeat Islamic terrorism: 特朗普总统在其就职演说中反复承诺要打击IS恐怖主义: We will reinforce old alliances and form new ones and unite the civilized wo
rabbit n.兔子 racial a.人种的,种族的 rack n.挂物架,搁物架/v. 使痛苦,折磨 radar n.雷达 radiation n.放射物;辐射线;辐射 radical a.基本的,激进的,激进分子 rag n.碎布,破布,破旧衣服 rage n.愤怒,狂暴
President Obama and his Republican rival Mitt Romney are speaking out this weekend. Mr. Romney is focusing on potential cuts in defense spending. These could happen if President Obama and congressional Republicans cannot reach a new budget deal. As N
If you have failed in the past at trying to make big changes in you life,try again now,one tiny step at a time 如果你曾企图对你的生活做很大的改变,但却总是失败,现在可以试试,每次做一个小改变. Every year it's the sam
BBC news with Ally Macue. Iraqi forces say that one of the highest religious authorities in Islamic State Group has been killed in Mosul.An Iraqi commander said Abdullah al-Badrani, also known as Abu Ayoub al-Atar died in an air strike by the US-led
BBC News with Julie Candela. The American Secretary of State, John Kerry, has staunchly defended Washington's decision to let the U.N. Security Council pass last week's resolution declaring Israeli settlements illegal. Mr. Kerry said the move was des
And we begin tonight Keeping Them Honest with new developments concerning the unproven allegations by five Republican members of Congress that the U.S. government is being infiltrated and subverted (颠覆) by radical jihadists(圣战者), member
Famed as nomadic herders and warriors, the Massai people once dominated the plains of East Africa, migrating from one place to the next, seeking pastures for their cattle. But climate change is causing severe droughts and traditional sources of water
The American Revolution was not a revolution in the sense of a radical or total change. 美国革命其实并不算是一场革命,因为它并未导致完全的和彻底的变化。 It was not a sudden and violent overturning of the political and
Its time to go again to the A Moment of Science mailbag. A listener writes: 又到了我们查看《科学一刻》栏目读者来信的时候了,一位听众这样写道: Dear A Moment of Science, 亲爱的《科学一刻》栏目, My husband
Why Fruit and Vegetables Are the Tops for Good Health? They used to say an apple a day keeps the doctor away. And according to the Department of Health, years of research shows that eating fruit and v
In other countries, women usually take the lead in cabaret. But here in Thailand many feel they are just not the right gender for the job. In Thai society, women are usually very prim and proper, this profession requires them to be outgoing, cheeky