Because of the disaster, a longstanding civil conflict in Indonesia was settled 由于这场灾难 印度尼西亚的长期民事冲突得到了解决 Because we brought back the fishing to them together, 因为我们重振了他们的捕鱼业 We br

发表于:2018-12-30 / 阅读(78) / 评论(0) 分类 公众人物毕业演讲

Perhaps we'll never know what tipped the scales for those young men who did that terrible thing at the Boston Marathon 也许我们永远不会得知是什么 让那些年轻人决定在波士顿马拉松赛上做出如此可怕的事情 Perhaps we w

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And the person with the highest measured IQ here, in this entire crowd, the biggest genius here went into another room 然后再选出你们当中智商最高的人让这位最聪明的人进另一个房间 And then we just kept feeding questions in

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We were like this on the lawn at Georgetown just across the town 我们就像这样坐在城那边乔治敦的草地上 It started out to be a clear day 一开始还天朗气清 Then all of a sudden, this huge storm cloud came over 突然之间暴风云

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And, I'm not quite that old while I'll look it in some days 虽然我还没那么老 但是多些日子就会的 But I also am glad to be here because of the record of this great university 另外一个让我很高兴来到这里的原因是这所优秀

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Because my parents would come up to me with my mom saying very different things than other people. 当时我父母都到这里来母亲说的和其他人都很不同 You know she would come up to me and remind me what I want to remind you all that th

发表于:2019-01-25 / 阅读(59) / 评论(0) 分类 公众人物毕业演讲

4.0 yards per carry and 1600 receiving yards your senior year When I graduated from Stanford, my father, grandfather crowded around me. 你高中最后一年4.0的平均冲球码数和1600的接球总码数我从斯坦福毕业时 我父亲 祖父围着

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Eventually we moved on to beach ball for crying out loud then there was the galactic hail. 最终冰雹达到沙滩球那么大然后还有银河冰雹 And I would try to catch my dad in inconsistencies He would tell me the story about in the mountai

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But when I say a fight, I mean a literal fight Someone had me in a headlock. 反正我这里说的打架是动真格的有人把我脑袋夹住 2 people around my legs and my aid bursts into the council chambers and says Cory. 两个人抱着我的腿这

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And so I do what I have to do and because of honor and righteousness. 于是我做了我必须做的事为了荣耀和正义 I cut everybody in line And now, there is carry-on baggage being thrown at the back of my head. 我插队到每个人的前面这

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And I scream at here, I go, stop! And this woman swings around. 我尖叫到 停这位女士转过身来 Sees a former tight end from Stanford University barrelling down on her, she drops her clipboard. 看到一位曾经的斯坦福大学近端锋朝她

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And I looked at her. Where am I sitting? Ma'am, I'm in first class And this was the first time I had flown in first class. 我看着她 我在哪坐 女士 我可是坐头等舱这是我平生第一次坐头等舱 And they have seats in first class t

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To the nicer row homes by the park I have seen first class having nothing to do with material things. 到公园旁整齐的排屋我看到过同物质事物无关的头等 This world will give you messages that will try to tell you different everyday

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It's not We're all on the same plane. 并不像我们都在同一架飞机上 When we hit turbulence, it shakes us all We may not realize it but it does. When. 碰到紊流时 我们所有人都会摇晃我们可能没意识到 但事实确实如此

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I was going after the big brass ring I was going after something where I could make a difference. 我正追求重要目标我正追求让我出人头地的东西 This was so important And so I didn't have time to follow up on all the details because

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Low-income families and great Americans I still say it's one of the greatest phases i've ever lived in my life. 低收入家庭 以及伟大的美国人我现在仍然认为 这是我生命中最好的时期之一 These buildings some of the greatest

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That I now lead as mayor I want to do something that has probably never been done before at this university. 而我现在则是这座城市的市长我的讲法 可能在这座学校历史上前无古人 I want to stand here as a Christian in all of

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It was a puritan endeavor to find a space of gravity and divinity here on earth While me on the other hand, I at Yale university. 纽瓦克是为清教徒寻找庄严和神圣之地而建立起来的同他很相似 我在耶鲁大学 And proud to sta

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Because for 2 of my years I lived with undergraduates in Pierson College. 因为我有两年和皮尔逊学院的本科生们住在一起 As a yes and yes. 作为 好而且 好 The P is for the P in Pierson College So I just cannot take this is an op

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Class of 2013 All right. 2013届毕业生们很好 I'm a little bit fork length right now because. 我现在很有些激动因为 It is so good to be back here but just that these hats have now have been in this weird state. 很高兴回到这里但这

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