标签:2013年毕业演讲 相关文章
Self-driving automobiles reducing traffic fatalities by 80% while freeing up our commute time. 自动驾驶汽车将减少80%的交通死亡率 并减少通勤时间 A world in which hunger is vanquished by crops that don't need soil, water, fertiliz
We're on the cusp of innovations that will literally change the world. 我们处在创新的最前沿 毫不夸张 这将改变世界 And some of the people who I had the honor of being honored with today with degrees can tell you more about this tha
As my brother Jim would say, go figure International terrorism, stateless actors, pandemic disease. 我兄弟吉姆竟然说 没人说得清 国际恐怖主义 无国籍行动者 大范围流行病 A political movement that can be organized from your
To the east coast, NYC, Washington, D.C., Miami, and down through the Caribbean It was when I returned home to Oregon, immediately after I returned home. 到东海岸 纽约市 华盛顿特区 迈阿密 还去了加勒比我一回到俄勒冈的家中
Who are being recognized here today at the commencement ceremony a federal magistrate. 你们也在今天的授学位典礼上得到了承认一位联邦行政司法官 A president of a prestigious international university and a US senator is a prett
That you may encounter along the way, you will find true success and happiness, if you have only one goal. 任何的挑战 挫折与失意如果你明确了一个目标就会找到真正的成功与快乐 There really is only one, and that is this. T
And for our success as a nation. There has to be some way that this darkness can be banished with light. Says the man whose little boy was massacred. 这种认知对于你自己和国家的兴盛都是必要的必然会有方法使光明驱走黑暗这
Respect and understanding will be critical to avoid conflict and that will take leadership and participation. 尊敬和理解是避免冲突的关键所在这需要领导和参与 So have an opinion Get involved. 拥有自己的主见投身其中 And
Later on, he said, it was the right thing for me to do. 后来 他说 我这样做是正确的. Someone needed to be the first. 总有人要成为第一人. And today, Chester is here celebrating his 50th reunion. 而今天 切斯特在这里庆祝他毕
Be the best father you can be to your children. 当好父亲 尽最大努力照顾你的子女. Because nothing is more important. 因为没有比这更重要的. I was raised by a heroic single mom. 我由单亲妈妈带大 她是一位英雄. Wonde
I know it's raining, but Im going to tell about Frederick. 我知道在下雨 但我想讲讲弗雷德里克。 Frederick started his college career in Ohio. 弗雷德里克在俄亥俄开始他的大学生涯。 Only to find out that his high school
But when it came to their own accomplishments and sense of purpose. 但在他们希望取得的成就和目的面前。 They had no time for excuses. 他们没有时间找借口。 Every one of you have a grandma or an uncle or a parent who's. 你们每
And that motivates me. 正是这些激励了我. So it's up to you to widen your circle of concern. 你们需要拓宽自己关怀的范围. To care about justice for everybody, white, black and brown. 关心所有人的正义 无论白人 黑人 还是
But I will say it betrays a poverty of ambition 我想说的是 如果你只考虑着买到什么商品 If all you think about is what goods you can buy instead of what good you can do 而不考虑能够带来什么福祉 这就有悖于贫穷之志
Black, white and brown 无论黑人 白人 还是棕色人种 To advocate for an America where everybody has got a fair shot in life 我们要让所有美国人 都拥有平等的生存机会 Not just some. Not just a few 不是部分人 更不是少数
Your generation is uniquely poised for success unlike 你们这一代人的成功机会将是最大的 Any generation of African Americans that came before it 比以往任何一代非裔美国人都大 But that doesn't mean we don't have work 但这不
That's the unique sense of purpose that this place has always infused 这是这个地方一直灌输的独特目的观 The conviction that this is a training ground 这是一个训练场 Not only for individual success 目的不仅是训练你取得个
o, you can either choose to use those opportunities 你可以选择使用这些机会 to continue fighting the fights that we've been locked in for decades 继续数十年来人类之间持续的冲突和斗争 or you can choose to reject those old d
You use all that good common sense 你使用所有这些好的常识 And you don't make excuses 你不会找借口 You work hard 你会加倍努力 And you always finish what you start 你将总能善始善终 And no matter what, you give everybody a
And I want to be clear 我要讲清楚 This isn't just some vague platitude about building character 这不仅仅是关于塑造性格的含糊其辞的陈词滥调 In recent years 近年来 we've actually been seeing a growing body of research that