It really is a bit too thick, the Head Mistress of Eton was saying to the Director of Crematoria and Phosphorus Reclamation. 实在太愚蠢了。伊顿公学的女校长对火葬与磷回收场场长说, When I think that I actually ... 在我认为

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Bernard had to shout through the locked door; the Savage would not open. But everybody's there, waiting for you. 伯纳只好对紧闭的门大叫,野蛮人却不肯开门。可是,大家都在那儿等你。 Let them wait, came back the muffled

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The Resident World Controller's Second Secretary had asked her to dinner and breakfast. 驻跸总统的第二秘书请她去用过晚宴,吃过早饭。 She had spent one week-end with the Ford Chief-Justice, and another with the Arch-Community-Son

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Perhaps we had better go on, said Miss Keate, and moved towards the door. 我们还是继续参观吧。季特女士说,向门边走去。 And this, said the Provost a moment later, is Hypnopidic Control Room. 这儿,一会儿以后,院长说,是

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The child scampered off into the bushes and was lost to sight. 那姑娘匆匆地跑掉了,消失在灌木丛里。 Exquisite little creature! said the Director, looking after her. 美妙的小东西!主任望着她说, Then, turning to his stu

发表于:2019-01-29 / 阅读(77) / 评论(0) 分类 美丽新世界

Has any of you been compelled to live through a long time-interval between the consciousness of a desire and its fufilment? 你们有谁产生了欲望却无法满足,只好忍了很久吗? Well, began one of the boys, and hesitated. 唔。一个孩

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Or the Caste System. Constantly proposed, constantly rejected. 或者拿种姓制度来说。就曾经被不断提出,不断遭到否决。 There was something called democracy. As though men were more than physico-chemically equal. 有一种东西叫

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Every man, woman and child compelled to consume so much a year. In the interests of industry. The sole result 每一个男人女人和孩子每年都必须有那么高的消费。为了工业的利益的唯一结果就是 Ending is better than mendin

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Come, Greater Being, Social Friend, Annihilating Twelve-in-One! 来吧,社会的朋友,更大的存在,销毁掉十二个,再融合到一块。 We long to die, for when we end,Our larger life has but begun. 我们渴望死亡,因为我们的毁

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They entered. The air seemed hot and somehow breathless with the scent of ambergris and sandalwood. 两人进了场。龙涎香和檀香的气味不知道怎么使空气似乎又热又闷。 On the domed ceiling of the hall, the colour organ had mome

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Helmholtz Watson was writing when the message came down. 电话打来时赫姆霍尔兹华生先生正在写作。 Tell him I'm coming at once, he said and hung up the receiver. Then, turning to his secretary, I'll leave you to put my things away, he

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With eyes for the most part downcast and, if ever they lighted on a fellow creature, at once and furtively averted, Bernard hastened across the roof. 伯纳匆匆走过屋顶,眼睛大体望着地下,偶然见了人也立即悄悄躲开。 He was

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I should say she was pretty, said a loud and cheery voice just behind him. 我要说她真漂亮。他身后一个声音快活地叫道。 Bernard started and looked around. The chubby red face of Benito Hoover was beaming down at himbeaming with man

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He raged against himselfwhat a fool!against the Directorhow unfair not to give him that other chance, that other chance which, he now had no doubt at all, he had always intended to take. 他对自己大发雷霆多么愚蠢!竟然对主任发起脾气

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The Warden was a blond and brachycephalic Alpha-Minus, short, red, moon-faced, and broad-shouldered, with a loud booming voice, very well adapted to the utterance of hypnop.dic wisdom. 总监是个金头发白皮肤的阿尔法减。矮个儿、脸短而

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We'd gone riding up one of those revolting mountains, and it was horribly hot and oppressive, and after lunch we went to sleep. Or at least I did. She must have gone for a walk, alone. 我们俩在那些叫人恶心的山上骑马玩,天热得可怕,

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Halting for a moment outside the door of the Director's room, Bernard drew a deep breath and squared his shoulders, 二伯纳在主任办公室门口站了一会儿,吸了一口气,挺起了胸脯, bracing himself to meet the dislike and disapp

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Chapter Eight 第八章 Outside, in the dust and among the garbage (there were four dogs now), Bernard and John were walking slowly up and down. 外面,在沙尘和垃圾之中(那儿现在有了四条狗),伯纳在和约翰缓缓地走来走去

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And if you have people in the ordinary way, the others think you're wicked and anti-social. 你要是按照常现接受男人,人家就说你坏,反社会。 They hate and despise you. 就会仇恨你,瞧不起你。 Once a lot of women came an

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The moon was behind him; he looked down into the black shadow of the mesa, into the black shadow of death. 他向下看看石塬漆黑的影子,看看死亡漆黑的影子。 He had only to take one step, one little jump. 他只要向前一步,轻轻

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