DNA tests were new, and the one that Jobs took was done at UCLA. DNA测试在当时还是新鲜事物,乔布斯在加州大学洛杉矶分校进行了测试。 I had read about DNA testing, and I was happy to do it to get things settled, he said. 我

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Throughout 1979 and early 1980 the Macintosh project led a tenuous existence. 从1979年到1980年初,麦金塔项目一直处于奄奄一息的状态。 Every few months it would almost get killed off, but each time Raskin managed to cajole Markku

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Jobs's primary test for recruiting people in the spring of 1981 to be part of his merry band of pirates was making sure they had a passion for the product. 1981年春天,乔布斯在为自己的Mac团队招兵买马,他招募成员的主要标准就

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Although his focus was on the Macintosh, 尽管乔布斯关注的重点在麦金塔电脑上, Jobs wanted to create a consistent design language for all Apple products. 但他还在寻求为所有的苹果产品创造统一的设计风格。 So he

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Kare also developed the icons, such as the trash can for discarding files, 卡雷也开发了图标--例如放置被删除文件的垃圾箱, that helped define graphical interfaces. 这是图形界面中不可缺少的。 She and Jobs hit it off b

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Sculley's background was very different from Jobs's. 斯卡利的背景和乔布斯很不一样。 His mother was an Upper East Side Manhattan matron who wore white gloves when she went out, 他的母亲是曼哈顿上东区一位很有身份的夫人,

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The Courtship 求爱 Mike Markkula had never wanted to be Apple's president. 迈克马库拉从来就没想过要当苹果公司的总裁。 He liked designing his new houses, flying his private plane, and living high off his stock options; 他喜欢设

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Veterans of the Mac team had learned that they could stand up to Jobs. Mac团队的资深成员意识到,他们可以勇敢地面对乔布斯。 If they knew what they were talking about, he would tolerate the pushback, even admire it. 如果他们清

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This was self-delusion, and it was a recipe for disaster. 这是一种自我欺骗,迟早会酿成灾难。 Jobs began to sense it early on. 乔布斯很早就察觉到了这点。 We had different ways of looking at the world, different views on p

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Matters came to a head when Jobs visited New York in March 1983 乔布斯于1983年3月访问了纽约, and was able to convert the courtship into a blind and blinding romance. 向斯卡利发起了猛烈的攻势,事情的发展到了关键时刻。

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That put all the more pressure on the Macintosh, due out in January 1984, three months away, to save the day against IBM. 这一切都令将于3个月后(即1984年1月)发布的麦金塔电脑压力更大,它将成为扭转败局的关键。 A

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Hovering Backstage 在幕后彷徨 It's rare that you see an artist in his thirties or forties able to really contribute something amazing, 你很少能见到一个艺术家在三四十岁时还能有令人惊叹的作品。 Jobs declared as he was a

发表于:2019-02-09 / 阅读(103) / 评论(0) 分类 乔布斯传

Johnson said that the size of a store signaled the importance of the brand. 约翰逊认为商铺的面积能够体现品牌的重要性。 Is Apple as big of a brand as the Gap? he asked. 他问道:苹果有GAP那么大牌吗? Jobs said it was m

发表于:2019-02-13 / 阅读(108) / 评论(0) 分类 乔布斯传

Machines and robots were painted and repainted as he compulsively revised his color scheme. 由于他强迫症似的不断修改配色方案,机器和机器人被喷涂了一遍又一遍。 The walls were museum white, as they had been at the Macin

发表于:2019-02-15 / 阅读(84) / 评论(0) 分类 乔布斯传

To Be on Your Own 靠自己 The best thing ever to happen to Steve is when we fired him, told him to get lost, Arthur Rock later said. 对于史蒂夫来说,最好的事情就是我们解雇了他,叫他滚蛋。亚瑟罗克之后说道。 The th

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From Jobs's perspective, he had been honest. 从乔布斯的角度来看,自己是诚实的。 The five were not division managers or members of Sculley's top team. 这5位准备弃船的员工并非部门经理,也不是斯卡利髙层团队的成

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Nevertheless Jobs and Sculley bent to the agency's entreaties and ran the commercial during the Super Bowl. 不过,乔布斯和斯卡利屈从于广吿公司的意愿,在美国橄榄球超级碗大赛中播放该段广告。 They went to the game

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For the time being, Jobs and Sculley were able to convince themselves that their friendship was still strong. 当时,乔布斯和斯卡利相信彼此之间的友谊依然坚固。 They professed their fondness so effusively 他们经常热情洋溢地

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For a few more weeks Jobs and the board kept looking for a permanent CEO. 接下来几个星期,乔布斯和董事会一直在寻找一位正式的CEO。 Various names surfaced -- George M. C. Fisher of Kodak, Sam Palmisano at IBM, Ed Zander at Sun

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When the leadership issue was partly resolved by Amelio's ouster, one of Jobs's first phone calls was to Gates. 当阿梅里奥的驱逐者部分地解决了领导权的问题后,乔布斯首先打电话的对象之一就是盖茨。 Jobs recalled:

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