And when that happens, all sorts of neat things happen. 当万事俱备的时候,就会出现良性循环。 One, the students can actually master the concepts, but they're also building their growth mindset, 首先,学生能够真正掌握知识,
So the idea of mastery learning is to do the exact opposite. 然而掌握式教育的观念就是反其道而行之。 Instead of artificially constraining, fixing when and how long you work on something, 将人为的限制、僵化、何时学习和学
And that process continues, and you immediately start to realize how strange this is. 随着课程不断推进,你会突然间发现,这种感觉不太对劲。 I didn't know 25 percent of the more foundational thing, and now I'm being pushed to
And so with our overhelp, our overprotection and overdirection and hand-holding, 随着我们的过度帮助,过度保护,过度指导和过度关怀, we deprive our kids of the chance to build self-efficacy, which is a really fundamental tenet
And even though we might help them achieve some short-term wins by overhelping 即使我们可以通过这种过度帮助来让他们获得一些短期的成功 like they get a better grade if we help them do their homework, 比如帮他们做作业而
We all know this, and yet, in the checklisted childhood, 我们都已经清楚,在清单式童年中, we absolve our kids of doing the work of chores around the house, 我们不让孩子做家里的杂活, and then they end up as young adults i
All right, so you're thinking, chores and love, that sounds all well and good, but give me a break. 好,你可能会想,家务和爱,这听起来很好,但是得了吧。 The colleges want to see top scores and grades and accolades and awards
I have to admit something to you. 我得向你们坦白一些事。 I've got two kids I mentioned, Sawyer and Avery. They're teenagers. 我刚才提到我的两个孩子,Sawyer和Avery,他们都十来岁。 And once upon a time, I think I was tre
Back in 2003, the UK government carried out a survey. 早在2003年,英国政府进行了一项调查。 And it was a survey that measured levels of numeracy in the population. 目的是了解国民的算术能力。 And they were shocked to find o
Now, it's not just an English problem. 实际上,不仅英国存在这样的的问题。 OECD this year released some figures looking at numeracy in young people, OECD今年发布了一些关于青少年计算能力的数据, and leading the way,
And I was so thrilled with this study, I started to take questions out in presentations. I was referring to it. 我对这个研究感到很兴奋,并开始在各种演讲中提出这个问题。 Now, I did a presentation at St. Paul's School for Gi
So extraordinary variations, and surprising to some, 如此巨大的差异震惊了一些人, but not surprising to people who have read the work of Daniel Kahneman, for example, the Nobel-winning economist. 但是对一些人来说并不惊讶,比
So I devised a quiz: How well do you know your area? 对此我设计了一个测试:你对你居住的地区了解多少? It's a simple Web app. 这是一个简单的网络应用。 You put in a post code and then it will ask you questions based
How about the next question? This is asking about what the average age is, 那么下一个问题呢?这是问关于年龄的中位数, so the age at which half the population are younger and half the population are older. 也就是该地区大于和
This URL contains the words statistics, gov and UK, which are three of people's least favorite words in a URL. 这个网址包含单词统计,gov和UK,这三个是在网址中最不受欢迎的单词。 And the amazing thing about this was that t
I'm going to talk to you about some stuff that's in this book of mine that I hope will resonate with other things you've already heard, 我想在这里谈谈我这本书里的部分内容,希望它和你们已经听到过的一些事物引起共鸣,
This is my supermarket. Not such a big one. I want to say just a word about salad dressing. 这是我家附近的一个超市。不算很大。我只想说说这里的色拉调料。 175 salad dressings in my supermarket, 我这家超市有175种各式
It's the part of mathematics that even mathematicians don't particularly like, 统计是数学的一部分,但是它是连数学家都不怎么喜欢的那一部分, because whereas the rest of maths is all about precision and certainty, statisti
I want to say -- just a little autobiographical moment -- that I actually am married to a wife, and she's really quite wonderful. 我想抽一点时间说说自己,我娶了我现在的太太,她是一个很好的妻子。 I couldn't have done be
So, in other aspects of life that are much more significant than buying things, the same explosion of choice is true. Health care. 同样,在生活里的其它一些比购物更对我们产生影响事情上,这种选择的爆炸同样存在。医疗
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- TED演讲:学习新语言的四个理由(1)
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