And this, then, led to my big questions. And they're the same ones that I have today. 这让我想到一个大问题。一些我今日仍然在想的问题。 And they are: why do things happen, and how do things happen? 为什么事情会发生,它们

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We are all concerned with things that we see in the world that we are aware of. 我们总是在意这世界上我们所感知的事物。 We come to this point and say, what do I as an individual do? 我们对自己说:我能做什么? Not all of

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Once I identified this question, it was all over the place. 一旦你意识到这个问题,就发现它无所不在。 I got these hints everywhere. And then, in a way, I knew that they had always been there. 在哪里都能看到它的痕迹。同时

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Now, what's encapsulated in both these drowning metaphors -- actually, one of them is my mother's interpretation, 暗藏在这两个溺水故事中的比喻是其中一个说法来自我母亲, and it is a famous Chinese saying, because she said it

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There is also the uncertainty principle, which is part of quantum mechanics, as I understand it. 在量子力学中还有测不准原理,至少我想有。 And this happens constantly in the writing. 同样的事也时常发生在写作中。 And t

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Also, one of the principles of creativity is to have a little childhood trauma. 创意的其中一项原则是拥有童年的心理创伤。 And I had the usual kind that I think a lot of people had, and that is that, you know, I had expectations pla

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Now in the nature area, we look at whether or not we are innately equipped with something, 在天份的方面,我们必须要检视我们是否生来就有这天赋, perhaps in our brains, some abnormal chromosome that causes this muse-like effec

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The Value of Nothing: Out of Nothing Comes Something. 无的价值:无中生有的可能。 That was an essay I wrote when I was 11 years old and I got a B+. 这是一篇我在十一岁时写的作文,当时我拿了个乙等。 What I'm going to

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Then there are artists who are extracting anatomy from both the medical world and the art world 还有些艺术家将解剖学从艺术和医学中抽离, and are placing it directly on the streets. 直接带上了街头。 London-based SHOK-1 pain

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Fear of anatomy and guts is a learned reaction. 对解剖的恐惧不是天生的。 This anatomization also extends to politically and socially charged objects. 这种解剖艺术也蔓延到了政治和社会话题上。 In Noah Scalin's Anatomy of

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And for me it's a balance between the technique and a concept that pushes the boundaries of anatomy as a way to know thyself, 我觉得重点是要平衡技巧和突破解剖学自我认知的理念, which is why the work of Michael Reedy struck me

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Nothing can elicit an emotional response -- 任何事物都无法像人体一样 from joy to complete disgust -- more than the human body. 表达诸多情感--从快乐到厌恶至极。 And today, artists armed with that emotion, 当今,艺术家正

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They also showed them as very much dead -- unwillingly stripped of their skin. 同样,也可以画得很逼真--被硬剥去外皮。 Disembodied limbs were often posed in literal still lives. 脱离躯干的肢体通常作为静物写生的对象。

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And for the public, medical illustrations may only be encountered passively on the walls of a doctor's office. 而对于普通人来说,医学插画可能只是偶尔在医生办公室的墙上瞥见过。 From the beginnings of modern medicine, me

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As a lover of human anatomy, 作为人体解剖学的爱好者, I'm so excited that we're finally putting our bodies at the center of focus. 我很高兴我们终于开始关注人体之美了。 Through practices such as preventive medicine, patient

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There are also things, quite uncanny, which bring me information that will help me in the writing of the book. 除此以外,还有一些离奇的事件在写作时为我带来了不同的写作资料。 In this case, I was writing a story that incl

发表于:2018-12-30 / 阅读(125) / 评论(0) 分类 TED演讲设计篇

A big thing that I also think about is accidents. 我也时常想到意外。 And as I said, my mother did not believe in randomness. What is the nature of accidents? 如我所说,我母亲从不相信偶然。那意外又是什么? And how are w

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So I remained with them, and the more I wrote that story, the more I got into those beliefs, 所以我决定留下来和他们一起,我写的越多,我便越相信这些信仰, and I think that's important for me -- to take on the beliefs, bec

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So when I decided to create an art piece in Manshiyat Naser, 当我决定在曼斯亚特纳赛尔创建一个艺术品 the neighborhood of the Cairo garbage collectors in Egypt, 在埃及开罗附近的垃圾收集处 I never thought this project wou

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The next thing that you need to understand as a principle is that when you introduce change, 下一个你必须要去理解的事情是当你想要改变的时候 you need to do it extraordinarily carefully. 需要格外仔细 Now I often have joked

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