Now, the next thing that you need to understand is how to design with data. 另外一件你需要明白的事情就是如何在设计过程中应用数据。 Now, when you're working on products like this, 当你在设计一件这样的产品的时候,

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What do you think of when I say the word design? 当我说设计这个词的时候你会想到什么? You probably think of things like this, 你可能会想到, finely crafted objects that you can hold in your hand, 可以触摸到的精致的物品

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I mean, architects have been thinking about these ideas for a long time. What we need to do now, 我想,建筑师很长时间一直在思考这个问题,我们现在需要去做的, develop things that can scale to those 300 million Chinese people

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That left the chassis unencumbered, so you can do things like fold, so you can fold this little vehicle up to occupy a tiny little footprint. 这使得底盘灵活不收阻碍,所以你可以进行底盘折叠,你可以把这辆小车折叠起来使

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Maybe not the way people dress, but you know, the question now is, how can we have all the good things that we identify with cities without all the bad things? 人们的衣着可能不会是这样,但要知道,现在的问题是,我们要如何对

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I thought I would start with a very brief history of cities. 我觉得我得从城市的历史简单说起。 Settlements typically began with people clustered around a well, and the size of that settlement was roughly the distance you could walk wit

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And we try to use one of these phones from time to time to keep in touch with their reality. 而且我们尝试着时常使用这些手机以确保我们了解用户的实际使用情况。 So what does it mean to design at a global scale? 所以这个

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The Zaraeeb, that's how they call themselves, which means the pig breeders, 照片上的这个人所代表的是自称Zaraeeb的一个群体,意思是猪的饲养者 have been collecting the garbage of Cairo and sorting it in their own neighborhood

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In every work that I create, I write messages with my style of Arabic calligraphy. 在我创作的每一样作品中,我都用阿拉伯的书法风格写要旨 I make sure those messages are relevant to the place where I am painting 我确保这些信

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So his perception towards the project changed, 此后,他对这个项目的看法发生了改变 and my perception towards the community changed also, and towards what they do. 同时,我对于这个社区的看法以及对于他们的看法也改变

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The building number 3 was the house of Uncle Bakheet and Aunty Fareeda. 3号建筑是Bakheet叔叔和Fareeda阿姨的房子 In Egyptian, they have this expression that says, Ahsen Nas, which means the best people. 在埃及,他们有这样一句话

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I think I never drink as much tea as I did in Egypt. 我感觉我从来没喝过这么多的茶 And to be honest with you, we could have finished earlier, 老实说,我们其实可以提前竣工 but I think it took us three weeks because of all th

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At the beginning of the project, I numbered all those buildings on my sketch, 项目初期,我在我的设计稿上给所有的这些建筑编了号 and there was no real interaction with the community. 但这些并没有真正的与社区产生互动

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Imagine that when you walked in here this evening, 想象一下当你在今晚步入这里时, you discovered that everybody in the room looked almost exactly the same: ageless, raceless, generically good-looking. 你发现所有在场的人看上去

发表于:2018-12-05 / 阅读(91) / 评论(0) 分类 TED演讲设计篇

Let me give you an example of how a city's surfaces affect the way we live in it. 我来举个例子看看一个城市的外观是如何影响人们生活方式的吧。 When I visited Salamanca in Spain, I gravitated to the Plaza Mayor at all hours

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So one contemporary equivalent of the Plaza Mayor in Salamanca is the Place de la Dfense in Paris, 说一个与萨拉曼卡的马约尔广场相较衡的现代广场,巴黎的协和广场, a windswept, glass-walled open space that office workers

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Now, I'm not against glass. It's an ancient and versatile material. 我并不是反对使用玻璃。玻璃毕竟是一种古老且通用性强的材料。 It's easy to manufacture and transport and install and replace and clean. 它们易于大量生产

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But glass has a limited ability to be expressive. 但是玻璃的表现力毕竟是有局限的。 This is a section of wall framing a plaza in the pre-Hispanic city of Mitla, in southern Mexico. 这是在墨西哥南部前西班牙城米特拉一个广

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But the truth is that these are mostly one-offs, boutique projects, not easily reproduced at a global scale. 但事实是这些往往都只是个例,精品工程没办法轻易的在全球范围内普及。 And that is the point. When you use mater

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The firm Ennead clad the Utah Natural History Museum in Salt Lake City in copper and zinc, Ennead公司用铜和锌包裹了位于盐湖城的犹他自然历史博物馆, ores that have been mined in the area for 150 years and that also camouflage

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