时间:2018-12-18 作者:英语课 分类:TED演讲设计篇


 Now, the next thing that you need to understand is how to design with data.  另外一件你需要明白的事情就是如何在设计过程中应用数据。

Now, when you're working on products like this,  当你在设计一件这样的产品的时候,
you have incredible amounts of information about how people are using your product that you can then use to influence your design decisions, 你有大量关于人们会怎样使用你的产品的信息,这将会影响你的设计理念,
but it's not just as simple as following the numbers.  但是这不仅仅只关系到一堆数字。
Let me give you an example so that you can understand what I mean.  让我来举一个例子,你就会明白我在说什么了。
Facebook has had a tool for a long time that allowed people to report photos that may be in violation 1 of our community standards,  脸书在很久之前就有一个工具是用来让人们反馈那些照片可能会给人们带来不便的照片,
things like spam and abuse.  例如就好像垃圾邮件和滥用信息。
And there were a ton of photos reported,  每天有成千上万的照片被上传,
but as it turns out,  但是事实证明,
only a small percentage were actually in violation of those community standards.  只有很小的一部分违反社区标准。
Most of them were just your typical party photo.  大多数是派对的照片。
Now, to give you a specific hypothetical example,  我们来假设一个具体的例子,
let's say my friend Laura hypothetically uploads a picture of me from a drunken night of karaoke.  比如假设我有个好朋友叫劳拉,她上传了一张我醉酒后在卡拉ok的照片。
This is purely 2 hypothetical, I can assure you.  我向你保证,这真的只是一个假设。
Now, incidentally,  顺便说一句,
you know how some people are kind of worried that their boss or employee is going to discover embarrassing photos of them on Facebook?  你也知道现在有一些人担心他们的老板或是员工看到他们在脸书上的不雅照片?
Do you know how hard that is to avoid when you actually work at Facebook?  你知道不让我的朋友看见这些照片有多么困难么,尤其是我还在facebook上班!
So anyway, there are lots of these photos being erroneously reported as spam and abuse,  所以,当大量这类照片被当成是垃圾信息或是信息滥用来处理的时候,
and one of the engineers on the team had a hunch 3.  团队的一个工程师有了预感。
He really thought there was something else going on and he was right,  他觉得这当中一定有什么,而且 他是对的,
because when he looked through a bunch of the cases,  因为当他看到这么多案例以后,
he found that most of them were from people who were requesting the takedown of a photo of themselves.  他发现大多数的反馈信息是来自那些照片的当事人,他们要求删除有他们自己的照片。
Now this was a scenario 4 that the team never even took into account before.  在这之前,我们的团队从未考虑到这个情况问题。
So they added a new feature that allowed people to message their friend to ask them to take the photo down.  所以他们新加了一个功能就是允许人们发信息给他们的朋友让他们把照片删除。
But it didn't work.  但是,这并不起作用。
Only 20 percent of people sent the message to their friend.  只有百分之二十的人给他们的朋友发了消息。
So the team went back at it.  所以我们的工作人员又回到了这个问题上。
They consulted with experts in conflict resolution.  他们咨询了专家该如何解决冲突。
They even studied the universal principles of polite language,  他们甚至学习了礼貌用语的通用原则,
which I didn't even actually know existed until this research happened.  直到他们做了这项研究以前我都不知道还有这样原则存在,
And they found something really interesting.  我们的工作人员发现了 一件很有趣的事情,
They had to go beyond just helping 5 people ask their friend to take the photo down.  他们不仅仅帮助人们让他们朋友把照片从网上删除。
They had to help people express to their friend how the photo made them feel.  同时也让他们的朋友了解到被上传照片的人的心情。
Here's how the experience works today.  如今的设计就是这个经历所带来的。
So I find this hypothetical photo of myself,  当我看到自己这张假设的照片的时候,
and it's not spam, it's not abuse,  它既不是垃圾邮件也不是滥用邮件,
but I really wish it weren't on the site.  但是我真的不希望在网上看到这张照片。
So I report it and I say,  所以我反馈了意见,并写道,
I'm in this photo and I don't like it,  我在这张照片里,但是我不喜欢这张照片,
and then we dig deeper.  然后我们进一步去探讨。
Why don't you like this photo of yourself?  为什么你不喜欢这张有你自己的照片?
And I select It's embarrassing.  我选择了:它让我感到难堪。
And then I'm encouraged to message my friend,  然后我被鼓励去发消息给我的朋友,
but here's the critical difference.  然而这就是不同的关键。
I'm provided specific suggested language that helps me communicate to Laura how the photo makes me feel.  脸书上会给我提供专门的建议用语用来帮助我和劳拉交流我对这个照片的想法。
Now the team found that this relatively 6 small change had a huge impact.  我们的工作人员发现,这个小小的改变带来了巨大的影响。
Before, only 20 percent of people were sending the message,  在这之前,只有20%的人会发信息给他们的朋友,
and now 60 percent were,  但是现在有60%的人会去发消息,
and surveys showed that people on both sides of the conversation felt better as a result.  据调查显示对话的双方最后都会觉得不错。
That same survey showed that 90 percent of your friends want to know if they've done something to upset you.  据同一调查显示,你90%的朋友希望知道自己是否做了什么让你不高兴的事情。
Now I don't know who the other 10 percent are,  我不知道另外10%的人的想法,
but maybe that's where our Unfriend feature can come in handy.  但是也许就是到了我们解除好友的按键非常好用的时候了。
So as you can see,  正如你所看到的,
these decisions are highly nuanced.  这些改变是很微妙的。
Of course we use a lot of data to inform our decisions,  当然,这个过程中我们用了很多数据来支持我们的决定,
but we also rely very heavily on iteration,  同时我们以反复试验,
research, testing, intuition, human empathy.  研究,测试,直觉以及人类的同理心为主。
It's both art and science.  这是艺术和科学的融合。
Now, sometimes the designers who work on these products are called data-driven,  现在有时候,我们也把这些设计者叫做数据驱动者,
which is a term that totally drives us bonkers.  这完全一个让我们疯狂的词。
The fact is, it would be irresponsible of us not to rigorously test our designs when so many people are counting on us to get it right, 事实上,我们会因为没有严格测试我们的设计产品而被认为是不负责任的,尤其是当有那么多的人在指望着我们做对事情的时候,
but data analytics will never be a substitute for design intuition.  但是数据分析绝对不会代替设计的直觉。
Data can help you make a good design great,  数据能帮助我们使设计变得更加完美,
but it will never made a bad design good.  但是绝对不会把一个不好的设计变成好的。

1 violation
  • He roared that was a violation of the rules.他大声说,那是违反规则的。
  • He was fined 200 dollars for violation of traffic regulation.他因违反交通规则被罚款200美元。
2 purely
  • I helped him purely and simply out of friendship.我帮他纯粹是出于友情。
  • This disproves the theory that children are purely imitative.这证明认为儿童只会单纯地模仿的理论是站不住脚的。
3 hunch
  • I have a hunch that he didn't really want to go.我有这么一种感觉,他并不真正想去。
  • I had a hunch that Susan and I would work well together.我有预感和苏珊共事会很融洽。
4 scenario
  • But the birth scenario is not completely accurate.然而分娩脚本并非完全准确的。
  • This is a totally different scenario.这是完全不同的剧本。
5 helping
  • The poor children regularly pony up for a second helping of my hamburger. 那些可怜的孩子们总是要求我把我的汉堡包再给他们一份。
  • By doing this, they may at times be helping to restore competition. 这样一来, 他在某些时候,有助于竞争的加强。
6 relatively
  • The rabbit is a relatively recent introduction in Australia.兔子是相对较新引入澳大利亚的物种。
  • The operation was relatively painless.手术相对来说不痛。
标签: TED演讲
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