音标:[rest] ; 柯林斯词典等级:4 级; 牛津三千核心词汇;
n. 休息, 睡眠, 安息, 稍息, 静止, 支架, 休息处, 其余者, 剩余部分
vi. 休息, 睡, 长眠, 安心, 静止, 停止, 安置, 依赖
vt. 使休息, 使支撑, 把...寄托于
n. freedom from activity (work or strain or responsibility)
n. a state of inaction
n. euphemisms for death (based on an analogy between lying in a bed and in a tomb)
n. a support on which things can be put
词型变化:现在分词 : resting ; 过去式 : rested ; 第三人称单数 : rests ; 名词复数形式 : rests ; 过去分词 : rested



  1. We'll eat some of the bread and keep the rest for breakfast.我们将吃一点面包,剩下的留到早饭时吃。
  2. You look tired. You need a good rest.你看来累了。你需要好好休息一下。
  3. A rest shall be placed at the end of a row of books to keep them upright.一排书的末端应放个支撑物以使书本保持直立。
  4. When the song came to a rest, she paused for a while.唱到了休止符的时候,她停顿了一下。
  1. It would be nice to sit down and rest for a while.坐下来休息一会儿是很好的。
  2. Rest the ladder against the wall.把梯子靠在墙上吧。
  3. His chin rested on his hands.他双手托着下巴。
  4. His brown eyes rested on her for a moment.他的棕色眼睛盯着她看了一会儿。
  5. The original manuscript rests in the museum.原始手稿在博物馆里。
  6. How could a country rest its security on such promises?一个国家怎么能让自己的安全依赖这类诺言呢?
  7. The whole argument rests on a false assumption.整个论点都是基于一个错误的假设。
  8. He urged the council not to let the matter rest.他敦促委员会不要对这个问题不了了之。
  9. She was laid to rest beside her late husband.她被安葬在亡夫的墓旁。


  1. Sunday is a day of rest.星期天是休息日。
  2. She needs rest after her long illness.她在久病之后需要静养一段时间。
  3. You need a good night's rest.你需要好好睡一觉。
  4. Give it a rest, can't you?你不能安静一会儿吗?
  5. The ball rolled down the hill and came to rest at the bottom.球从小山上滚下来,到山脚处停住了。
  6. The medicine gave the sick man a short rest from pain.这药使病人的疼痛暂时止住。
  7. Wrestling desperately with the controls, the pilot finally managed to bring his aircraft to rest in a cornfield.飞行员使出全身解数来操纵装置,终于使飞机停在玉米地里。
  8. This wall will do as a rest for your camera .这墙可以作为你的照相机的支撑物。
  9. Take what you want and throw the rest away .将你所要的拿去,把剩下的丢掉。
  10. If you give five dollars, they will make up the rest.如果你出五美元,其余的他们会凑齐的。
  11. She lived the rest of her life in Vienna.她在维也纳度过了余生。
  12. The rest of the old man was happy.这位老人的晚年很幸福。
  13. The rest of the clan thinks the uniform is only fit for a barbarian or a man of the lowest class.家族里的其他人员认为,这样的制服只适合野蛮人或最低贱的人穿。
  14. Some agree with Jim, but the rest of us agree with Sam.有些人赞成吉姆,但其余的人都赞成萨姆。
  15. The rest needs no telling.其余的就不需要说了。
  16. The rest are to wait for us.其余的人要等我们。
  17. He's only got one shirt, because all the rest (of them) are being washed.他只剩下一件衬衫了,其余的正在洗。
  1. Is he resting any better today?他今天休息得好吗?
  2. You'll feel better after you've rested.你休息过后就会觉得好些。
  3. We just want to rest during the summer vacation.暑假期间我们只是想休息。
  4. Tired after walking,I sat down on a rock to rest.我走累了就坐在一块岩石上休息。
  5. The hikers rested a while.那些徒步旅行者休息了片刻。
  6. To one side of the road rested three trucks.公路的一侧停着三辆卡车。
  7. He is too feverish to rest.他兴奋得安静不下来。
  8. I could not rest under the imputation.我受到诋毁,无法平静。
  9. Never let your enemy rest.让敌人永远不得安宁。
  10. She couldn't rest easy until her daughter was back.直到她女儿回来时她才放了心。
  11. The matter cannot rest here.这件事不能到此为止。
  12. The waves in the sea roll day and night.They never rest.大海的波涛昼夜翻腾,永不停息。
  13. The police said they wouldn't rest until all the criminals were caught.警方说,他们不把所有的罪犯都逮住绝不罢休。
  14. The sleds rested at the bottom of the hill.那些雪橇停在山脚下。
S+~+ n -A
  1. My mother rests an hour every afternoon.我母亲每天下午休息一小时。
用作系动词S+~+ n.
  1. The murder rested a mystery.那个谋杀案仍是个谜。
S+~+ adj.
  1. We can't rest easy until they're safely back.要等他们安全返回时,我们才能放心。
  2. Rest assured that misbehaviour will not go unpunished.你可以相信,对不规矩的行为是不会不追究的。
用作及物动词S+~+ n./pron.
  1. She rested herself there for a long time.她在那儿休息了很久。
  2. You must rest your soldier after a march.行军以后你得让士兵休息。
  3. We stopped to rest the horses.我们停下来让马休息一下。
  4. These sunglasses rest my eyes.这副太阳镜使我的眼睛感觉舒适。
  5. She was obliged to lie down every day after dinner to rest her legs.她只好每天饭后躺下歇一歇腿。
  6. Halfway up the mountain we stopped to rest our feet.爬到半山腰,我们停下来歇歇脚。
  7. I want to leave London—and rest my brain.我要离开伦敦,让大脑放松一下。
  8. The defence rested its case without presenting a single witness.被告方未提出一个证人就自愿停止对该案的辩论。
  9. I rest my case, my lord.法官大人,我对案情已陈述完毕。
It ~s/ed+ n./pron. +to- v
  1. It rests me to watch to kids play skip rope.看孩子们玩跳绳我很惬意。


at rest
    安息 rest in peace
for the rest
    至于其他,除此之外 as far as other matters are concerned; apart from that
go to one's rest
    安息,长眠 go to sleep forever
go to rest
    就寝,去睡觉 go to bed
lay to rest
    取消 abolish
take〔have〕 a rest
    休息一下 take freedom from activity or from sth tiring or worrying
take (one's) rest
    就寝,睡觉 go to bed
rest against (v.+prep.)
    (使)靠在…之上,由某物支撑 (cause to) lean against; be supported by (sth)rest against sth

    Her cheek came to rest against my shoulder.


    rest sth against sth

    Rest the ladder against the wall.


    He rested his back against the schoolroom door.


rest from (v.+prep.)
    停下…休息 stop working after (work); change one's activity to sth such different or less tiring than (sth)rest from sth

    You need to rest from your labours, you look very tired.


    rest sth from sth/v-ing

    Rest my voice from much talking.


rest in (v.+prep.)
    寄…于 place (faith, trust, etc.) in (sb/sth)rest in sth

    It was so comfortable resting in his arms.


    My father is dead, may he rest in peace.


    rest sb/oneself/sth in sth

    Let us rest his body in his family grave.


    Some villagers were resting themselves in the shade.


    rest in sth

    A good share of the answer rested in the kind of pride that is stimulated by the job, by the activity of accomplishing.


    rest sth in sb

    The nation rests too much power in the President.


    rest sth in sb/sth

    The teachers always say that the country rests its hope in us, so we should not let the people down.


    I have always rested complete faith in your ability to deal with matters of sudden urgency.


rest on〔upon〕 (v.+prep.)
    接触到,达到或朝向; (使)落在…上 (cause to) touch, reach, descend; be directed towards (sth)rest on〔upon〕 sth

    Her elbows were resting on the table.


    The bridge rests on stone arches.


    rest on〔upon〕 sth

    The plan rests on your cooperation.


    All their hopes rested upon this venture.


    One theory about the existence of extraterrestrial life rests on the presence of carbon compounds in meteorites.


    The industry in Britain rests on a broad and firm base.


    Keats' reputation as a great poet rests largely upon the odes and the later sonnets.


    Our policy should rest on the basis of self-reliance.


    rest sth on〔upon〕 sb

    The poor mother rests all her hope upon her son.


    Her parents have three children, but two of them are good for nothing.They rest all their hopes on her.


    rest on〔upon〕 sth

    His eyes rested on the peaceful valley below.


    rest sth on〔upon〕 sth

    It's good to rest one's eyes on such a beautiful view.


rest up (v.+adv.)
    休养,休息 have a complete rest as from illness or weaknessrest up

    I think I'll just rest up for an hour or two before starting work again.


rest with (v.+prep.)
    在于,取决于 be left in the hands or charge of sbrest with sb

    The burden rests with me.


    The ultimate responsibility rests with the President.


    The management of affairs rests with Wolsey.


    Putting the children to bed rests with the baby-sitter.


    The fate of this prisoner rests with the judge.


    Any further investigation rests with the supervisor.


    It rests with you to propose terms.


    Whether the talks are successful or not rests with a small number of people.



用作名词 (n.)
  • come to rest静止下来,停止移动
  • enjoy a rest享受休息
  • get a rest休息一下
  • give sb no rest不让某人休息
  • have a rest休息一下
  • have a good night's rest一夜睡得很好
  • hope for a rest希望休息
  • make a rest休息一会儿
  • need a rest需要休息
  • obtain a rest得到休息
  • retire to rest去休息,去睡
  • snatch a rest抓紧时间休息一下
  • take a rest休息一会儿
  • take one's rest就寝
  • destroy the rest (of)毁坏了(…的)其余部分
  • do the rest of做(…的)其余部分
  • keep the rest for oneself自己保留其余的部分
  • know the rest of知道〔了解〕…的其余部分
  • take the rest (of)拿走(…的)其余部分
  • a little rest稍事休息
  • active rest积极的休息
  • comfortable rest舒舒服服的休息
  • complete rest完全休息
  • good rest痛痛快快地休息一会儿
  • momentary rest临时休息,暂短的休息
  • passive rest消极的休息
  • short rest短暂的休息
  • some rest休息一会儿
  • well-earned rest应得的休息
  • bed rest卧床休息
  • chin rest颏托
  • one day's rest一天时间的休息
  • rest home疗养院
  • rest house招待所,客栈
  • after a rest休息一会儿后
  • at rest平静,安静
  • at parade rest(军队口令)稍息
  • an hour for rest一小时的休息时间
  • without any rest不曾休息
  • rest for sailors海员之家
  • rest for telephone receiver电话听筒的托架
  • rest for telescope望远镜的支架
  • rest from …后的休息
用作动词 (v.)
  • rest a while休息一会儿
  • rest one's brains让脑子得到休息
  • rest well休息得好
  • rest completely完全静止
  • rest entirely彻底休息
  • rest firmly固定休息
  • rest fully充分休息
  • rest heavily沉重地负担
  • rest listlessly无精打采地休息
  • rest mainly主要依靠
  • rest quietly安静地休息
  • rest solely完全依靠
  • rest ultimately最后依靠
  • rest unsoundly静静地休息
  • rest up a little休息一会儿
  • rest against the wall靠墙立着
  • rest at在…停下
  • rest for为…休整
  • rest from停止…休息
  • rest on依靠,依赖,靠在…上
  • rest on principle讲原则
  • rest one's hope on〔upon〕 sb把希望寄托在某人身上
  • rest on the bay停在海湾里
  • rest one's head on the hands把头枕在手上
  • rest with取决于
  • rest content with one's own experience满足于自己的经验


  • And post o'er Land and Ocean without rest.

  • From toilsome life to never-ending rest.

    出自:W. Cowper
  • We ascended.., often stopping for a rest.

    出自:S. Bellow
  • One..reads a paper, and the rest discuss it.

    出自:R. G. Collingwood
  • The rest of the flat cart was filled with hens.

    出自:Day Lewis
  • They are only human, like the rest of us.

    出自:Jan Morris
  • Both met women who were to fashion the rest of their lives.

    出自:W. M. Clarke
  • Let her rest in peace.

    出自:C. Kingsley
  • Mother would rest easier in her grave, knowing it was guarded.

    出自:F. O
  • My Lord, I rest your servant.

    出自:Henry VIII,Shakespeare
  • Rest assured that the more wise..you are, the happier you will be.

    出自:B. Jowett
  • Folks can..rest sure that their money is well spent.

    出自:K. Gibbons

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RACHEL MARTIN, HOST: Doctors send thousands of pregnant women to bed each year, some for just a few days, some for months. The idea is that laying still may help women with complicated pregnancies carry their babies to term. But the practice is quest

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BBC Learning English 6 Minute English A good night's rest 6 Minute English bbclearningenglish.com 2009 Page 1 of 4 Kate: Hello, Im Kate Colin and this is 6 Minute English. Today I'm joined by Rebecca Byrne and were talking about sleep, or lack of it.

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By Jim Stevenson Tianjin, China 24 September 2007 The heavily favored U.S. women's football (soccer) team is getting much needed rest ahead of its Women's World Cup semifinal game with Brazil, VOA's Jim Stevenson has more on this unexpected benefit.

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I dreamed I was missing, you were so scared 我在梦中迷失你恐惧万分 But no one would listen, cause no one else cared 没有人倾听 因为没有人在意 After my dreaming, I woke with this fear: 梦醒了恐惧依然没有消散 What am I leaving when I'm done here? 我该

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如果我休息,我就会生锈 The significant inscription found on an old key---If I rest, I rust---would be an excellent motto for those who are afflicted with the slightest bit of idleness. Even the most industrious person might adopt it with a

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Lesson 112 Take a rest! 1.Take a rest!休息一下吧! 2.Let's take a rest for a while!咱们先休息一会儿吧 3.Let's have a rest!咱们该休息一下吧! 4.It's the rest of the money.这是剩下的。 5.Let's the argument rest!让争论到此

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中式表达 #1.休息 中文里,我们经常会对客人说休息一下,但在英文里却不会这样表达客气: Have a rest: 休息 这个短语所指的疲惫程度比较深,如果一个人看起来非常疲惫,缺乏休息,可以说:

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I'll See to the Rest 其余的事交给我 A guard was about to signal his train to start when he saw an attractive girl standing on the platform by an open door, talking to another pretty girl inside the carriage. 一位列车员刚要发出信号让火

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正如要想拥有自由就要时刻保持警惕一样,要想取得伟大的,持久的成功,就必须坚持不懈地努力。 If I Rest, I Rust The significant inscription found on an old key---If I rest, I rust---would be an excellent motto f

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释义: get some rest 休息 get 后面接休息或睡眠等抽象名词时,如果是 get some rest 就表示休息一会儿,而 get any sleep 则表示小睡一会儿。 例句: Why don't you get some rest? 干嘛不休息一会儿? I didn

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SHANGHAI, Sept. 24 (Xinhua) -- Roger Federer has pulled out of next month's Shanghai Masters to rest, event organizers confirmed on Saturday. The 30-year-old Swiss star wrote in a letter to the organizing committee in Shanghai that he needs necessary

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系动词rest的用法 rest用作连系动词只限于和少数形容词搭配。如: rest a mystery The affair rests a mystery. 这件事一直是个谜。 rest easy Rest easy. 不要紧张。 rest assured You can rest assured that I will do my be

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I went to die in a seaside hotel 我将会安眠在这海边的旅馆 Lanes of memory paved by sweet frozen moments 回忆的道路铺满甜蜜也将被冻结 Deathbed memories of home 临终那些关于家的回忆 Never let me go 让我无法离去

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二十年经典:Tina Turner - The Best Tina Turner,被誉为美国的摇滚教母,08年在肯尼迪艺术中心被授予终身成就奖。她是永远不老的美国黑人摇滚传奇和性感女王,这一首The Best一直是苏格兰流浪者足

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摇滚的魅力 在这样的音乐中释放 。。。 。。。 Leave Out All The Rest I dreamed I was missing, you were so scared 我在梦中迷失你恐惧万分 But no one would listen, cause no one else cared 没有人倾听 因为没有人在意

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释义: get some rest 休息 get 后面接休息或睡眠等抽象名词时,如果是 get some rest 就表示休息一会儿,而 get any sleep 则表示小睡一会儿。 例句: Why don't you get some rest? 干嘛不休息一会儿? I didn

发表于:2019-02-27 / 阅读(313) / 评论(0) 分类 外国人日常短语
.fon files
act the giddy goat
additional iron loss
Agent Orange
alphanapthol test
ammonium bromide
anadenia ventriculi
attempted arrestment
be disposed for
Beartooth Range
cellular therapy
clastoderma debaryanum
compute time
cooling-down method
deficiencies of the elementary form of value
Dhahlan, Jab.
Diandranthus yunnanensis
double bearing rudder
dyanev (galkynys)
economic colonialism
Edisto Island
fibrin ferment
film lulbrication
glass water
graded index fibre
honey berry
in mistake for
integral asepsis
Jewell County
key driven
knitted together
lignin plastic
minimum enroute i.f.r. altitude
monotonic order
multi-row pusher train
parenthesis nesting
pedestal technique
plication operation of urethra
portable anesthesia apparatus
predatory pricing
prelubricated bearing
princeton universities
quasiperiodic orbit
Rana esculenta
rarefied-gas aerodynamics at very high altitude
Rickettsia conoril
roll milling
San Felipe, R.
scholae cantorum
screened plate tube
search confidence threshold
self-initializing test
sell to
shore power
small internal bypass valve
snap decision
statistical engineering
still birth
symmetry principle
test equipment error analysis report
time polarity
trade association guild
trough plane
unpoisoned fuel
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