单词:oblique vein of the left atrium
单词:oblique vein of the left atrium 相关文章
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第四篇 心血管系统 Section 4 Angiology 第一章 心血管系统 Chapter 1 Cardiovascular System abdominal aorta 腹主动脉 anterior cardiac vein 心前静脉 anterior inferior sinus of pericardium 心包前下窦 anterior interventricular branch 前室间支 anterior inte
三角肌 deltoid 三角骨( 腕骨 ) triquetrum ( carpal ) 三胞胎( 多胎妊娠 ) triplets ( multiple pregnancy ) 三级支气管( 支气管 ) tertiary bronchus ( bronchus ) 下位的 inferior 下直肌( 眼直肌 ) inferior rectus ( rectus eye muscle ) 下肢 lower extremity 下
You slice it, and then shred. 先切片,再切丝。 It should be completed without any mistake. 整个过程必须一气呵成容不得半点闪念。 Any hesitation will ruin the tofu. 细如毛发的豆腐丝。 When the hair-like tofu shreds ar
Plane cutting or oblique cutting? 平刀,斜刀。 A cook specialized in Chinese cuisine knows it too well that even the slightest change in cutting may directly result in a total difference in the feeling on the tongue and teeth. 有追求的中国菜
No! Ned and Conseil, my two gallant friends, were sacrificing themselves to save me. 不是!那是尼德兰和康塞尔,我的两个忠实朋友,他们牺牲自己来救我。 A few atoms of air were still left in the depths of one Rouquayrol d
剧情简介 一个年轻的美国人(迭戈路纳饰)孤独地生活在巴黎,他的职业很特别,就是在街头表演迈克尔杰克逊模仿秀,一天,在退休人之家,他邂逅了一个美丽的同行,模仿玛丽莲梦露(萨曼莎莫顿饰)的艺人,并对她一见倾心。迈克尔于是跟着梦露来到苏格兰高地上的一个海滨城堡
You're a world away 你和我隔了一个世界那么远 Somewhere in the crowd 就在人群的某个深处 In a foreign place 在一个陌生的地方 Are you happy now 你现在开心了吗 There's nothing left to say 我们之间已经无话可说
Almost everyone I know who has relocated complained about back pain when it was over. I made sure I wasn't around on moving day itself, so I really can't tell you if they complained then. My guess is they complained about back pain while they were mo
Captain Peleg, said Bildad steadily, thy conscience may be drawing ten inches of water, or ten fathoms, I can't tell; 噢,法勒船长,你的良心也许能让船多吃上几英寸的水,这和我们关系不大, but as thou art still an impe
The horns of the cross-trees were sawed off on the other side, so that this old top-mast looked not a little like a gallows. 另一边树上的角看起来被锯断,所以这个看上去有点像绞刑架。 Perhaps I was over sensitive to such impre
+ plus 加号;正号 - minus 减号;负号 plus or minus 正负号 is multiplied by 乘号 is divided by 除号 = is equal to 等于号 is not equal to 不等于号 is equivalent to 全等于号 ≌ is equal to or approximately equal to 等于或
各种标点符号的英文说法 + plus 加号;正号 - minus 减号;负号 plus or minus 正负号 is multiplied by 乘号 is divided by 除号 = is equal to 等于号 is not equal to 不等于号 is equivalent to 全等于号 ≌ is equal to
+ plus 加号;正号 - minus 减号;负号 plus or minus 正负号 is multiplied by 乘号 is divided by 除号 = is equal to 等于号 is not equal to 不等于号 is equivalent to 全等于号 ≌ is equal to or approximately equal to 等于或
ALISON STEWART:So, what can we expect the G7 to accomplish in just two days' time? I'm joined via Skype by Wall Street Journal reporter Anton Troianovski, who is covering the summit in Germany. So, Anton, what are the two biggest issues being discuss
It was quite late in the evening when the little Moss came snugly to anchor, and Queequeg and I went ashore; 小摩斯号从容抛锚泊岸后,我和魁魁格上岸的时候,已是暮色深沉了; so we could attend to no business that day, at least
It's an all-fired outrage to tell any human creature that he's bound to hell. Flukes and flames! 这真是一种恶毒的侮辱,随便骂人该入地狱。该死的东西! Bildad, say that again to me, and start my soulbolts, but I'll-I'll-yes, I'll
New Words: mediocreadj.普通的; 中等的; 质量中等偏下的; horizontal adj.水平的,卧式的; 地平线的; oblique adj.斜,倾斜的; clench vt.紧握,抓紧; 钉牢; take a tumble美俚恍然大悟; Our destiny is in our own hands
The Nordics in charge 北欧掌控 A Scandinavian wave 一次斯堪的纳维亚狂潮 How the Nordics get so many senior international positions 北欧为何拥有众多较高的国际职位 WHEN it comes to international jobs, Scandinavia does well.