v act in advance of; deal with ahead of time
- He placed the money on the counter.他把钱放在柜台上。
- Shoppers got into a scrum round the bargain counter.顾客在廉价品柜台周围你争我夺。
- The circuit is a conventional ring counter.此线路是一个普通的环形计数器。
- They had always had the counter effect of making him beastly.女人总产生相反的效果,使他更像野兽。
- He acted counter to his promise.他的行动与他的诺言相反。
- The result ran counter to our expectation.结果与我们的期望相反。
- I counter their plan with my own.我用自己的方案去反对他们的计划。
- He hit me but I did not counter.他打了我,但我没有还手。
- I'm sorry, this counter is closed now.非常抱歉,这个柜台现在已停止营业。
- In this country pornography was once sold under the counter.在该国,色情书画曾一度在黑市出售。
- Set the counter to zero and you'll know where the recording starts.把计数器拨到零,你就会知道录音从哪儿开始。
- Our theory countered his.我们的理论和他的相反。
- My employer countered my request for more money by threatening to dismiss me.老板威胁要解雇我,回绝了我加薪的请求。
- They moved two destroyers into the area to counter the threat from the enemy battleship.他们开了两艘驱逐舰进入这个地区,来反击敌人战舰的威胁。
- She countered that her advice had not been heeded.她反驳说她的建议未被重视。
- The decision runs counter to the will of most people.这一决定违背多数人的意愿。
- 提出与之抗衡的(建议、计划等) meet or answer by another in returncounter with sth
And now the old fighter counters with a blow to the body.
His young opponent counters with his left.
The debater countered with another argument.
If you say anything to Jane, she's likely to counter with a bitter remark.
counter sth with sthHe countered my proposal with one of his own.
The chairman countered the committee member's suggestion with another question.
- bargain counter廉价柜台
- lunch counter简易餐厅的柜台
- service counter服务台
- at〔behind〕 the counter在柜台旁〔后面〕
- counter quickly立即反击
- counter to还击
- counter with用…反对
- counter with one's left以左手还击
The loose swinging movement, the twist and counter twist.
出自:K. ClarkThis idea was so counter to Shevek's habits of thinking that..he suppressed it at once.
出自:U. Le GuinThe revolutionary ideas of the man were countered by the inflexible Toryism of the woman.
出自:J. C. PowysSigismund voted clearly so, and Jobst said nothing counter.
- work surface工作面
- stand站立
- oppose反对
- answer回答
- worktop(厨房柜橱上的)操作面...
- bench长凳
- pawn 典当
- hostage人质
- security安全
- kiosk亭
- tent帐篷
- contradict反驳
- dispute争论
- refute驳斥
- counteract抵制
- offset抵消
- respond回答
- frustrate挫败
- thwart反对
- table桌子
- return返回
- display case展品柜
- cash register收银机
- shelf架子
- checkout counter付款柜台
- token象征
- coin硬币
- slug蛞蝓
- enumerator计数器
- numberer编号人,计数员...
- figurerfigure的名词形式...
- reckoner计算者
- estimator估计量
- adder蝰蛇
- calculator计算器
- calculating machine计算机
- adding machine收款机
- data processor数据处理员
- in the wrong way错误地
- against the grain格格不入
- contrary相反的
- in opposition反对
- against反对
- versus对抗
- opposite相反的
- contrasting动词contrast的现...
- reverse逆转
- oppositional反对的
- inverse倒转的
- antithetical对偶的
- antithetic对立的
- polar两极的
- antipodal对跖地的
- oppositive反对的
- adversative反意的
- rebuttal反驳
- opposition反对
- counterpoint[音]对位法
- rebut反驳
- retaliate报复
- antagonistic对抗性的
- parry挡开武器或打击...
- sideboard餐具柜
- retort反驳
- anticipate预期
- foresee预见
- forestall领先
- buffet自助餐
- comeback恢复
- replication复制
- counterpunch反击
- riposte机敏的反驳或应答...
- tabulator制表者
- rejoinder回答
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