标签:长城有多长 相关文章
You probably already know everything is made up of little tiny things called atoms 你也许已经知道所有的东西都是由微小的原子组成。 You might even know that each atom is made up of even smaller particles called protons, neutrons
When we think of Hadrian's Wall, we tend to think of the Romans rather like US cavalrymen deep in Indian country, defending the flag, peering through the cracks and waiting nervously for war drums and smoke signals. A place where paranoia sweated fro
They also resolved seven potential World Trade Organization cases on high-technology products, agriculture and intellectual-property protection. These breakthroughs will expand opportunities for American workers and businesses. 会议也解决了七项
Age: 31 年龄:31岁 Height: 6 ft 1 身高:6.1英尺 Weight: 180 lbs 体重:180磅 Country: USA 国籍:美国 Participant since: 1978 开始参与时间:自1978年 Competitor since: 1989 开始
We are talking now to Dr. Michio Kaku, our friend from City University of New York, Physicist. Just as important, you have friends and family in Japan, you've been in contact with them? That's right. We tried to call them on the telephone. And they t
Here is an exclusive list of bad bathroom habits that finally answers the question: Am I showering wrong? 这里有一份独家的关于浴室中的坏习惯清单,它能够彻底地回答这个为题:我淋浴做的不对吗? Bad Habit #1: Ski
You'll find the Great Wall in China. 在中国,你可以看到长城。 You'll find Yellowstone National Park in the US. 在美国,你可以看到黄石国家公园。 You'll find Stonehenge in the UK. 在英国,你可以看到巨石阵。 You'
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第一句:I want to visit some historic sites. 我想参观一些历史名胜。 A: Where do you plan to travel? 你打算去哪儿旅游? B: I want to visit some historic sites. Can you suggest some places for me, please? 我想参观一些历史名
【生词预览】 drummer 鼓手, performance 表演。 notify 通知 【笑话原文】 HowbadlyDidHePlay? Ihiredadrummertoentertainmycustomersinmynightclub.Afterseveralperformances,Idiscoveredthedrummerhadwalkedawaywithsomeofmyvaluables.Inotifie
老板不在意 Don't care about! How flashy your resume is 你的简历有多花哨 Having a flashy resume is less importantthan having one that's easy for employers to read. Even in creative fields, 78%of executives said they preferred traditiona
Next time I won't have to be begged so hard. I'll remember those black Rabbits with the black coffin on their shoulders and I'll take the glass and pouf! --down it will go! 下回我就不用让人那么左求右求了!记住了那些抬黑棺材的黑
Heres one way to make sure you have perfect attendance in your class: 让你把全部注意力放在课堂上只有一种方法: Meet Pietro Boselli: Obviously, hes ridiculously good-looking. 来见见我们的彼得罗博塞利:看吧看吧,他真
曾经华盛顿邮报搞了一个比赛,要求写两行押韵的诗,第一行能多浪漫就多浪漫,第二行能多不浪漫就多不浪漫,以下是一些入选作品: 1. My darling, my lover, my beautiful wife: Marrying you has screwed
When they finally spied Castle Black, its timbered keeps and stone towers looked like nothing more than a handful of toy blocks scattered on the snow, 待他们终于见到黑城堡,却发现那不过是这面广大冰墙下的木造城楼和石砌高
In this first-of-its-kind list from the worlds leading travel authority, Lonely Planets globetrotting community of staff and writers have ranked the 500 best places to see on the planet. 作为世界领先的旅行指南权威,《孤独星球》此次
Jaw-dropping landscapes of the future have been created based on predictions by top engineers and architects. 高级工程师和建筑师的预言为未来勾勒出一幅令人震撼的图景。 The glorious vista feature floating and underwater citi
My door is always open to the Night's Watch, Father said. 我家的门永远为守夜人而开。父亲说。 Desmond ushered the man inside. He was stooped and ugly, with an unkempt beard and unwashed clothes, yet Father greeted him pleasantly and a