Having Faith 信任 You can call me A.J. , which is an abbreviation of my full name, Alexander Justice. 【 你可以叫我A.J., 这是我的全名Alexander Justice的缩写。】 I like to abbreviate my name because it's easier for people to remember. 【我喜欢缩写我

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Lesson 5 Adaptation Is the Key Words: adapt v. (使)适应,调整;改编 adaptable adj. 能适应的,适应性强的 adaptation n. 改编,改写;适应环境 addict vt. 使沉溺,使上瘾 addictive adj. 加法的; n. 添加剂 adept adj. 熟练的,擅长的,拿手的,有一手的 adher

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Lesson 12 What Job Do I Want? 我想做什么工作? Words: aphorism n. 警句,格言 apology n. 道歉,歉意 apotheosis n. 神化,典范 appall vt. 使惊骇,使恐怖 appeal n. 吸引力;vi. 呼吁,恳求;上诉,申诉 appease vt. 使平静,满足 appetite n. 胃口,食欲 applau

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Lesson 14 The Way Home 回家的路 Words: aria n. 独唱曲,咏唱调 arid adj. 干旱的 aristocrat n. 贵族 arithmetic n. 算术 armament n. 军备,武器 armor n. 装甲;装甲车 aroma n. 香气,芬芳,芳香 aromatic adj. 芬芳的 arouse vt. 刺激,激起;唤醒 array n. 展

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Lesson 15 Aspirations Gone Astray 走入歧途的理想 Words: ascribe vt. 把.归于 aspect n. (问题等的)方面;(事物等的)一部分 aspersion n. 诽谤,中伤 aspire vi. 渴望 aspiring adj. 有抱负的,有理想的,积极向上的 aspiration n. 雄心,抱负 assail v. (身体

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Lesson 3 A Writer's Method Words: accessible adj. 可接近的,可接触的;可得到的 accessibility n. 易接近;可到达 accessory n. 附件,零件;小摆设 accidental adj. 意外的,偶然的 acclaim n. 赞誉,赞许; vt. 喝彩,欢呼;称赞 acclaimed adj. 受赞誉的 accomm

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132 Being inundated with complaints from intimacy to inventory Listen, McGregor, the chairman began ominously. The board has been inundated with complaints about your intimate relationship with that pretty assistant of yours. My intuition tells me t

发表于:2018-12-30 / 阅读(75) / 评论(0) 分类 胡敏托福词汇记单词

awakening from a nightmare Angry hordes of combatants advancing across the horizon, hovercrafts are at the hub of the action, their mighty engines howling as they move forward in a horizontal array of power, ever trying to stay out of the line of en

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Hegemony to rule for evermore? 霸权主义要永远统治下去吗? The US-led military campaigns in yugoslavia during the 1990s heralded the beginning of a new age of hegemony. Recent advances in military technology have served to heighten an already high de

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Lesson 101 Ex Marks the Spot 前任女友标记这一地点 Words: forestall vt. 预防,预防阻止 foretell v. 预示,预测 forge v. 锻造,制造;伪造 forlorn adj. 凄凉的,被遗弃的 formal adj. 正式的,形式的;合乎礼仪的(服装) format n. 模式,格式 formation n. 形

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Lesson 96 Never Too Busy 永不太忙 Words: feat n. 功绩,壮举 feeble adj. 微弱的,衰弱的 feed vt. 喂养,饲养;吃草,靠。。。为生;n. 饲料,饲养 feign v. 假装,伪装 feminism n. 女权运动 feminist n. 女权主义者 fencing n. 围墙,栅栏;击剑术 ferment vt.

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Lesson 94 At the News Station 在新闻台 Words: facsimile n. 摹本;复制品,赝品;电传真,传真图像,传真图文像 faction n. 派别,宗派,小集团 factious adj. 好搞派系的,喜倾轧的 factor n. 因素,变量 factual adj. 事实的,实际的 faculty n. 教职工总称;才能

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Lesson 93 The Proposal 建议 Words: external adj. 外部的,表面的 extinct adj. (动物)灭绝的;(火山)不再活跃的;熄灭的 extinction n. 消失,灭绝 extinguish v. 熄灭,消灭,扑灭 extol vt. 赞美 extort v. 勒索,强夺 extract n. 榨出物,精华;vt. 得到;榨出

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Lesson 92 The Talkative Stranger 健谈的陌生人 Words: exploit vt. 开拓;开采,开发;(出自于私自目的而)利用,剥削 exploitation n. 开发,开采;(出自于私自目的或用不正当手段)利用,剥削 exploration n. 勘察;探究 explore vt. 探险,勘探;仔细检查,探究

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Lesson 82 The Election 选举 Words: election n. 选举;当选 elegant adj. 雅致的 element n. 成分,要素 elementary adj. 基本的,初级的 elevate vt. 举起;抬高;使上升 elevation n. 高度,海拨 elevator n. 起重机;电梯;谷仓 elicit vt. 得出,引出 eligible a

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Lesson 77 A Dog Named Spot 小狗点点 Words: doleful adj. 悲哀的,忧愁的 doll n. 洋娃娃,玩偶 dolorous adj. 忧伤的,悲痛的 domain n. 领域,范围 domestic adj. 家里的,家养的;本国的,国内的 domesticate vt. 驯养,驯化 domicile n. 住所,家(指法律上的永

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Lesson 76 Looking for the Prefect Man 寻找完美的男人 Words: diverse adj. 不同的,变化多的 diversified adj. 多样化的 diversity vt. 使多样化 diversion n. 转向,转移;消遣,娱乐 diversity n. 差异,多样 divert vt. 转移,使转向 divest v. 卸下,脱下(衣服

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Lesson 72 Bravery Saves the Day 危机关头勇者在 Words: disfigure v. 损伤外貌,使边丑 disgraced adj. 不光彩的,丢脸的 disgruntle v. 使不高兴,使不满意 disgust n. 厌恶,嫌恶 dishearten v. 使气馁,使沮丧 disheveled adj. 凌乱的,不整洁的 disillusion v.

发表于:2018-12-30 / 阅读(60) / 评论(0) 分类 胡敏托福词汇记单词

180. Halloween fight万圣节的战斗 prototype-pupil It is necessary to understand the psychology of children when they are in a provocative mood. Where adults may be prudent and protract their patience in order to avoid the negative publicity that

发表于:2019-01-08 / 阅读(130) / 评论(0) 分类 胡敏托福词汇记单词

179. The prospectors and rocket propellant采矿者和火箭推进器 proof-protest There were a couple of prospectors, Clem and Jake, sitting around a fire at their camp after a hard days prospecting, just shooting the breeze. Clem, did you hear abo

发表于:2019-01-08 / 阅读(167) / 评论(0) 分类 胡敏托福词汇记单词