There were street riots. A party of thugs was hired to kill the popular Tribune. Tiberius Gracchus was attacked when he entered the assembly and was beaten to death. Ten years later his brother Gaius tried the experiment of reforming a nation against

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As for Sulla, he became Dictator, which meant sole and supreme ruler of all the Roman possessions. He ruled Rome for four years, and he died quietly in his bed, having spent the last year of his life tenderly raising his cabbages, as was the custom o

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Cicero, a public-spirited lawyer, had discovered the plot, had warned the Senate, and had forced Catiline to flee. But there were other young men with similar ambitions and it was no time for idle talk. 一个颇具公众精神的律师西塞罗察觉了

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He crossed the Rubicon River which separated the province of Cis-alpine Gaul from Italy. Everywhere he was received as the friend of the people. Without difficulty Caesar entered Rome and Pompey fled to Greece Caesar followed him and defeated his fol

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Two thousand years ago a slave was merely a piece of machinery. Nowadays a rich man invests his money in factories. The rich people of Rome (senators, generals and war-profiteers) invested theirs in land and in slaves. The land they bought or took in

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They crouched together in filthy hovels in the suburbs of the large cities. They were apt to get sick and die from terrible epidemics. They were all profoundly discontented. They had fought for their country and this was their reward. They were alway

发表于:2019-01-18 / 阅读(77) / 评论(0) 分类 美国学生人类历史

【主餐一道:泛听练习】以下段落是摘自新闻里的一些重要信息,并不是一个段落的听写.空内信息可在本新闻中全部找到,大家可以根据这些信息复述新闻。 泛听建议:1、完整听一遍,掌握大意

发表于:2019-01-22 / 阅读(87) / 评论(0) 分类 NPR边听边练

An election was held. Hundreds of men poured over the boundary of Missouri, outvoted the free-soil settlers in Kansas, and then went home. 人们举行了一次地方选举,数以百计的人冲过密苏里边界,他们以多数票击败在堪萨斯

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Chapter 36 Secession,1860-1861 第36章 南部各州脱离联邦(1860~1861年) 369. The Republican Nomination, 1860. 369.共和党的提名(1860年) Four names were especially mentioned in connection with the Republican nomination for Presi

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Then the traveler had to alight, get something to eat, and see his baggage placed on another train. 旅客不得不下车吃东西并查看他们在另一节车厢上的行李。 Still, with all its discomforts, traveling in the worst of cars was bet

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390. Plan of the Peninsular Campaign. 390.半岛战役计划 The country between the Potomac and the James was cut up by rivers, as the Rappahannock, the Mattapony, and Pamunkey, and part of it was a wilderness. 在波特马克河和詹姆斯河之间

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Chapter 37 The rising of the peoples,1861 第37章 民众的反映(1861年) 380. Lincoln's Inauguration. 380.林肯宣誓就职 On March 4, 1861, President Lincoln made his first inaugural address. 1861年3月4日,林肯总统发表首次就职

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Their towers however still stand amidst the ruins of Mesopotamia. 只有他们建造的高塔依然屹立在美索不达米亚的废墟之中。 The Jews saw them when they went into exile in the land of Babylon 犹太人在流浪途中经过巴比伦时

发表于:2019-02-21 / 阅读(105) / 评论(0) 分类 美国学生人类历史

After many years of suffering they were saved from their miserable fate by a young Jew, called Moses, who for a long time had dwelt in the desert and there had learned to appreciate the simple virtues of his earliest ancestors, who had kept away from

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They in turn were vanquished by the followers of the great desert God, Ashur, who called themselves Assyrians 没过多久,他们被同样信仰沙漠大神阿舒尔的亚述人所征服。亚述人以首都尼尼微为中心, and who made the ci

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Chapter 10 第十章 The Phoenicians 腓尼基人 The Phoenicians who gave us our alphabet 腓尼基人为我们创造了字母 The Phoenicians, who were the neighbours of the Jews, were a Semitic tribe which at a very early age had settled along the

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Nevertheless they have rendered all coming generations one service of the greatest possible value. They gave us our alphabet. 不过,他们给后人留下了一笔极有价值的遗产-一他们创造了字母。 The Phoenicians had been familiar w

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Others had preferred to stay among the hills of western Asia and there they had founded the half-independent communities of the Medes and the Persians, two peoples whose names we have copied from the old Greek history-books. In the seventh century be

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They performed these miracles in little villages that covered less ground than four or five modern city blocks. 令人惊叹的是,他们创造了奇迹的场所,尽管是些相当于现代城市四、五个街区大小的小村庄。 And look, w

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Chapter 15 第十五章 Greek self-government 古希腊的自治制度 The Greeks were the first people to try the difficult experiment of self-government 古希腊人是历史上最早进行自治实验的民族 IN the beginning, all the Greeks had

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