17. Early French Voyages, 1524-36. 17.早期法国人航海(15241536年) The first French expedition to America was led by an Italian named Verrazano, but he sailed in the service of Francis I, King of France. 法国第一支开往美国的探险

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45. The Mayflower Compact, 1620. 45.《五月花号公约》(1620年) All the passengers on the Mayflower were not Pilgrims. 并非五月花号上的所有乘客都是朝圣者, Some of them were servants sent out by the London merchants to w

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55. The New England Confederation, 1643. 55.新英格兰联邦(1643年) In 1640 the Long Parliament met in England, and in 1645 Oliver Cromwell and the Puritans destroyed the royal army in the battle of Naseby. 1640年英格兰的议会冗长未果

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CHAPTER 10 第10章 EXPULSION OF THE FRENCH 驱除法国人 89. Causes of the French Wars. 89.法国战争的起因 At the time of the Glorious Revolution James II found refuge with Louis XIV, King of France. 在光荣革命 时期詹姆斯二世和法

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122. The Tea Tax. 122.茶税 Of all the Townshend duties only the tax on tea was left. 所有汤森海关税中只有茶税被保留下来, It happened that the British East India Company had tons of tea in its London storehouses and was greatly

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125. Sympathy with the Bostonians. 125.对波士顿人的同情 King George thought he could punish the Massachusetts people as much as he wished without the people of the other colonies objecting. 乔治国王认为他可以随意处罚马萨诸塞人

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CHAPTER 12 第12期 TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION 无代表权税收 107. George III and George Grenville. 107.乔治三世与乔治o格伦维尔 George III became king in 1760. 乔治三世于1760年登基, He was a narrow, stupid, well-meanin

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CHAPTER 16 第16章 INDEPENDENCE 独立 157.Fall of Charleston, 1780. 157.查理斯顿失守(1780年) It seemed quite certain that Clinton could not conquer the Northern states with the forces given him. In the South there were many loyalists. 很

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Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics (ZUFE) recently offered its students the chance to take an optional course, designed to guide students through difficult decisions using economic methods. 近日,浙江财经大学为该校学生提供了一

发表于:2019-02-04 / 阅读(68) / 评论(0) 分类 英语新闻

All the little citystates once more began to quarrel with each other as they had done in the good old days. 所有的希腊城邦再度陷人无休止的相互争吵中,一如它们在光荣的旧时代的所为。 The Romans, who had little unders

发表于:2019-02-13 / 阅读(95) / 评论(0) 分类 美国学生人类历史

Chapter 11 第十一章 The Indo-Europeans 印欧人 The Indo-Europeans Persians conquer The Semitic and the Egyptian world 印欧语族的波斯人征服了闪米特人与埃及人 The world of Egypt and Babylon and Assyria and Phoenicia had existed

发表于:2019-02-21 / 阅读(119) / 评论(0) 分类 美国学生人类历史

Then something very interesting occurred. If Schliemann had found a few polished stone hammers and perhaps a few pieces of crude pottery, no one would have been surprised. Instead of discovering such objects, which people had generally associated wit

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The same simplicity which prevailed in the dining room also dominated their choice of clothes. They liked to be clean and well groomed, to have their hair and beards neatly cut, to feel their bodies strong with the exercise and the swimming of the gy

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When you look at the map you will see how by this time civilisation has described a semi-circle. It begins in Egypt, and by way of Mesopotamia and the Aegean Islands it moves westward until it reaches the European continent. The first four thousand y

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Chapter 22 第二十二章 Rome and Carthage 罗马和迦太基 The Semitic colony of Carthage on the northern coast of Africa and the indo-European city of Rome on the west coast of Italy fought each other for the possession of the Western Mediterra

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As a matter of custom and practical advantage the senators were elected from the nobility. But their power had been strictly defined. 遵照习俗并出于现实的考虑,元老们通常选自贵族阶层,可他们的权力同时也受到极其严格

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Her navy had been sunk. She had been forbidden to make war without Roman permission. 迦太基的全部军舰被沉入海底,从此失去了海军;不经罗马人的许可它没有发动战争的权力; She had been condemned to pay the Romans

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Chapter 23 第23章 The rise of 罗马帝国的兴起 Rome How Rome happened 罗马帝国是如何形成的 The Roman Empire was an accident. No one planned it. 罗马帝国的产生纯属偶然。没有人策划它, It happened.No famous general o

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In the year 203 B.C. Scipio had crossed the African Sea and had carried the war into Africa. 公元前203年,西皮奥率军渡过阿非利加海,将战火烧到非洲。 Carthage had called Hannibal back. Badly supported by his mercenaries, Hann

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Chapter 6 第6章 New England 新英格兰 42.The Puritans. 42.清教徒 The New England colonies were founded by English Puritans who left England because they could not do as they wished in the home land. 新英格兰殖民地由英国清教徒创立

发表于:2019-02-27 / 阅读(193) / 评论(0) 分类 美国学生历史