标签:罗德岛学生 相关文章
Tom's father got transferred and his family had to move to a new city. Tom was not happy at all. He was worried and scared because the next day would be his first day at his new school. He did not know any of the kids or teachers and wondered if anyo
7. John Cabot, 1497. 7.约翰卡伯特(1497年) While Columbus explored the West Indies, another Italian sailed across the Sea of Darkness farther north. 在哥伦布到印度西部探险的同时,另一个意大利人穿过黑海北上, Hi
48. The Founding of Massachusetts, 1629-30. 48.马萨诸塞的创建(16291630年) Unlike the poor and humble Pilgrims were the founders of Massachusetts. 马萨诸塞的创建者不像朝圣者那样贫穷和可怜, They were men of wealth an
Chapter 9 第9章 Colonial Development, 16881760 殖民地的发展(16881760年) 81. The Stuart Tyranny. 81.斯图亚特王朝的暴政 Instead of admiring the growth of the colonies in strength and in liberty, Charles and James saw it with dis
Chapter 7 第7章 New Netherland and New Sweden 新荷兰和新瑞典 57. The Dutch. 57.荷兰人 At this time the Dutch were the greatest traders and shipowners in the world. 这个时候,荷兰人是世界上最大的商人,他们拥有最大的
But he would not admit failure. 但是李将军不会认输。 Led by Pickett of Virginia, thirteen thousand men charged across the valley between the two armies directly at the Union center. 在弗吉尼亚人皮科特的带领下,1.3万士兵越过
But Bragg was now greatly strengthened by soldiers from the Mississippi and by Longstreet's division from Lee's army in Virginia. 但是,此时的布拉格得到来自密西西比士兵的补充,也得到朗斯特里特从弗吉尼亚李将军那里
The cellars underneath this palace, where the wine and the grain and the olive-oil were stored, had been so vast and had so greatly impressed the first Greek visitors, that they had given rise to the story of the labyrinth, the name which we give to
The slaves did all the cooking and baking and candlestick making of the entire city. They were the tailors and the carpenters and the jewelers and the school-teachers and the bookkeepers and they tended the store and looked after the factory while th
For the Greeks, who loved moderation in all things, did not like to treat their slaves after the fashion which afterward was so common in Rome, where a slave had as few rights as an engine in a modern factory and could be thrown to the wild animals u
This individual was allowed to step out of line. He waved his arms and gesticulated while he spoke (that is to say he acted while the others merely stood by and sang) and he asked a lot of questions, which the bandmaster answered according to the rol
They asked a man by the name of Draco to provide them with a set of laws that would protect the poor against the aggressions of the rich. Draco set to work. Unfortunately he was a professional lawyer and very much out of touch with ordinary life. In
Chapter 20 第二十章 Alexander the Great 亚历山大大帝 Alexander the Macedonian establishes a Geek world-empire, and what became of this high ambition 马其顿的亚历山大大帝建立了一个希腊式的世界帝国,他的雄心壮志究
Carthage could not possibly tolerate such competition. The young rival must be destroyed lest the Carthaginian rulers lose their prestige as the absolute rulers of the western Mediterranean. The rumors were duly investigated and in a general way thes
Rome began as a thousand American cities have done, by being a convenient place for barter and horse-trading. It lay in the heart of the plains of central Italy The Tiber provided direct access to the sea. The land-road from north to south found here
The Roman Gods were State Functionaries. Each one managed his own department with great prudence and a deep sense of justice, but in turn he was exact in demanding the obedience of his worshippers. This obedience the Romans rendered with scrupulous c
After seven months, hunger forced them to withdraw. The policy of Rome to treat the foreigneron equal terms had proved a great success and Rome stood stronger than ever before. 在苦苦支撑7个月后,饥饿和身陷异乡的恐慌感在高卢军队
The war which followed (the so-called first Punic War) lasted twentyfour years. It was fought out on the high seas and in the beginning it seemed that the experienced Carthaginian navy would defeat the newly created Roman fleet. Following their ancie
They wanted action. Something must be done and must be done quickly. A popular hero by the name of Varro, the sort of man who went about the city telling everybody how much better he could do things than slow old Fabius, the Delayer, was made command
For a moment, the luck seemed to turn. Hasdrubal, his brother, had defeated the Roman armies in Spain. 有段时间,局势似乎有好转的希望。他的兄弟哈士多路巴在西班牙击败了罗马军队, He had crossed the Alps to come to