128. The American Association, 1774. 128.美洲人协会(1774年) It soon became clear that the members of the Congress were opposed to any hasty action. 很快就可以看出大陆议会反对任何草率行动, They were not willing to begi

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110. The Stamp Act Congress, 1765. 110.《印花税法案》议会(1765年) Colonial congresses were no new thing. 殖民地议会并不是一个新生事物, There had been many meetings of governors and delegates from colonial assemblies. 已

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101. Capture of Quebec, 1759. 101.攻陷魁北克(1759年) Of all the younger generals James Wolfe was foremost. 在所有青年将领中,詹姆斯o沃尔夫是最年轻的, To him was given the task of capturing Quebec. 他的任务是夺取

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98. Fort Duquesne. 98.杜坤要塞 Instead of heeding Dinwiddie's warning, the French set to work to build Fort Duquesne at the spot where the Alleghany and Monongahela join to form the Ohio,-on the site of the present day city of Pittsburg. 法国人

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116. The New Customs Officers at Boston, 1768. 116.1768年波士顿的新海关官员 The chief office of the new customs organization was fixed at Boston. 新的海关总署设置在波士顿, Soon John Hancock's sloop, Liberty , sailed into the

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143.Trenton, December 26, 1776. 143.特伦顿(1776年12月26日) Washington did not give up. On Christmas night, 1776, he crossed the Delaware with a division of his army. 华盛顿没有放弃,1776年圣诞节之夜他带着一个分队穿过特

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151.Oriskany, 1777. 151.奥里斯坎尼(1777年) Meantime St. Leger, with a large body of Indians and Canadian frontiersmen, was marching to join Burgoyne by the way of Lake Ontario and the Mohawk Valley. 与此同时,圣里格带着一支由印

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148.The Army at Valley Forge, 1777~78. 148.福吉谷的部队(1777~1778年) The sufferings of the soldiers during the following winter can never be overstated. 在接下来的冬季士兵们遭受的苦难令人难以想象, They seldom had m

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CHAPTER 15 第15章 THE GREAT DECLARATION AND THE FRENCH ALLIANCE 《独立宣言》和法国联盟 145.Growth of the Spirit of Independence. 145.独立精神的成长 The year 1776 is even more to be remembered for the doings of Congress than it i

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169. A Time of Distress. 169.萧条时期 It is not right to speak too harshly of the refusal of the state governments to give Congress the money it asked for, as the people of the states were in great distress and had no money to give. 苛刻地批评

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174. Claims to Western Lands. 174.西部土地的主权 The Confederation seemed to be falling to pieces. 联邦似乎要四分五裂, That it did not actually fall to pieces was largely due to the fact that all the states were interested in the

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222. War with France, 1797~98. 222.与法国的战争(1797~1798年) The organization of a provisional army was now at once begun. 美国立刻着手组成一支临时部队, Washington accepted the chief command on condition that Hamilton sho

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Chapter 22 第22章 The United States In 1800 1800年的美国 228. Area and Population, 1800. 228.面积与人口(1800年) The area of the United States in 1800 was the same as at the close of the Revolutionary War. 1800年美国的面积与革命

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226. Death of Washington, 1799. 226.华盛顿的去世(1799年) In the midst of this excitement George Washington died. 在这个群情激昂的时期,华盛顿去世了。 People forgot how strongly he had taken the Federalist side in the la

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211. Citizen Genet. 211.公民吉奈特 The new French government soon sent an agent or minister to the United States. 新成立的法国政府马上派代理人或大臣去美国。 He was the Citizen Genet. He landed at Charleston, South Carolina

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209. The French Revolution. 209.法国革命 In 1789 the French people rose against their government. 1789年,法国人民起来反抗他们的政府, In 1792 they imprisoned their king and queen. 1792年他们将国王和王后送进大牢,

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188. The Supreme Court. 188.最高法院 But the greatest difference of all was to be found in the Supreme Court of the United States provided in the Constitution. 最大的差异在于基于《宪法》成立美国最高法院。 The new Congress

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Chapter 20 第20章 Rise of Political Parties 政治党派的出现 207. The Federalists. 207.联邦党 There were no political parties in the United States in 1789. 1789年美国不存在政治党派, All the leading men were anxious to give the

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206. The First Bank of the United States. 206.美国的第一个银行 Two parts of Hamilton's plan were now adopted. 此时汉米尔顿计划中的两个部分已经被通过, To the third part of his scheme there was even more opposition. 对于这

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204. Assumption of State Debts. 204.州债务的承担 A further part of Hamilton's original scheme aroused even greater opposition. 汉米尔顿最初方案的纵深部分遭到了更为激烈的反对。 During the Revolutionary War the states, t

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