标签:第三季第一集 相关文章
The Big Bang Theory是一部以科学天才为背景的情景喜剧。四位科学天才分别是:可爱善解人意的Leonard,高智商零情商的Sheldon,会六国语言的Howard Wolowitz,以及患有严重的与异性交往障碍症的Raje
神探夏洛克第一季第一集_18 为什么给我毯子? 他们老给我披毯子 Why have I got this blanket? They keep putting this blanket on me. 安抚受刺激人士的 我没受刺激呀 Yeah, it's for shock. I'm not in shock. 嗯 可有些人
Raj: I hate trains. 我讨厌火车。 -Sheldon: Don't be ridiculous, you love trains. ridiculous: 荒谬的,可笑的 少胡说八道,你喜欢火车的。 -Raj: Yes, I do. Come on. See you later, Leonard. 好吧,是的来吧,回头见,Leo
生活大爆炸第四季第一集_2 剧情简介: The Big Bang Theory是一部以科学天才为背景的情景喜剧.四位科学天才分别是:可爱善解人意的Leonard,高智商零情商的Sheldon,会六国语言的 Howard Wolowitz,以及患有
神探夏洛克第二季第一集_1 你是谁? 吉姆莫里亚蒂 'Who are you? Jim Moriarty. 再见 'Bye! 咨询罪犯 'Consulting criminal. 我一直非常享受我们间的小游戏 'I have loved this, this little game of ours. 有人为此死了 人
神探夏洛克第二季第一集_15 老天 千万别告诉我 你是打电话来祝圣诞的 dear Lord, we're not going to have Christmas phone calls now, are we? 通过什么新法律了吗? Have they passed a new law? 你们今晚应该会找到艾琳
神探夏洛克第二季第一集_14 约翰? 嗯? John? Hmm? 你博客的点击量还是 The counter on your blog still says . 不是吧 圣诞节都没劲了 Oh, no, Christmas is cancelled(!) 你还把我带那个帽子的照片发上去了 And you'
神探夏洛克第二季第一集_9 脑浆迸裂的旅行者 他怎么死的? The hiker with the bashed-in head - how was he killed? 这不是我来的原因 That's not why I'm here. 不不 你是来拿照片的 You're here for the photographs, 可那办
神探夏洛克第二季第一集_6 Who is my client? 看看你站的地方 演绎推理一下 Take a look at where you're standing, and make a deduction. 你受雇于全国地位最高的人 You are to be engaged by the highest in the land, now, 所以
神探夏洛克第二季第一集_4 你知道这多少有点丢人吧? 'You realise this is a tiny bit humiliating?' 没关系 我不介意 It's OK, I'm fine. 现在... Now... 带我到溪边看看 ..show me to the stream. 我不是说你丢人 'I di
神探夏洛克第一季第一集_14 她很聪明 聪明 对 She was clever. Clever, yes! 她比你们都聪明 她还死了 She's cleverer than you lot and she's dead. 明白了吗? Do you see, do you get it? 手机不是丢了 根本没丢 She didn
神探夏洛克第一季第一集_13 夏洛克 你做什么啦? Sherlock, what have you done? 赫德森太太? 楼上 Mrs Hudson? Upstairs. 你们干什么? What are you doing? 我知道你会找到箱子的 我不傻 Well, I knew you'd find the case
唐顿庄园第二季第一集_11 [EXT. COURTYARD - NIGHT] [Anna follows Bates out into the courtyard and puts a hand on his arm to stop him.] ANNA I don't believe it! You say my life is over and your wife will collect you first thing, and that's it?
神探夏洛克第二季第一集_23 只需要一个密码 You have a passcode to open this. 我深表遗憾的说 我们有人能逼你说出来 I deeply regret to say, we have people who can extract it from you. 夏洛克? 有两个密码 Sherlock?
神探夏洛克第二季第一集_22 爷爷死了之后 他们不让我们见他 They wouldn't let us see Granddad when he was dead. 她不是我姨妈 我认识人的骨灰 She's not my real aunt - I know human ash. 我们就是这么对付德国人的
神探夏洛克第二季第一集_16 刚才真尴尬呀 对吧? That really wasn't very good, was it? 哦 嗨 Oh, hi. 你没事吧 You OK? 希望你这回没弄乱我编好顺序的袜子 I hope you didn't mess up my sock index this time! 很好听的曲
神探夏洛克第一季第一集_17 这你可没料到吧 福尔摩斯先生? Didn't expect that, did you, Mr Holmes? 这就是你对他们做的 This is what you did to the rest of them - 给他们选择? 现在我给你 you gave them a choice? And
神探夏洛克第一季第一集_1 华生 WATSON THE PERSONAL BLOG OF DR.John H.Watson 博客写的如何? How's your blog going? 嗯 顺利 很顺利 Yeah, good, very good. 你一个字都没写 对吧? You haven't written a word, have you? 你刚写
神探夏洛克第一季第一集_2 约翰 John 约翰华生 John Watson 麦克斯坦佛 巴兹医学院的同学 Stamford, Mike Stamford. We were at Barts together. 是的 抱歉 麦克 你好 Yes, sorry, yes, Mike, hello. 是 我知道自己胖了 没
神探夏洛克第一季第一集_9 你在干什么? What are you doing? 尼古丁贴片(戒烟用) Nicotine patch. 能帮助我思考 Helps me think. 如今在伦敦当老烟枪很难 Impossible to sustain a smoking habit in London these days. 不利大