标签:省钱达人 相关文章
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Pilgrimage 朝圣 White. As far as he could see. A sea of white. This was Mohammad's dream. He had spent a whole year working and saving up enough money for his trip. 白色,举目望去都是白色,一大片白色。这是穆罕穆德做的梦。为
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The Bank 银行 Banks will loan you money if you can prove you don't need it. 银行会贷款给你,如果你能证明你并不需要这笔钱。 Bank accounts give a person a good feeling until they realize that banks are insured by an agency of a
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Why Are Some Hairs White? 为什么一些头发是白色的? One day, a little girl is sitting and watching her mother wash the dishes in the kitchen. 一天,一个小姑娘正站在厨房里看着妈妈洗碗碟。 She suddenly notices that her
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Whoa, those are some big-ass coffees! 哇靠,这杯咖啡大得吓人啊! Yep, 64-ouncers. They told me they're bigger than the human stomach. 没错,1.9升杯呢。他们说这杯容量比人体的胃还大。 And the coffee's already working,