标签:地道美国英语 相关文章
日常的口语表达中,我们追求效率,力求用简洁的词句表达真正的意图。小编为大家搜罗了一些英语国家常用的俚语表达,让你的口语越来越地道。 PORKIES:说谎 说谎。起源于伦敦佬押韵俚语
1. 学习英语是随时随地的:我有一个习惯,就是每次买了一件新东西我都会对上面的包装或说明书仔细研究一番,当然我不是在研究商品本身,我是为了看上面的英语 注释,想多几个地道的英
kiss-ass n.马屁精,谄媚者, 奉承 kiss good-bye 吻别, 放弃,失去 kiss of death n.死神之吻,乍看有益但会导致毁灭的行为 kiss of life n.生命之吻 kiss of live n.口对口人工呼吸 kiss of peace [宗] 接吻礼,团结友爱
通过第19课前三讲的学习我们知道了pull an all-nighter和be a night owl都有be active at night的意思,即:打更熬夜之意。What's more, we have more colorful words which are similar to saying pull an all-nighter or be a night o
【课堂热身】 首先,let's warm up。我们先来做个热身。现在就进入我们今天的复习环节。在第19课第一讲中我们知道了熬更打夜的表述法是pull an all-nighter。在第19课第二讲中我们知道了熬更打夜
今天我们要品尝有2份早餐,来VS一下hear somebody do something和hear somebody doing something这2个动词短语。 Hear somebody do something和hear somebody doing something翻译成中文都是看见某人做某事的意思。那它们可
我们来看第二小题:临危不惧是他的看家本领。His a crisis is ace in the hole. 参考答案为:strength,in,an。完整句子即:His strength in a crisis is an ace in the hole. 完成这道题,注意三个要点。 第一、掌
【课堂热身】 首先,let's warm up。我们还是先来做个热身。在第18课第一讲中说到了一个短语,这个短语中是《圣经》中的两个神奇人物,一个是Adam(亚当),一个是Eve(夏娃),用连词and将它
【今日主题】 今天我们来看第6题。中文是我不感到精疲力尽,我猜我有点像夜猫子。请大家看下面的题目。I'm not . I guess I'm a night owl. 这道题有5个空,要填写的单词依次如下: worn,out,and,
【课堂热身】 首先,let's warm up。我们先来做个热身,进入Review(复习)环节。我们在第19课中谈到了熬夜族这一类人,用美语称之为a night owl,a nightbird,or a night person,and so on。熬夜族人要熬
【课堂热身】 首先,let's warm up。我们先来做个热身。在第20课的第一讲中我们知道了一个地道的表述电视迷的表述法是a couch potato。之所以用a couch potato来表述一有时间就泡在电视前其它什么事
【课堂复习】 首先,let's have a review。我们来回顾在本课中第一、二、三讲中讲到的表示玩得非常愉快的说法。说起来可以分为两大类,第一类是非正式用语,第二类是正式用语。我们要表述玩
【今日课题详说】 All my dear listener, please listen carefullyI've never seen you so upset. If you don't get a grip, you'er going to get an ulcer. Listen againI've never seen you so upset. If you don't get a grip, you'er going to get an ulcer
【课堂热身】 首先,大家跟我来做热身操。看看这幅有趣的图片,根据图片描绘的内容,然后猜一个习语。 Mom: You lazy bone! You have got to make a good preparation for your finals rather than watch TV. Son: . I
There was once a man who had a pet Penguin. One day, he took his Penguin for a walk. A Policeman saw him and walked over. He said What are you doing with that Penguin? The man said Im taking him for a walk, officer The Policeman stared at the man and
The Sound of Your Laughter To my Children, and yours too. The sound of your laughter Is what pulls me through The harshest winter The sound of your laughter Makes every bright summer day Brighter The sound of your laughter Is what gets me up in the m
HAHA HA! Boom Boom! That was Basil Brush. He appeared in our last episode. He is a fox, and a favourite character on childrens television in Britain. Every time he cracks a joke, he shouts: HAHAHA! Boom Boom! I have included a little picture of Basil