标签:千万别学英语 相关文章
Clip:剪、夹、快的绕口令 先提个醒儿,若您现在思维不甚敏捷,千万别看下面这句话,否则,您一定要说我落井下石,把本就不大清醒的大脑折腾的更不知东西。不相信?那就试一试Please use
Along with its deadly claws, Utahraptor relied on its teeth as an effective means of killing its prey. 除了其致命的爪子外,犹他盗龙凭借它的牙齿作为一个杀死猎物的有效工具。 And to ensure it always had a fresh set, Uta
核心句型: Don't spill the beans. 别说漏了嘴。 Don't spill the beans字面意思是:不要把豆子给揪出来了,这个习语起源于古希腊,人们通过往罐子里放豆子的方式来选举,不要将豆子撒出来,以免泄
电影《保镖》主题曲I Have Nothing,看过这部电影一定被里面的歌也深深吸引。我将永远记得你的爱,不要让我又再次退却,我并不想伤害任何人,如果害怕就躲到我怀里来,我一直告诉自己你就在我怀里,千万别离开我... 英文歌词 Share my life, take me for what I am Cau
have one too many = drink too much alcohol I can't drive, I had one too many. 我不能开车,我喝太多了。 on cloud nine = very happy I was on cloud nine. 我那时很开心。 ten to one = something very likely Ten to one I'm going to win. 我
Follow是一种不正常的追 一说到follow,肯定会想到是一种变态(a little creepy),尾随别人。 Stalk:尾随 Stalker:跟踪狂(a creep) 下面我们看看一些正常的追 #1.Chase:追逐、追赶 (metaphor 通常含
词汇畅谈(Vocabulary Build-up):scale 口语训练营(Everyday English):英语情景对话:培养孩子千万别忽视体育 语法天地(Grammar Talk):过去分词作后置定语
英语学习笔记: scoop n. 铲子;勺 steak n. 牛排 ketchup n. 番茄酱 dry goods 纺织品 rice stick 米粉 Two scoops in a cup, chocolate. 两个巧克力球,放杯子里。 How do you like your steak cooked? 牛排呀几分熟? Ketch
Nobody said it was easy for women at work. While feminism has come on leaps and bounds, there are still some issues that we need to address. Believe or not, there are loads of rights you have as a worker. There are certain things that you should neve
A number of times, I've found myself in a sticky jam. 有很多次我都被困于绝境 You can just feel your mind racing,and loads of mad ideas come into it. 但那时你能感觉到大脑在飞快地运转 不一会一大堆疯狂的主意就冒了出
约朋友、约会、约医生汉语都一样,很多朋友一个date走天下,其实大错特错咯!因为英语里,约情人、约客户、用的词完全不一样! 浪漫约会 男女朋友间的约会可以用Date: Romantic dates: 浪漫的
现代汉语中有不少词都是英语外来语,High这个词就常和汉语一起混用,可是它真正的意思并不是开心,今天Jenny和Adam要来谈谈美国人怎么使用high。 High有什么问题? 大家都很熟悉high的中国式
【俚语】 数词+单数名词+核心名词 A three-minute walk 三分钟的步行路程 【例句】 Its a three-minute walk for me to go to school. 我去学校是三分钟的步行路程。 A twenty-kilometer hiking 20公里的徒步 【例句】
不论是拯救深夜的饥肠辘辘,还是出国时安慰自己的中国胃,吃上一碗方便面就是最好的犒赏。 01.Noodlesornoodle? 大家都知道面在英语中是noodle,但在生活中却几乎没有人会这样说。Noodle是单数
Topic 1-Ministry Says Gaokao Rule Won't Hurt A recent Gaokao admission policy, which intends to offer more quota to students from poor provinces, has sparked a heated debate. However, the Ministry of Education ensures parents that the policy wont hur
国庆8天,大家一定过得很开心心,吃吃喝喝过后,一上称却很扎心,所以今天Jenny和Adam要和大家聊一聊减肥那些事。 如果你胖了,不要说fat 比较正式,合适的说法是: Gained some weight Gained a
夏天到了,很多人都怕晒黑。但是英语里晒黑、皮肤黑可不是black,而白也不是white。快跟Jenny和Adam学习正确的说法吧! Black And white形容种族 先说一下,black and white可以形容肤色,但是形容种
I'm in the middle of a jungle in southern China. 我现在身处于中国南部的丛林之中 Mountain rivers like this lead to the coast,which could provide you with an escape route. 这样的山间激流一直流向海岸 提供了一条撤退路线
Less is more. 人生如此,英语也如此。今天,Jenny和Adam就总结几个超级简单的小短语。因为简单,所以好学、好记、又好用! 关键词: 短语 Short phrases Short expressions 工作中最常用: 这3个短语在工