标签:千万别学英语 相关文章
第一步:大量背诵原汁原味的单句、对话、生活习语。 第二步:把每天背诵过的素材反复消化,借助想像力,身临其境把它们表演出来。 第三步:写日记。这个习惯看上去练习的是写作,其实
Language Points tipsy 微醉的 buzzed 醉了 wasted 喝大了 hammered 酩酊大醉 DUI(Driving Under the Influence) 酒驾 He was arrested for DUI.
今天是愚人节,你有没有收到过或发送过这样的短信? 1. U r very important to me, It's impossible 4 me to live without U even 4 a second! U r my life I can feel U everywhere Don't mind! I am talking about oxygen. 对我来说你太重
介绍: KB=kilobyte /?k?l.?.ba?t/ 千字节 MB=Megabyte /?meɡ.?.ba?t/兆字节 GB=Gigabyte /?ɡ?ɡ.?.ba?t/ 千兆字节 TB=Terabyte /?ter.?.ba?t/万亿字节 A megabyte (MB) is 1024 kilobytes 1MB等于1024KB storage 内存 I've got a new iPhone 7 pl
首先从考试说起,主观性强的口语。 口语确切地说并不是两个人交流的过程,他是考官根据经验给你打分的过程。所以不要寄希望于自己能用什么新奇的想法打动考官,现在已经和原来不一样
I've sent Frank away, and Fee will never forgive me. You can't tell her, Paddy. No, you mustn't tell her, ever. Just tell her Frank ran away with the boxers and leave it at that. She knows how restless Frank's been; she'll believe you. I couldn't do
下面这些与身体部位相关的英语习语,你一定得知道。不要根据词的表面意思猜测含义,不然会闹出笑话。各条习语,均有解释和说明。 1. All ears 1.洗耳恭听 awaiting an explanation, listening eagerly
兰迪于 1982 年在布朗大学获得计算机学本科学位。1988 年在卡内基梅隆大学获得博士学位.然后他执教于弗吉尼亚大学并提前一年拿到终身教职。1997 年他到卡内基梅隆大学任职于计算机科学系、
[全屏观看] 点击右键- 另存为 可保存这个Flash影片 作品简介 : 一对小老鼠在湖边约会,可它们的冤家猫就在附近乘凉,可千万别被它发现哦~ 操作方法:游戏中使用鼠标操作,点击小老鼠接吻
She commandeered the room in the basement of her dorm as soon as she realized she would have to pull an all-nighter in order to prepare for tomorrows final exam. Her roommate, Jenna, liked to get to bed early, so she packed up everything she thought
Beautiful women should never attach a picture to their CV. 美女千万不要在简历上附照片哦。 Jealous women in human resources departments will often bin the applications without forwarding them. 人力资源部妒火中烧的女性一看到
RESTAURANT RED FLAGS THAT SCREAM 'DON'T EAT HERE' 来自餐厅的呐喊不要来这吃 Sometimes you can walk into a restaurant and have a sixth sense that your experience is going to be horrible. Be careful: there are certain features of a dining es
[全屏观看] 点击右键- 另存为 可保存这个Flash影片 作品简介 : 在课堂上做小动作,千万别被老师发现了哦! 操作方法:游戏使用鼠标操作,鼠标点击搞小动作。
练过英语听力的人都有这样的感受,一段话听来听去听不懂,可是拿出答案一看原来很简单,这是怎么回事呢?这是由于英语发音不过关造成的。 听力练了许久,总不见提高,特别是能看懂的
在口语表达中,我们会有很多不同的表达方式,怎么样说话,能让对方感到舒服,让双方的交流畅通无阻,今天我们给大家教一个小技巧,希望大家有所体会。 Say Thank you for your patience. What h
The worst diet myths 最糟糕的饮食建议 DON'T BELIEVE THE HUNGER HYPE 千万别信那种不吃东西的宣传 You shouldn't believe all the rules about when, what and how to eat things. There are some worst diet myths around and what you should