标签:初级课程 相关文章
023A 移民入籍: 初级课程 Amir已经在美国生活了几年,在考虑入籍成为美国公民。他找朋友Susan, 打听入籍的手续。 Professor: That's right, Winnie. Becoming an American citizen takes a lot of work. 嗯,我也听说要
Will和Jane在约会,俩人聊起了各自爱看的电视节目。 Professor: That's right, Winnie. Today they are talking about reality TV. Reality TV - 电视真人秀! 这种节目其实一点都不真实,我听说,很多情节和对话其实也
022A 出行: 初级课程 Craig被纽约一家大公司录用,今天第一天上班。他刚搬来纽约不久,对公司周围的路不太熟,为了保险起见,他决定打车去公司--take a taxi。 Professor: Yes, Winnie. But if there is
018A 医药: 初级课程 Helen觉得不舒服,要去药店买药。Professor Bowman, 药店的英文我知道两个,一个是drug store, 还有一个是pharmacy, p-h-a-r-m-a-c-y. Professor: Yes, Winnie, they are both stores where you buy medic
019A 婚礼: 初级课程 John和Carmen订婚了,俩人商量婚礼该怎么办,可发现彼此的想法大相径庭。 Professor: That's right, Winnie. Carmen wants a traditional wedding, but John wants to get married in Las Vegas. John: Carmen,
017A 宠物: 初级课程 Tom和Mindy刚搬进新家,打算养只宠物。可是Tom喜欢狗,Mindy喜欢猫,俩人一时决定不了到底养什么。 Professor: Say Winnie, are you a dog person or a cat person? 老实说,养猫养狗太费事儿
大家好!今天我们为您播出美语三级跳节目电影单元的初级课程。 (Music) Professor: Winnie, today we're going to listen to Emily and Peter talking about movies on their blind date. 哎,初次约会通过聊电影来了解对方
Ernie和Beth是大学同学,俩人想组个乐队。 不过,他们要先了解一下彼此的音乐口味是否相同。 Professor: So, let's find out what kind of music they like. Ernie: So Beth, what kind of music do you listen to? Beth: I list
Ernie和Beth是大学同学,俩人想组个乐队。 不过,他们要先了解一下彼此的音乐口味是否相同。 Professor: So, let's find out what kind of music they like. Ernie: So Beth, what kind of music do you listen to? Beth: I list
Eric和Patty是好朋友,也是大学同学。他们中午一起吃饭,聊起了校园生活。 Professor: In this first part, we will learn how to ask what classes someone is taking. Patty: Hi Eric! Are you having fun at college? Eric: Yes, it's
Professor: Kevin and Emily are friends. They have come home from college for the holiday, and are talking about their relationships at school. 两个好朋友放假时聚在一起,当然得聊聊各自的感情生活了,快听听吧! Emily: Hi Ke
各位听众,大家好!今天我们为您播出美语三级跳节目找房单元的初级课程。 Professor: Jeff is at an apartment building. He's meeting the landlord to ask about renting an apartment. Professor Bowman, landlord这个词由是
Professor: Kevin and Jose are roommates at college. Today they are moving into their room and meeting each other for the first time. Professor Bowman, 这可是件大事。我的第一个大学室友睡觉鼾声如雷,还经常偷吃我的东西,希
Todd在洛杉矶上学,趁着放寒假,要回阿拉斯加去和父母一块儿过圣诞节。今天,他来到一家旅行社定机票。 Professor: Do you visit your parents on the holiday, Winnie? 当然了,我可是孝顺女儿呢! Agent:
Hannah带女儿Amber到公园里玩,和另外一个妈妈聊了起来。 Professor: That's right, Winnie. Some parents like to take their children to the park so they can meet other parents and talk. When you have kids, you don't have time to go to
Doug and Liz正开车去超市买菜,可Doug忽然觉得饿了,想顺道先去快餐店买个汉堡吃。 Professor: Winnie, do you ever get hungry when you go shopping? 当然有啊,所以每次去超市前,我都先要吃得饱饱的,要不
Kevin准备在女友生日的时候跟她出去浪漫约会,为此,他特意到商场,打算买身儿精神的衣服。 Professor: Winnie, I think Kevin must be a very good boyfriend. It's nice of him to buy a new suit for his girlfriend's birt
Chloe的电脑出了点毛病,她打电话给朋友Matt,让他帮忙看看。 Professor: That's right, Winnie. Isn't it good to have friends who understand computers? 那可不,有电脑达人当朋友真不错! Chloe: Hi Matt, thanks for comin
Toby刚刚大学毕业,急着找工作,不过他遇到了一个大问题,我们一起听听看。 Denise: Hi Toby, how are you doing? You don't look very well. Toby: Hey Denise. I'm just sad because I can't find a job. Denise: Yeah, it's hard t
家住洛杉矶的Phil想趁周末来躺自驾游,去赌城拉斯维加斯享受一番。不过,他得先租辆车。 Professor: Winnie, have you ever gone to Las Vegas? 去过一次。Professor Bowman, 如果我是租车公司老板,一定不愿