标签:你的名字 相关文章
Since A.A. Milne published the first official Winnie The Pooh story in 1926, the character has become beloved by children across many generations. 自从艾伦亚历山大米尔恩1926年推出小熊维尼的故事以来,这一形象就深受几代儿
都说Pearl harbour是 珍珠港的意思,其实还有更中土的翻译: 蚌埠。 都说Greenland是格陵兰的意思,其实还有更中土的翻译:青岛。 都说Deep River是宇多田光的专辑,其实它还有另外一个神奇的名
New Words: moral adj. 道德的;精神上的;品性端正的 charm n. 魅力,吸引力;魔力 gaiety n. 快乐,兴高采烈; Music is a moral law. It gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and charm and
One in five mothers feels namers remorse and would pick another name for their child if they had the choice, according to a survey before the annual announcement on baby names. 在宣布年度宝贝名字之前,一项调查显示,五分之一的妈
Apple Is Born 苹果诞生了 Now that they had decided to start a business, they needed a name. 既然决定开公司了,就要给公司起个名字。 Jobs had gone for another visit to the All One Farm, 乔布斯之前又去了一次团结农场,
What Friendship Means to Me? 友谊对我意味着什么? I have a list of folks I know all written in a book, 我在一个本子里记下了很多朋友的名字, and every now and then I go and take a look. 偶尔翻开瞧瞧时, That is when
China has released a short list of eight names for the country's first Mars spacecraft, which is scheduled to launch by 2020. 近日,中国发布了一份名单,列出了中国第一个、预计于2020年发射的火星探测器的八个待选名称
一天从一杯漫天繁星的希望开始。在开着珍贵的马去办公室之前,他会用三颗星星查邮件。下班后要来一杯百种威望。 If you're a well-to-do Shanghai resident, you might start atypical day with a cup of Starry H
百变教母Lady Gaga的歌你可能听过,但她的名字中的Gaga是什么意思你知道吗? The artist gleaned the name from the famous Queen song Radio Gaga, but the word gaga entered the English lexicon in the early 1900s as a term for cra
Benz 奔驰 ①德国汽车公司戴姆勒-克莱斯勒出产的汽车型号。②代表着汽车工业的豪华标准。[⊙中文 ben chi]在中国它是最显派的交通工具:~也许不够神秘、不够冷峻,但足够让人器重。 Beatles 甲壳
The Princess of Cambridge has finally been revealed to the world as Charlotte Elizabeth Diana - in a touching nod to her grandfather, her grandmother and her great-grandmother. 剑桥公主终于对外宣布她取名为夏洛特伊丽莎白戴安娜名
英语中有很多简单的单词组合在一起,意思却非常有趣,比如raining dogs and cats,明明是狗和猫,其实是倾盆大雨的意思。而今天所要学习的Big name,其实也不是大名字的意思,那究竟是什么呢?
今天我们要学的词是trademark。 Trademark, 商标。据中国媒体报道, China registered 4.6 million trademarks by the end of 2010, 中国截止到2010年年底,总计注册了460万个商标。 Former Republican vice presidential cand
Once upon a time, there was a village in north Wales called Llanfair. Llanfair means, simply, the church of St Mary in the Welsh language, and there are many other places in Wales called Llanfair. The particular Llanfair in this story was called Llan
章含之《上海外语口译》要创刊了。俞恭庆主任邀我写一点小文章鼓励年轻一代的口译工作者。岁月无情,不知不觉中我已是老一辈口译工作者了。 我做口译主要是在上个世纪七十年代。那是
地点:中央公园咖啡馆 人物:菲比,迈克 事件:菲比突然想要改名。为了让菲比意识到自己改的名字有多离谱,迈克也决定改名。 Phoebe: Welcome back. I missed you. 菲比:欢迎回来,我想你了。
讨喜法 Use a Person's Name. 叫对方的名字。 Let's face it we're all huge narcissists and we all love the sound of our own name. Learn names and make use of them. Always use an individual's name in a conversation. This tried-and-true techniqu