标签:你得减肥了 相关文章
Unit 109:Get out of the swim 第109单元:远离游泳 Wait a minute-didn't we just tell you about the benefits of swimming? 等一下,我们不是才告诉你游泳的好处吗? Well,there's something you should know: 嗯,有些事你得知道
Unit 110:Row,row,row your boat 第110单元:来划船吧 The motion of rowing strengthens the arms,chest and back while providing a super aerobic workout. 划船运动在提供绝佳有氧运动的同时,也加强了手臂、胸部和背部力
Unit 115:Play with your pet 第115单元:和宠物玩耍 Every dog owner knows that Poochie isn't happy with a walk around the block only once a day. 每个狗主人都知道狗儿每天只绕街区去走一回是不会快乐的。 Pet experts sa
Unit 114:Play with your kids 第114单元:与孩子同乐 Work off extra pounds and help your kids at the same time. 除了消除你自己身上多余的体重外.同时也帮你的孩子减肥吧。 Increasing numbers of children are overweight
Unit 123:Plant a garden 第123单元:开辟一座花园 Use up 400 to 450 calories an hour and have a beautiful garden as well. 在你拥有一座美丽花园的同时,你也会在一小时里消耗掉四百到四百五十卡路里的热量。
Unit 126:Make age no barrier 第126单元:年龄不是障碍 Sharon Lear learned to downhill ski,a sport which had previously terrified her,in Colorado at the age of 38. 科罗拉多州的雪伦李尔在她三十八岁时学会了先前令她恐惧
Unit 73:Take a break during PMS 第73单元:经前综合症期间暂停节食 Women who suffer from PMS(premenstrual syndrome)may have worse symptoms,from headaches to depression,while they're dieting. 节食期间,患有经前症候群的女人可
Unit 69:Don't tell yourself I'll never have such-and-such again ! 第69单元:别对自己说:下不为例! Your weight一loss program may seem endless,but it really is temporary. 你的减肥计划可能看似永无止境,但它其实是很短暂
Unit 72:Slow down on fast foods 第72单元:少吃快餐 McDonald's,Taco Bell,Arby's and other such restaurants offer foods that are both fast and fattening. 麦当劳、墨西哥薄饼店、阿比三明治店等餐厅都能迅速的供应食物,
Unit 63:Eat with a friend 第63单元: 和朋友共餐 Earlier,we mentioned that eating with a group of people sometimes stimulates overeating. 以前我们曾提到,和一群人聚餐有时会刺激你吃得过多。 But having company during
Unit 54 Take your vitamins Unit 54 服用适合自己的维他命 You won't lose more weight by taking vitamin and mineral supplements,but you will get the proper balance of nutrients to keep you in top shape while you lose weight. 服用维他命和矿
Unit 57 Be on the ookout for substitutes Unit 57 留意替代品 Every day is a day of discovery.Yesterday,you found out that frozen yogurt tastes as good as ice cream but with a lot fewer calories,Today,you put mustard on your sandwich instead of ma
Unit 58 Put your food on a plate. Unit 58 把食物放在盘子上 Some people's pets eat better than they do.Fido gets a plate for his doggie stew.but Phyllis eats straight out of the plastic package or bag.When you do that,you can't see what you're
Unit 78:Brush and floss 第78单元:用餐后要刷牙和剔牙 Finish every meal by brushing and flossing your teeth. 每次用餐完毕后,要刷牙以及用牙线剔牙。 Your mouth will feel so fresh and clean that you won't want to put mo
Unit 79:Stroll after supper 第79单元:晚饭后散个步 After-dinner snacks are a weakness for many of us. 很多人都有在晚饭后来份点心的弱点。 Avoid them and get a little exercise while you're at it by taking a walk after your
Unit 81:Take good measure 第81单元:精确测量 What does a 1/2-cup serving of cereal really look like? 半杯的麦片到底有多少? How much rice does a cup really amount to on your plate? 而一杯的米放在你的餐盘上究竟是多少呢
Unit 84:Chop chop 第84单元:食物要一切再切 You say you've been meaning to nibble on carrots and celery instead of junk food? 你说你一直打算要慢慢地啃胡萝卜和芹菜来取代垃圾食物吗? Get out your knife and start c
Unit 40 Lay low on (some) legumes Unit 40 减少摄取某些豆科食物 Like many a human family,the family of legumes has some skinny members and some fat ones.Beans and peas are naturally low in calories and fat. Peanuts(150calories per ounce) a
Unit 46 Snack if you must. Unit 46 选择低脂肪、低卡路里的零食 A snack now and then may satisfy real hunger and may help you feel less deprived psychologically.Air-popped popcorn,at 25 fat-free calories per cup,has been the salvation of m
Unit 97:Aerobicize 第97单元:有氧运动好处多 Aerobic exercises-aerobic dance classes,brisk walking,running,bike riding, 有氧舞蹈课、快步、跑步、骑脚踏车、 swimming and similar activities requiring steady,intense effort-ar