标签:你得减肥了 相关文章
01. That's it I have to take off some weight! 真的受够了,我必须要减肥了。 02. I'm supposed to go on a diet. 我要开始节食。 03. I tried losing weight, but nothing works. 我曾试过减肥,但没什么效果。 04. Girls are ne
Unit 150: Keep it up 第150单元:持续下去 The body fat you lose through exercise and diet can be easily regained if you interrupt your exercise program,even if you keep dieting. 如果你中断了你的运动计划,就算你继续节食,那些
lose weight 和 on a diet 都有减肥的意思,但是用法有区别 on a diet = 节食减肥 比如:别人给你吃的 I'm good. Thanks. I'm on a diet. 不用了,谢谢。我在节食减肥。 lose weight 1. 减肥,不限于节食,可以是
Unit 101:Walk the mall 第101单元:逛街减肥 Have you ever thought about how much exercise you get while shopping? 你有没有想过你在逛街时的运动量有多少? Make a conscious effort to mall walk on a regular basis. 刻意定期地
Unit 99:Take 10,000 steps a day 第99单元:每天走一万步 A research study looked at 332 middle-aged,overweight men who needed to lose weight and lower their blood pressure and cholesterol levels. 一项针对三百十二名超重,需要减
Residents tended to stay thinner when a commuter train was added to their region, because of increased exercise walking to and from stops City planners and citizens alike frequently push for better public transportation. They argue that it can lessen
Fitness - A Key To Weight Loss 健康——减肥的关键 Perhaps like most Americans you have some extra pounds to shed. You may even have tried a fad diet or two, but found yourself right back wher
Without exaggeration, this juice is a real nutritional powerhouse that helps cleanse your body, shed pounds, improve immune system and protect against heart disease. It will instantly fill you up with a plethora of vitamins that will help you fight b
With New Years resolutions the name of the game at the moment, weight loss is most likely on the minds of many. In fact, a YouGov poll taken in December 2014 showed that weight loss was by far the most common resolution, at 35% of all respondents; 20
Have you ever found yourself staring down at an empty bowl of ice cream wondering what just happened? 你是不是也遇到过这种情况:自己盯着空空如也的冰激凌杯,在想刚刚到底发生了什么? Or holding an empty bag of M a
If you find yourself piling on the pounds, try buying a new set of crockery. 如果你发现自己长肉了,不妨买套新餐具。 For the simple step of eating from a smaller plate could slash your calorie intake by nearly a tenth, according to
Those Low-Calorie sections that are increasingly popping up in restaurant menus, according to a new study appear to have a backfire effect. 低卡饮食在当今的餐馆里非常流行,然而最新的一项研究表明,它可能和人们想象的不
今天要学的俚语是七十年代开始出现的说法:fat farm。farm原意是农场或者牧场,可是fat farm绝对不是牛肥马壮的牧场;正相反,fat farm是减肥兼度假的地方。 人们去fat farm住上一些日子,是为了寻
Losing weight and getting in shape has never been an easy mission. We cannot survive without food and nowadays the temptation is too hard to resist: supermarkets are full of products that attract us. 减肥并且保持身形从来就不是轻而易举的
Green tea is one of those things thats really healthy for you, but its health benefits have been greatly exaggerated; one of the things which has been consistently reported about green tea is that it helps you lose weight, but scientists didnt know h
Dieters have long sworn that grapefruit helps them lose weight. 长期以来节食者们一直信誓旦旦地宣称葡萄柚有助减肥。 Now, scientists are beginning to believe them. 如今科学家们也开始相信他们的论断。 A study has
I have to take off some weight. 我得减肥了。 A:Hi,Anne,what's up? 嗨,安妮,你怎么了 ? B:I look awful in a swimsuit.I am too fat. 我穿泳衣看起来好糟糕。我太胖了。 A:Well,you're a little plump,but you aren't fat. 哎呀,
国庆8天,大家一定过得很开心心,吃吃喝喝过后,一上称却很扎心,所以今天Jenny和Adam要和大家聊一聊减肥那些事。 如果你胖了,不要说fat 比较正式,合适的说法是: Gained some weight Gained a
Sticking to a diet is key for losing weight. So it stands to reason that letting would-be dieters choose a weight loss program that seems relatively tasty and palatable would help them lose weight. 坚持节食是减肥的关键,所以,让想要节