He turns out to be a top ranking Nazi, Hitler's deputy, Rudolf Hess. 原来他是高阶纳粹党员,希特勒的副官鲁道夫赫斯。 He says: I have come on a mission of peace. 他说:我受命前来与你们谈和。 Hess was one of Hitler's

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Into this cog mire Hitler throws everything he has some ten million men 希特勒几乎倾其所有全都投入这场泥沼中,也就是将近1千万的人力 He estimates however he still needs 8 hundred thousand more for this decisive campaign 然而

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Berlin 1945. Europe has been freed from the Nazi reign of terror. 柏林,1945年,欧洲脱离了纳粹恐怖统治。 The Red Army is waging its final battles. 红军正在进行最后战役。 Captain Joseph Plautov, a Russian officer The hate r

发表于:2019-02-19 / 阅读(93) / 评论(0) 分类 二战启示录

The Saar offensive stops there, and generates into a series of skirmishes raised by elite commandos led by the hero Joseph Darnard 进攻行动停在萨尔,并缩减成精英游击队进行的一连串小规模战斗和突袭。这是由乔瑟头达农

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More than 3,000 tanks, 7,000 cannons, 3,000 aeroplanes. 德军出动三千多辆坦克车、七千多座大炮、三千多架飞机。 Within 24 hours, 1,500 Soviet aircrafts are wiped out on the ground. 不到二十四小时,一千五百架苏联飞

发表于:2019-02-26 / 阅读(101) / 评论(0) 分类 二战启示录

Von Manstein wants reinforcement in order to continue his offensive 冯曼斯坦需要援军来继续进攻 He is waiting for Hitler 他在等希特勒 He immeadiately tells him 他立即告诉希特勒 We have suffered losses but the Russians have t

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In Italy several months later, the Wehrmacht is still holding the Gustav line and Mountain Casino 在意大利,数个月后,德军仍坚守古斯塔防线以及卡西诺山 The French Genernal Juan proposes to suprise the Germans 法国朱安将军

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The Allies have landed in Italy which is occupied by the Germans 盟军登陆意大利,这里仍被德国占领 In the advance towards the north while Mussolini is still in control 在挺进仍由墨索里尼掌控的北部时 The American, British

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The Germans outfit this veritable foreign liege of there with best equipment 德军提供这个外籍军团最佳装备 such as the Tiger Tank designed by the brilliant engineer Ferdinand Porsche with its 88 milimeter gun 例如优秀工程师费迪南

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After 4 weeks of dogged fighting 经历4周的顽强战斗 The German finally get to the top of the only high point in the city 德军终于登上这城市的唯一高地 Mamayev Hill 马马耶夫岗 From there they can control all of Stalingrad 从这

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Yamashita makes hundreds of prisoners line up in perfect order so impressive and humiliating review. 山下让数百名战俘排成完美整齐的队伍进行着令人叹为观止却极尽羞辱能事的检阅仪式 Yamashita indulges in a civil salu

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It is indeed an invasion. 这确实是侵略行动 On the same day the Japanese attack the British colony of HongKong 同一天日本也攻击了英国殖民地香港 then they bomb the American airbases in the Philippines on land of the town. 然后轰

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The attack comes as a total surprise. 这次攻击完全出人意料之外 Marine Corporal Er Nightingale 海军陆战队下士厄尔南丁格尔 who was on board the battle ship Arizona described the scene: 当年在亚利桑那号战舰上服役,他

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The German vanguard reaches the outskirt of Moscow and even the end of the bus line that goes straight to Red Square. 德军先锋抵达莫斯科市郊,甚至还开到通往红场的公车线路尽头。 While the Soviet army holds back the advanci

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Along this enormous front, from Leningrad to Odessa, the thrust towards Moscow seems unstoppable. 德军沿着这条从列宁格勒延伸到敖得萨的超长战线前进,似乎没有什么能阻挠他们朝莫斯科推进。 The Germans take anoth

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Hitler is exasperated. He will later call Churchill a Jew-ridden half American drunkard. 希特勒大为光火。他之后将把邱吉尔说成犹太人附身的半个美国醉鬼。 From now on, whenever he is exhausted, he will vent his spite again

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He orders the factories along with their machines and their workers to relocate to the East, to the Ural mountains. 他命各工厂,将工厂、机器和工人运至东部的乌拉山区。 And he gives farmers and peasants an absolute order Leave,

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Still, the Germans are better armed and their army is stronger. 不过,德国的武器装备较精良,他们的军队也比较强。 But these Ivans that they call the Russians will fight to the nail until the very end. 但这些被德国人称为伊

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In the Netherlands, the port of Rotterdam is a blaze. 荷兰的鹿特丹也成了火海。 The result of German terror bombing raid like the one in Warsaw. 来自德军恐怖的轰炸空袭一如华沙那次。 But these bombs were dropped after the

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Some of these pilots will be returned to Germany when their armistice is signed and will join the battle against Britain. 停战协议签署后,其中有些飞行员将返回德国,也将继续对抗英国。 The German tanks move swiftly through

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