标签:多纷争 相关文章
A father and son finally reunited. David Goldman left his hotel just after sunrise this morning in Rio early at the US consulate for the transfer he has waited five years to see. The Brazilian family holding his son Sean delivered him including in th
He's also part Caucasian. 他有部分的白人血统 I think he saw a lot of adversity racially, 当时他目睹了许多的种族厄运 not only around him but within himself. 同时自己也经历了不少 And he had run-ins with English schoolboy
352. Abraham Lincoln. 352.亚伯拉罕林肯 Born in Kentucky, Abraham Lincoln went with his parents to Indiana and then to Illinois. 亚伯拉罕林肯出生在肯塔基,他和父母一起来到印第安纳,后来又去了伊利诺斯。 As a
But Douglas said that the Compromise of 1820 had been repealed by the Compromise of 1850. 但是,道格拉斯说1820年的《折中法案》已经被1850年的《折中法案》所废止, So he proposed that the settlers of Nebraska should say wh
Chapter 34 第34章 The struggle for kansas 关于堪萨斯的纷争 349. Pierce elected President, 1852. 349.皮尔斯当选总统(1852年) It was now Campaign time for a new election. 又到了新一轮大选的时候, The Whigs had been su
Wozniak, not surprisingly, had the opposite attitude. 沃兹尼亚克在处理此事的态度上,自然是与乔布斯截然不同的。 Before the shares went public, he decided to sell, at a very low price, two thousand of his options to forty di
Options 期权纷争 When Mike Markkula joined Jobs and Wozniak to turn their fledgling partnership into the Apple Computer Co. in January 1977, they valued it at $5,309. 1977年1月,马库拉加入了乔布斯和沃兹尼亚克的生意,将这两个
356. Buchanan elected President, 1856. 356.布坎南当选为总统(1856年) The Whigs and the Know-Nothings nominated Millard Fillmore for President and said nothing about slavery. 辉格党和美国本土党提名米勒德菲尔莫尔为总统,
An election was held. Hundreds of men poured over the boundary of Missouri, outvoted the free-soil settlers in Kansas, and then went home. 人们举行了一次地方选举,数以百计的人冲过密苏里边界,他们以多数票击败在堪萨斯
But the fraudulent slave-state legislature had already provided for holding a constitutional convention at Lecompton. 但是,诡诈的主张奴隶制的立法机关已经规定在利康顿召开一次制宪会议, This convention was controlled b
358. The Lincoln and Douglas Debates, 1858. 358.林肯与道格拉斯的辩论(1858年) The question of the reelection of Douglas to the Senate now came before the people of Illinois. 现在伊利诺斯州的人民要考虑道格拉斯在参议院
Britain Politics 英国政治 Tribes of Tories 托利党的派系纷争 The Conservative Party increasingly resembles a patchwork of pressure groups. That is a bad sign for its leader 保守党越来越像压力团体一锅烩,党魁遭遇坏势头
Something never changes soon. The fabled EU gravy train, those fancy cars, long lunches, chocolate and beer filled Brussels lifestyle, all of it, a permanent source of indignation and anger to Euro skeptics. In times of plenty, when European economie
新的《婚姻法》司法解释公布后,引来各方争议。《中国日报》在一篇题为New home front opens up in divorce的文章中,详细分析了有关争议: While some people complain about having to discuss divorce even before
Facebook's chief executive has said he is sympathetic to Apple's position in its clash with the FBI. Facebook的首席执行官扎克伯格近日表示,对苹果公司在与FBI对峙中所处的位置表示同情。 The FBI has ordered Apple to dis
第九章中苹果公司上市。1980年苹果公司正式首次公开筹股(IPO)准备上市,当时的苹果公司价值近18亿美元,乔布斯瞬间名利双收(a man of wealth and fame),25岁的乔布斯身家达到2.56亿美元。可
Recognising Palestine 认可巴勒斯坦 A state of things to come 大波纷争来袭 Britain votes to recognise a Palestinian state 英国投票承认巴勒斯坦国 What would Arthur Balfour say? 阿瑟贝尔福将会说什么? IN HIS declaration
JUDY WOODRUFF: Another big seat is filled in the Trump Cabinet-to-be, and it sets up a potential confirmation fight. The president-elect's transition team confirmed this morning that a top oil executive is the choice for secretary of state. After day