Yet, concerned by mounting inequality in America, he thought that more should be done to invest in early childhood education and improve the state of schools. 然而,出于对美国不断上升的不平等的担忧,他认为,应当加大在儿童

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Arthur Pigou, a British economist who is credited with coining the term human capital, 亚瑟庇古(Arthur Pigou),这位被誉为是首创了人力资本这一词语的英国经济学家相信, believed there would be an under-supply of trained w

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But this was just the beginning of his analysis. 但是,这仅仅是他的分析的起点。 Becker observed that people do acquire general human capital, but they often do so at their own expense, rather than that of employers. 贝克尔注意到,

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Human capital could also be applied to topics beyond returns to individuals from education. 人力资本还可以被应用于个人教育回报之外的多种话题。 The idea was a powerful variable in explaining why some countries fared far better

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Becker himself highlighted research findings that one quarter of the rise in per-person incomes from 1929 to 1982 in America was because of increases in schooling. 贝克尔本人强调了美国的人均收入在1929年到1982间的提高中的四分之

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Economics Brief 经济学简介 Six Big Ideas: Overcapacity and undercapacity 六大经济学理论:产能过剩和产能不足 Glutology 过剩的学问 The third brief in our series on big economice ideas looks at Say's law 我们有关重大经济

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To grasp Say's point requires two intellectual jumps. 理解萨伊的要点需要两种学术方面的提升。 The first is to see past money, which can obscure what is really going on in an economy. 首先,要看透钱,它能够屏蔽经济体中

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In Britain the Luddites broke stocking frames to stop machines taking their jobs. 在英国,卢德派分子已经开始破坏织袜机,以阻止机器抢了他们的饭碗。 On the other hand, global demand was damaged by failed ventures in Sout

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That proposition was put to the test after Paul Volcker became Fed chairman in 1979. 这种主张在保罗沃克尔于1979年成为美联储主席后被付诸验证。 Mr Volcker was set on getting inflation down. 当时,沃克尔决心要把通胀降

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Inflation has behaved strangely over the past decade. 在过去的十年中,通胀表现得很陌生。 The recession that followed the financial crisis of 2007-08 sent American unemployment soaring to 10%. 2007-08年金融危机之后的衰退曾令

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Economics Brief 经济学简论 Overlapping generations: Kicking the can down an endless road 代代叠加:拖无止境 The final brief in our series on big economic ideas looks at the costs (and benefits) of passing on the bill to the next generat

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America's Social Security, for example, is largely pay-as-you-go. 例如,美国的社会保险制度(Social Security)就是一个大型的现收现付制度。 For this reason, its critics often compare it to a Ponzi scheme in order to discredi

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Samuelson's paper was seminal but not wholly original. 萨缪尔森的论文是开创性的,但不是完全原创的。 A similar model was described in 1947 by Maurice Allais, then working in a bureau of mining statistics in Paris, 1947年,类似的

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A second consideration is demography. 第二个考虑是人口。 A growing population creates a natural pyramid scheme. 不断增长的人口创造出一个天然的金字塔式的骗局。 Each cohort of participants will receive the money contribu

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Finance and Economics 财经 Crypto-Currencies: New Money 加密货币:新兴货币 Bitcoin, its imitators and the risk of a crypto-bubble. 比特币,其仿冒者,以及加密货币泡沫风险。 It is hard to predict when bubbles will pop, in

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Even before worries surfaced that the currency could split in two over the disagreement, 甚至在货币可能分裂成两种的担忧显露出来之前, bitcoin holders started to diversify into some of the many other crypto-currencies, or alt. co

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In 2015 it lost a court case against Britain over its attempt to force clearing to move. 在2015,它控诉英国关于试图强制清算转移的法院案件败诉了。 Many jurisdictions, the EU included, limit their financial institutions' acces

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Finance and Economics 财经 Clearing Houses and Brexit: Clearing out 打扫房间与脱欧:清除出去 New European proposals might force Euro clearing out of London. 新欧盟提案考虑转移伦敦欧元清算业务。 Brexit has thrust a mund

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He now intends to bring in SFr4bn through a rights issue. (Share sales in 2015 raised SFr6bn.) 他现在打算通过供股来注入四十亿瑞郎。(2015年的股权交易筹集了六十亿瑞郎。) Shareholders had never been keen on the flota

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Finance and Economics 财经 Credit Suisse: Thiam's tweak 瑞士银行:谭天忠的微调 Another change of plan at Switzerland's second biggest bank. 瑞士第二大银行做出了另一改变。 Europe's most troubled big banks may at last be on

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