Subsequent economists have tried to make sense of Say's law in the following way. 后来的经济学家试图用下面这种方式理解萨伊定律。 Imagine an economy that consists only of shoes and hats. 假设一个经济体,它仅由鞋子和帽

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Mr Phelps began writing groundbreaking models of the labour market in 1966. 1966年,菲尔普斯开始构建开创性的劳动力市场模型。 A year later, Friedman gave what became the canonical criticism of the old way of thinking in an addres

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Finance and Economics 财经 Payments: Acquirer acquired 支付:收购者被收购 An American payments firm goes online and buys British. 一家美国支付公司在线购买英国货。 A Bidding war was briefly but eagerly anticipated. In the en

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Greece's third bail-out programme came to an end on August 20th. 希腊第三次救市计划于8月20日结束。 A look at the causes of the country's near-decade of crisis illustrates how external imbalances can reflect underlying troubles. 希腊近

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If a girl in a poor country goes to school, she will probably have a more comfortable life than if she stays at home. 如果欠发达国家的女孩去上学,那么相比待在家中,她的未来或许更加轻松。 She will be less likely to ma

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For Safeena Husain, who runs Educate Girls, the process was as satisfying as the results. 对于女孩教育行动的创始人Safeena Husain而言,该项目的进程和结果一样令人满意。 Instead of having to send tedious reports to a donor

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Vijay Bhaskar of Mlinda says a big mistake in development has been to assume that, Mlinda公司的Vijay Bhaskar表示发展中的一个大问题是假设 once people are hooked up to electricity, businesses will automatically flourish. 一旦人们通上

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When Donald Trump tweeted on August 5th that tariffs were working big time, American media sprang into action to test the claim. 8月5日,唐纳德特朗普在推特上说,关税颇有成效,美国媒体蓄势待发,他们想要检验这种说法

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The asymmetry in the trade war is another uncomfortable fact. 这场贸易战中的不对称是另一个让人不安的事实。 Since America buys far more from China than vice versa, America has more scope to impose tariffs. 由于美国从中国进口

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Officials could opt to abandon their tightening stance in order to counteract the trade turmoil. But that might erase the gains from the deleveraging. 官方可以选择放弃他们紧缩的立场以求缓和贸易混乱。但这么做会抹去来自于

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Current-account imbalances are not always a cause for concern. 经常账户失衡并不总是一件令人担忧的事。 As a matter of arithmetic, they measure the gap between domestic savings and investment. 基于数理逻辑,他们对国内储蓄

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The current-account deficits in the euro zone's crisis countries were of the worrying kind. That they have shrunk or reversed is comforting. 欧元区危机国家的经常账户赤字是属于让人担心的那一种。他们的赤字已有收缩,趋

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Still, this uneven adjustment in the euro area could explain why both demand and inflation, 欧元区内的这种不均匀调整还能够解释,为什么一旦能源和食物价格被排除在外, once energy and food prices are excluded, have be

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They make an intriguing posse: about 160 scouts in jeans and muddy boots, 他们组编了一支有趣的民兵队伍:约有160位童军,他们穿着工装裤和泥糊糊的靴子 jumping out of cars with ropes in hand, plunging deep into corn (ma

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In the background lurks climate change, fears of which have grown with the heat and drought battering Europe's wheat crop this summer. 在此背景下还潜伏着气候变化、以及今年夏天欧洲小麦作物遭遇高温干旱打击的恐惧。

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Progress in talks on the North American Free-Trade Agreement would also be good news. 北美自由贸易协定谈话中所取得的进展也是好消息。 But BHP, the world's biggest miner, issued a blunt assessment of the longer-term dangers to it

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It costs more to send a 40-foot container by road from Bogot, Colombia's capital, 通过陆路将一个40英尺的集装箱从哥伦比亚首都波哥大 to Buenaventura on its Pacific coast than to ship it on from Buenaventura to Shanghai. 运往太平

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A forested village in Jharkhand state, eastern India, Narotoli is home mainly to adherents of Sarna, a nature-worshipping tribal religion. Narotoli,位于印度东部尔克汗邦的一个草木丛生的村庄,这里居住的大部分都是萨尔纳

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Regrettably, clumping leads to crowding: the more people an area houses, the greater the competition for its scarce resources, 遗憾的是,聚集带来了拥堵:一个区域住了越多的人,稀缺资源的竞争越激烈, from seats at a h

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But reductions in traffic will make living in currently congested areas more attractive and hence more populous. 但是,交通拥堵的缓解将使现有拥堵的区域更有吸引力,因此人口会更加密集。 Miles travelled per person migh

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