For a while individual noblemen curried favor with the people to win their votes, and then seized power. 在一段时间里一些贵族附和民众获得他们的选票,然后夺取了统治权。 Rulers like these were called tyrants. 这样的统治

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But one thing united the Greeks: their religion and their sport. 但只有一件事情把希腊联合在一起了:他们的信仰和体育运动。 And I say 'one thing' because, strangely enough, sport and religion weren't two separate things they

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I said earlier that Greece, when set against the Persian empire, was no more than a small peninsula, 我已经谈到,顶住了波斯帝国强大压力的希腊是一个小小的半岛, dotted here and there with little cities of busy merchants, 有

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After this the Persians never again dared attack the Greeks. 从此波斯人没有再敢涉足希腊。 And this is very interesting, because it wasn't as if the Persians were weaker or more stupid than the Greeks far from it. 这意味深长,倒不是

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This was the famous Marathon Run after which we call our race. 这便是著名的马拉松长跑的由来。 Famous, because the messenger ran so far and so fast that all he could do was deliver his message before he fell down dead. 马拉松长跑之所

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They had no wish to be ruled by a Persian king, nor would they pay him tribute.So they rebelled, and threw out the Persian governors. 他们既不愿意被波斯国王统治也不愿意向他纳贡,所以他们起来造反并把波斯官员赶走。

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It came after the death of Cambyses, during the reign of a great king named Darius. 这是在冈比西斯死之后,在一位名叫大流士的伟大君主的统治期间。 He governed the vast Persian empire which now stretched from Egypt to the f

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The wild tribes living there brought them furs and precious stones in exchange for tools, cooking pots and colored cloth. 商人们用他们带来的毛皮和宝石从居住在那里的未开化的部族换取工具、蒸煮锅和花布。 For Phoeni

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At Mycenae he discovered palaces and the tombs of kings, armor and shields, just as the Homeric songs had described them. 于是他在迈锡尼找到了国王们的宫殿和墓穴、盔甲和盾牌,一切都跟荷马的歌里一样。 And he found

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The last great Babylonian king was Nebuchadnezzar. 最后一个伟大的巴比伦国王是尼布甲尼撒。 He lived around 600 BC and is remembered for his feats of war. 他生活在公元前600年左右,他的几次战绩使他出了名。 He fo

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Today we know that these are the stars that are close to us, and that they turn with the earth around the sun. 今天我们知道,那是和地球一道绕着太阳转动的星星。 They are called planets. 人们称它们为行星。 But the ancie

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And yet the most important part of the Egyptians' strange religion was their belief that, 但埃及人的奇怪宗教中最重要之处却是他们的信仰: although a man's soul left his body when he died, for some reason the soul went on needing

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Perhaps you're wondering why the pharaoh should want to build such a gigantic tomb? 你也许要问:为什么法老想建造这么一座巨大的坟墓呢? It was all part of his religion. 这跟他的宗教有关。 The Egyptians believed in man

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In Africa it is hot, and for months on end it doesn't rain. 非洲气候炎热,接连好几个月不下雨。 In many regions very little grows. 许多地方只能生长少量作物。 These are deserts, as are the lands on either side of Egypt. 这片

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Whenever he felt his temper rising, he slowly recited the alphabet in his head, and by the time he had reached the end he had calmed down. 每逢他发怒时,他便总是默默诵读字母顺序,这会花去他的一些时间,然后他又头脑清

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But Christ had taught that the world's worst sorrows had a meaning, that beggars, those in torment, the persecuted, the sick and the suffering were blessed in their misfortune. 但是基督曾教导:世上最大的痛苦自有其意义,乞丐、哭

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But these were not at all like those of the Greeks, where leading citizens took part in sporting contests and sang hymns in honor of the Father of the Gods. 这当然不是希腊人那样的由贵族公民自己为纪念主神而进行的体育活动和

发表于:2019-01-29 / 阅读(102) / 评论(0) 分类 世界小史

65 世界难民日 DATE=7-9-01 TITLE=DEVELOPMENT REPORT - World Refugee Day BYLINE=Jill Moss (Start at 1'01

发表于:2019-01-30 / 阅读(96) / 评论(0) 分类 文化聚焦

2001年11月12日,在全世界歌迷的的翘首祈盼下,Westlife推出了自己的第三张专辑 World Of Our Own ,发行仅一周便以300,000多的销量打败了歌坛天后Madonna的精选专辑成为冠军,这也是他们的第二张冠军专辑。新专辑共收录了19首世界当红词曲创作者们的杰作,其中有7首歌

发表于:2019-02-07 / 阅读(160) / 评论(0) 分类 音乐咖啡厅

Among the frontier guards any number of gods were worshipped the Persian sun god Mithras, for example, and not long after, the unique and invisible god of the Christians. 此外这些驻守边境的军队也崇拜基督徒的惟一的看不见的神。

发表于:2019-02-17 / 阅读(89) / 评论(0) 分类 世界小史