标签:优雅 相关文章
50 At the Zoo David's family visited the zoo on Sunday. They paid five dollars for the family ticket at the gate. And then they joined the crowds flocking toward the cages. We must watch the big animals first,?said the father. Feeding time is three o
Conversation 2 A: Good morning, sir. May I help you? A:早上好,先生,有什么能效劳的吗? B: I want to try on a pair of shoes in the display window. B:我想试橱窗内的一双鞋子。 A: Would you please show me, sir? A:您告诉
I told the surprised cabbie my mother's address. I need to get there as soon as possible. 我把我妈妈的住址告诉了那个一脸惊讶的出租车司机。我要尽快赶到那里,越快越好。 That's in Scottsdale, he complained. 那可是在
When we came into view, the three on the rocks rose. 当我们出现的时候,岩石上的三个人站起身起来。 Esme started toward us. 艾思梅开始向我们这边走来。 Emmett followed after a long look at Rosalie's back; 艾美特长长
创始人Coco Chanel(原名:Gabrielle Bonheur Chanel ;中文名:加布里埃可可香奈儿)于1910年在法国巴黎创立香奈儿品牌。该品牌产品种类繁多,有服装、珠宝饰品及其配件、化妆品、护肤品、香水等
Legolas: The Eye of the enemy is moving. Elrond: The end has come. Aragorn: Every day Frodo moves closer to Mordor. Gandalf: How do we know Frodo is alive? Aragorn: What does your heart tell you? Gollum: Come, Master. Come to Smagol. Elrond: This is
英语学习笔记: hum 嗡嗡声 /哼唱 stop doing something 停止做什么事情 addictive 使人上瘾的 keep doing something 保持做一件什么事情 grunt 嘟囔 murmur 低声说 babble 喋喋不休 boohoo 呜呜呜 I cant stop humming
核心句型: The design would stop a clock. 这个设计奇丑无比。 stop a clock 直译过来就是:让钟停止走动。这是一种十分诙谐幽默的说法,其正确意思是:样子难看、土里土气。因此,当美国人说The
Nobody`s Home是来自加拿大的摇滚女歌手Avril Lavigne(艾薇儿拉维尼)演唱的歌曲,收录于她的第二张专辑《under my skin》,是专辑中的第五首歌曲。 i couldn't tell you why she felt that way, 我无法告诉你她所
Peng Liyuan, the wife of Chinese president Xi Jinping, looked stunning in a midnight blue gown at tonight's lavish white-tie dinner held in Buckingham Palace hosted by the Queen and Prince Philip. 中国国家主席习近平的夫人彭丽媛,身着大
The Duchess of Cambridge dressed to impress at the Bollywood Gala in Mumbai as she capped off a busy first day in India by uniting both the best of British and Indian fashion. 剑桥公爵夫人的装束在孟买宝莱坞庆典上大放异彩。繁忙的
Well it's knowin' that your door is always open 要知道你的门永远开着 And your path is free to walk 而你的过道可以自由通过 That makes me tend to leave my sleepin' bag rolled up Stashed behind your couch 这让我好像把我的睡带
讲解 Today's key word is Chic Chic C-H-I-C 漂亮的,时髦的,高雅,雅致 Something or someone that is chic is fashionable and sophisticated. Here is an example: She is always so chic, so elegant. 她总是那么时尚,那么优雅。 Ev
1.horrible: when someone behaved in a very rude, unkind, or annoying way. She's a horrible person. 她是个很糟糕的人。 I really don't like her at all. she is horrible. 我真的一点都不喜欢她,她很讨厌啊! be horrible to somebod
英语学习笔记: mortgage v. / n. 抵押,房屋抵押贷款 flesh n. 肉,肉体 cynic n. 愤世嫉俗者 whirlwind n. 旋风 ; adj. 闪电式的 shotgun n. 猎枪 ;adj. 枪击的,被迫的 card slave 卡奴 mortgage slave 房奴车奴 gr
Tamar Kaprelian,22岁美国流行创作才女歌手,擅长钢琴和摇滚,1986年出生在美国亚利桑那州,双亲均是亚美尼亚人,2010年发行了首张专辑《Sinner or a Saint》,2012年6月发行了新EP《 California》。
编者按: 八月是多么令人惬意的季节啊!果园和麦田到处都充溢着忙碌劳作的声响;串串果实压得果树都弯下了腰,枝条低垂到地面;还有谷穗,有的一捆捆优雅地堆挤在一起,有的迎风招展
今天是母亲节,妈妈是天底下最重要的人之一,10句最走心的母亲节祝福,大家一定要记得送给妈妈! 关键词: Mother's Day: 母亲节 Second Sunday of May: 每年五月第二个星期天 Heartfelt Mother's Day qu
Jo: I'm Jo and this is Real English from BBC Learning English. Oliver: 大家好,我是Oliver,地道英语和大家一起学习现代英式英语中经常出现的流行词汇和实用表达。这些词儿和短语都是现在英国人当中非常流