The Vietnam Veterans Memorial is located on the south end of the National Mall and receives around 3million visitors each year. 越战纪念碑位于国家广场南端,每年吸引游客约300万。 When anyone leaves a memento, it travels 12 miles
Earlier this week, there was a cave-in at a tunnel in Washington state. No one was hurt but officials scrambled to fix that quickly because it's part of the Hanford Facility, a nuclear waste site. The collapsed tunnel was covered in eight feet of soi
Don`t know if I could ever win an ice cream eating competition, but I sure like to try. Maybe this man could help me out. He has a unique talent, not for eating ice cream necessarily, but for balancing it. Give him a cone and a scoop and watch him wo
CARL AZUZ, CNN 10 ANCHOR: An unexpected announcement yesterday afternoon from Washington, D.C. U.S. President Donald Trump fired James Comey, the director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. It's very unusual for a president to fire the head of t
AZUZ: A World War II bombing caused the evacuation of 50,000 people. It doesn't sound like much of a current event, except when you hear that the evacuation was made on Sunday. In northwestern Germany, about 10 percent of the residents of Hanover had
U.S. President Donald Trump made a primetime address last night. It was his first one of those since the address he gave to a joint session of Congress in February. The focus: his administration's strategy concerning U.S. military involvement in Afgh
Getting started with the virus that's already affected more than 200,000 victims worldwide. But it's not a biological outbreak that makes people sick, it's a cyber attack. It started on Friday. Its spread was temporarily slowed down over the weekend
STEVE MNUCHIN, TREASURY SECRETARY: I would like us to raise the debt ceiling sooner rather than later. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: That's fair enough for me. REP. NANCY PELOSI (D), CALIFORNIA: On the subject of the debt ceiling, this shouldn't even be a quest
A national holiday was held in the South American nation of Venezuela yesterday. It marked the beginning of the country's fight for independence against Spain, which it eventually got in 1811. But on the streets of the Venezuelan capital, there were
AZUZ: U.S. President Donald Trump has signed a new executive order that aims to follow through on a pledge he made on inauguration day. DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: We will follow two simple rules: buy American and hire American. AZU
AZUZ: Another breaking news story from Friday night involved President Trump's pardon of a man who used to be a sheriff in the state of Arizona. His name is Joe Arpaio. He served for 24 years as the sheriff of Maricopa County. Arpaio had called himse
Our second story takes you to a battlefield in the Middle East. Since Syria's civil war broke out in 2011, we've told you how the U.S. and Russia have gotten involved, in addition to other countries. And while Israel is officially neutral on the conf
According to, which covers news about electric vehicles and tracks their sales, there was a deep in the average number of electric cars sold in the U.S. between March and April. Still, for the first four months of this year, EV sales ha
Next up, a new world leader has been chosen in South Korea, and changes could be ahead for how it deals with rival country North Korea. Moon Jae-in is a former special forces soldier and human rights lawyer. He's also the son of North Korean refugees
In the U.S. Capitol on Friday, House Speaker Paul Ryan said, quote, We are going to be living with Obamacare for the foreseeable future. A Republican plan to repeal and replace the law didnt look like it was going to get enough votes in the House to
For months, bomb threats had been made at Jewish organizations and community centers throughout the U.S., Australia and New Zealand. And for months, international investigators have been trying to figure out who`s been making them. Yesterday, they ar
Our first story, there's been an apparent chemical weapons attack in the Middle Eastern nation of Syria. We've been covering the country's civil war for years. It started in 2011. The United Nations estimates that 400,000 Syrians have been killed and
An explosion took place between two subway stations in St. Petersburg, Russia, yesterday and officials say it was a terrorist attack. This happened just after 2:30 p.m. in Russia's second largest city. Russian officials say one explosive device went
Our first story this April 25th involves alleged human trafficking. The U.S. Department of Homeland Security defines human trafficking as modern day slavery. It involves deceiving people, defrauding them or forcing them into a type of labor or prosti
The European nation of France is one step closer to having a new leader. Polls closed last night in the first round of its 2017 presidential election. It's been divisive. And the nation is on edge following a terrorist attack that killed a policeman
- 美国有线新闻 CNN 特朗普总统宣布赦免亚利桑那州前警长
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- 美国有线新闻 CNN 特朗普总统宣布赦免亚利桑那州前警长
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- 美国有线新闻 CNN 特朗普开启亚洲行 13天访问5国
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