时间:2018-12-14 作者:英语课 分类:听电影学英语-百万美元宝贝


[00:03.72]Everything kept telling me not to. 其他的一切也不断向我显示 不要训练她

[00:05.24]Everything but you. 除了你

[00:18.08]I'm gonna get you out of here. 我要把你从这儿弄出去

[00:19.44]These doctors around here don't know squat 1. 这里的医生屁都不懂

[00:21.96]Otherwise, why would they be Iiving out here in the desert? 要不然他们为什么要在沙漠里住着?

[00:25.32]As soon as you're able to be moved... 一旦你能被移动了...

[00:26.60]...we'II find some place where they've actually studied medicine. ...我会找个地方 有人真正学过医的地方

[00:34.76]You just rest there, I'II.... 你就在那里修养好了,我会....

[00:37.72]I'm on it. 我正在办

[00:47.40]Frankie must have called every hospital in America... 弗兰基肯定打遍了全美国医院的电话...

[00:51.68]...Iooking for somebody who 'd tell him they could fix her. ...寻找能告诉他 她可以被治好的人

[00:54.56]He came close twice, till they checked her over... 有两次很接近成功 可他们给她做了彻底检查后...

[00:57.20]...said there was nothing to be done. ...也表示无能为力

[01:01.20]Took two months till she was stable enough to move. 两个月后 她病情稳定到可以被移动了

[01:08.12]They got nurses for that, you know. 他们有护士专门做这个,你知道的

[01:12.00]Yeah, but they're amateurs 2. 嗯,可她们太业余了

[01:27.52]She developed skin ulcers 3 because she couldn 't change positions. 因为不能移动,她长了褥疮

[01:44.04]Thank you. 谢谢你

[01:54.20]They made the six-hour trip by ambulance. 他们坐着救护车 完成了六个小时的旅程

[02:08.20]FIy there, drive back. 飞过去,开车回来

[02:18.04]The rehab center Frankie found was a nice place. 弗兰基找到的康复中心 是个不错的地方

[02:21.80]They took good care of Maggie. 他们把麦琪照顾地很周到

[02:23.68]She wouldn 't have complained if they hadn 't. 即使他们没有的话 她也不会抱怨什么

[02:28.16]Took several hours every day to get her ready for the wheelchair. 每天要花几小时才能让她上轮椅

[02:37.84]One, two, three, up. 一,二,三,起

[02:41.68]Since she couldn 't breathe on her own... 由于她无法自主呼吸

[02:45.68]...her respirators were always on. 呼吸器总是开着

[02:49.16]Oxygen was pumped into her 24 hours a day. 氧气24小时不间断地 被输进她的身体里

[03:19.16]Maggie 's mama called to say they were all coming for a visit. 麦琪的妈妈打电话来说 他们会来看她

[03:21.44]She waited by the window every day for the next two weeks. 在接下来的两周里 她每天都在窗前等他们

[03:27.72]Frankie finally tracked them down. 弗兰基最后终于追踪到了他们

[03:27.84]Sure. 当然

[03:29.80]Learned they'd checked into their hotel six days earlier. 发现他们六天前就住进旅馆了

[03:34.48]Kept leaving messages which were never returned. 弗兰基一直给他们留言 但总没有回音

[03:43.24]You don't have to hang around all day. 你不用整天都待在这儿

[03:48.28]I Iike it here. I don't mind. 我喜欢这里,没关系的

[03:51.24]In fact, if you weren't here, I'd come here anyway to read my books. 其实就算你不在,我也会来读书的

[04:00.60]Mama will be here soon to share some of the burden. 妈妈马上会来分担一些负担的

[04:01.92]Well, it's no burden. 哦,这不是什么负担

[04:06.88]Here. 给

[04:08.76]Read this. 读读这个

[04:20.52]Okay, okay, that's enough. 好了,好了,行了

[04:21.80]That's terrible. 读得太糟糕了

[04:25.56]Anyway, I'II tell you in English what you were saying. 我给你翻成英文吧

[04:31.32]It says: 上面说:

[04:34.84]I will arise and go now And go to Innisfree “我要起身去了,去往那茵湖岛”

[04:37.80]And a small cabin 4 build there Of clay and wattles made “用泥土和树枝,盖上一间小木房”

[04:41.56]And I shall have some peace there For peace comes dropping slow “我享受着彼方的宁静,它缓缓滴零”

[04:46.56]Dropping from the veils 5 of the morning To where the cricket 6 sings. “从晨曦的面纱,到蟋蟀歌唱的地方”

[04:53.88]Not bad, huh? 还不赖,对吧?

[04:59.36]You gonna build a cabin, boss? 你要盖一间小木屋么,老板?

1 squat
  • For this exercise you need to get into a squat.在这次练习中你需要蹲下来。
  • He is a squat man.他是一个矮胖的男人。
2 amateurs
n.业余爱好者( amateur的名词复数 );外行,生手
  • The tournament is open to both amateurs and professionals. 这次锦标赛业余选手和职业选手均可参加。
  • The boss kissed the other performers off as mere amateurs. 老板认为其他的演员只有业余水平而把他们打发掉了。 来自《简明英汉词典》
3 ulcers
n.溃疡( ulcer的名词复数 );腐烂物;道德败坏;腐败
  • Detachment of the dead cells produces erosions and ulcers. 死亡细胞的脱落,产生糜烂和溃疡。 来自辞典例句
  • 75% of postbulbar ulcers occur proximal to the duodenal papilla. 75%的球后溃疡发生在十二指肠乳头近侧。 来自辞典例句
4 cabin
  • They threw up a new cabin in a couple of hours.在几小时之内他们就建起了一座新的小屋。
  • It's very hot in the cabin;let's go on deck.舱室内很热,我们到甲板上去吧。
5 veils
(绘画)层式法(在白色背景上涂一层薄而透明的油色,使,背景加染色彩,并能保持光泽的效果); 面纱( veil的名词复数 ); 掩饰; 覆盖物; 薄薄的遮盖层
  • The women wore veils in deference to the customs of the country. 这些妇女戴着面纱是遵从这个国家的习俗。
  • In many Muslim countries, the women wear veils. 在许多穆斯林国家,妇女们蒙面纱。
6 cricket
  • The England cricket team scored quite a useful total.英格兰板球队得分总数令人满意。
  • We could hear the shrill of the midsummer cricket.我们可以听到仲夏时节蟋蟀的尖叫声。
  • Your behaviour isn't cricket.你的行为不光彩。