音标:[spriŋ] ; 柯林斯词典等级:4 级; 牛津三千核心词汇;
n. 春天, 弹簧, 跳跃, 弹性, 活力, 泉, 源泉
a. 春天的
vi. 跳, 弹跳, 涌出, 生长, 裂开, 高耸
vt. 使跳起, 使爆炸, 突然提出
n. the season of growth
n. a metal elastic device that returns to its shape or position when pushed or pulled or pressed
n. a natural flow of ground water
n. a point at which water issues forth
词型变化:名词复数形式 : springs ; 过去式 : sprang ; 过去分词 : sprung ; 现在分词 : springing ; 第三人称单数 : springs



  1. Spring is here.春天来了。
  2. It can be quite windy there, especially in spring.那里有时容易刮风,特别在春季。
  3. When the box was opened, the spring jumped out.盒子一打开,弹簧就绷出来了。
  4. There is too much spring in this bed.这张床太有弹性。
  5. The cat made a spring at the mouse.猫向老鼠扑去。
  6. The spring water is cold and crystal-clear.泉水清冽。
  7. An ill marriage is a spring of ill fortune.不良的婚姻是恶运的来源。
  1. The cat crouched ready to spring.那猫躬起背准备跳。
  2. A clown will spring from the box.盒子里会弹出个小丑来。
  3. Spring to attention when the captain enters.上尉一进来,就要迅速立正站好。
  4. I hate to spring this on you at such short notice.很抱歉,向你突如其来提出这件事。
  5. Why should you spring my cricket bat?你干吗非弄弯我的板球拍呢?
  6. The barrel began to spring a leak.那个木桶开始破裂泄漏了。
  7. He'd only get a mouthpiece to spring him.他只要找个辩护律师,就能把他释放出来。
  8. Out of the sluice springs an inexhaustible supply of water.水从水闸中源源流出。
  9. The wheat is beginning to spring up.小麦正开始迅速生长。
  10. Many new factories have sprung up in my home town.我的家乡建了许多工厂。
  11. The northwest wind will spring up this evening.今天傍晚将开始刮西北风。


  1. As winter gave way to spring, the days began to lengthen.当冬天过去春天来临的时候,白天开始变长了。
  2. We have delayed publication of the book till spring.我们把这本书推迟到春季才出版。
  3. The coming of spring often induces light-hearted foolishness in many people.春天的到来往往会使人产生一种无忧无虑的愚蠢意识。
  4. Willow trees breaking out into buds foretell the coming of spring.柳枝绽青报春来。
  5. Behind lay a terrible winter; ahead was promised spring.严冬已过,阳春在望。
  6. Her mother had mentioned how colorful the yard was, now that spring had arrived.她母亲提到由于春天已经来到,院子里已是五彩缤纷,非常美丽。
  7. It's good to fling off heavy clothing now that spring is here.春天到了,脱去笨重的冬装真让人高兴。
  8. The bright flowers and warm winds announced that spring was here.鲜艳的花朵、和煦的风显示出春天来了。
  9. The water was unusually high this spring and the river burst its banks.今春河水上涨得特别厉害,把河堤给冲坏了。
  10. The bushes may have died back in this cold autumn, but they will grow again next spring.在这寒冷的秋天,灌木可能会枯死,但明年春天还会生长起来。
  11. During the spring the river floods the valley.每到春天,河水都要淹没这个流域。
  12. It often rains here all (the) spring.这里春天一般都在下雨。
  13. On entering the garden I noted that spring had come round.一走进花园我就发现春天已经到了。
  14. We hope for an early spring.我们希望春天早早到来。
  15. As the spring is coming, all the trees are beginning to put out green buds.春天来了,树木都开始吐出绿色的嫩芽。
  16. The cold weather has reached well into the spring.寒冷的气候延续到春天。
  17. We propose an early holiday in the spring of next year.我们建议在来年早一些放春假。
  18. Birds breed in the spring.鸟类在春季繁殖。
  19. The government has announced that electricity charges will go up in the spring.政府已经宣布电费将于春天上涨。
  20. The apple trees blossom in spring and are laden with fruit in autumn.苹果树春天开花,到秋天果实累累。
  21. Trees put forth buds and leaves in spring.树木在春天发芽长叶。
  22. Birds pair and build nests in spring.鸟在春天交配筑窝。
  23. Some people use their cars only in spring, summer and autumn, and lay them up in garage during the winter.有些人只是在春天、夏天、秋天用车,在冬天把车停在车库里。
  24. We sometimes have snow in spring.我们这儿有时春天也下雪。
  25. He was in the spring of life.他正值青春年少。
  26. It works by means of a spring.它是靠一根弹簧来工作的。
  27. The spring of my watch is broken.我手表里的发条断了。
  28. There is no spring left in these old rubber bands.这些旧的橡皮圈没有弹性了。
  29. He had a spring in his walk.他走起路来很有精神。
  30. I cannot say for certain how old Mary is, but she's obviously no spring chicken.我就说不准玛丽女士芳龄几何,但显然她已经不很年轻了。
  31. The springs here are rich in mineral salts.这里的泉水含有丰富的矿盐。
  32. The lion made a spring at the hunter.狮子向猎人扑过去。
  33. He wears a new spring coat and a hat to match.他穿一件新的春装,还配上一顶帽子。
  34. The horses are kicking up their heels in the spring air.马在春光里踢着跳着撒欢。
  35. In the hot spring water is naturally heated at 106 .温泉里的水温达106华氏度。
  36. During spring rains the river floods.春雨期间河水泛滥。
  37. The flood came about as a result of the heavy spring rains.春雨大造成了洪水泛滥。
  38. The rain greatly advanced the spring crops.那场雨使春季作物的成熟期大大提前。
  39. One spring day the school arranged a picnic.有一年春天,学校安排了一次野炊郊游。
  40. Flowers bloom in the spring time.花儿在春季开放。
  41. A spring tide is an extra big one.春潮是一种特大的潮。
  42. Fifty competitors have entered for the spring long distance race.已经有50名选手报名参加春季长跑。
  1. My table tennis bat has sprung.我的乒乓球拍裂了。
用作系动词S+~+ adj.
  1. The door of the safe had sprung open.保险柜的门已经开了。
用作及物动词S+~+ n./pron.
  1. He sprang the wall.他越墙而过。
  2. The mouse sprang a mousetrap.这只鼠触动了捕鼠器。
  3. He sprang a mine.他使地雷爆炸了。
  4. The heavy weight sprang one of the beams.重物把一根横梁压得裂开了。
用作宾补动词S+~+ n./pron. + adj.
  1. He sprang the lock open.他打开了那把锁。
  2. She lowered her eyelids, then sprang them open.她低垂着眼睑,然后突然睁开。


spring back (v.+adv.)
    弹回 move backspring back

    The ball sprang back and hit him.


spring from (v.+prep.)
    从…来 come fromspring from sth

    Where did you spring from?


    The error sprang from carelessness.


    He springs from a poor peasant's family.


    spring sth from sth

    Eighteen months later Black was sprung from prison.18


spring on (v.+prep.)
    突然告知 make known so as to surprisespring sth on sb

    They are trying to spring a surprise on us.


    He sprang a new proposal on us.


spring out of (v.+adv.+prep.)
    从…猛跳了起来 move quickly upwards from sthspring out of sth

    He sprang out of bed when the alarm went off.


spring through (v.+prep.)
    跳过 jump acrossspring through sth

    He sprang through the creek.


    Grasshoppers were springing through the field.


spring to(v.+prep.)
    在…出现 be expressedspring to sth

    I sprang to my feet, for anger had overtaken me.


    Tears sprang to her eyes.


    The words sprang to her lips.


spring up (v.+adv.)
    〈非正〉突然开始; 突然产生; 快速增加或增长 begin suddenly; increase quicklyspring up

    In spite of his burns, he sprang up and rushed towards the fighting.


    spring up from sth

    He sprang up from his seat.


    spring up out of sth

    The boy sprang up out of the chair as soon as he heard the doorbell ring.


    spring up

    How that plant has sprung up since I last saw it!


    spring up

    A strong wind sprang up soon after we left the harbour.


    All of a sudden, a southeasterly wind sprang up and the sky was overcast.


    Opposition to the plan has sprung up in some political groups.


    What caused this doubt to spring up in your mind?


    A suspicion sprang up in her mind after she heard what he'd said.


    In recent years, new buildings have sprung up like mushrooms in the city.


    A new custom has sprung up.



用作名词 (n.)
  • devote one's spring to sth把一个春天的时间用于某事
  • enjoy a spring愉快地度过春天
  • expect spring盼望春天
  • have a spring度过一个春天
  • pass a spring度过一个春天
  • spend a spring度过一个春天
  • take sb a spring占用某人一个春天的时间
  • dig a spring挖掘水源
  • tap a spring开出水源
  • give a spring跳跃
  • lose spring失去弹性
  • make a spring at向…扑去
  • rise with a spring一跃而起
  • take a spring跳
  • take a spring over the fence跳过篱笆
  • all the spring整个春天
  • another spring另一个春天
  • coming spring即将到来的春天
  • dry spring干旱的春天
  • early spring早春,初春
  • last spring去年春季
  • next spring明年春季
  • this spring今年春天
  • unusual spring不寻常的春天
  • warm spring温暖的春天
  • whole spring整个春季
  • dead spring没有弹性的弹簧
  • hot spring温泉
  • mineral spring矿泉
  • air spring气垫
  • spring break春假
  • spring flood春汛
  • spring outing春游
  • spring wheat春小麦
  • in (the) spring在春天
  • a touch of spring in the air空气中带着点春意
  • the mild days of spring春暖花开的日子
  • spring of conduct行为的动机
  • spring of human happiness人类幸福的源泉
  • spring of life青春(时代)
  • spring of muscles肌肉的弹力
  • spring of water一股泉水
  • spring to…的弹性
用作动词 (v.)
  • spring a mine使地雷爆炸
  • spring a mousetrap触发捕鼠器
  • spring a new proposal突然提出了新的建议
  • spring the racket把球拍打裂
  • spring wall跳墙
  • spring actively积极跳跃
  • spring agilely机敏地跳跃
  • spring agreeably令人愉快地跳跃
  • spring amazingly令人惊异地跳跃
  • spring constantly不断地跳跃
  • spring conventionally按常规跳跃
  • spring impartially不偏不倚地跳跃
  • spring impetuously鲁莽地跳跃
  • spring impulsively冲动地跳跃
  • spring inconceivably难以置信地跳跃
  • spring independently独立跳跃
  • spring insanely疯狂跳跃
  • spring laboriously吃力地跳跃
  • spring persistently执意跳跃
  • spring powerfully有力地跳跃
  • spring prematurely过早跳跃
  • spring primarily初步跳跃
  • spring safely安全跳跃
  • spring silently默默地跳跃
  • spring specially特别地跳跃
  • spring spontaneously自发地跳跃
  • spring steadily稳稳地跳跃
  • spring unhesitatingly毫不犹豫地跳跃
  • spring viciously恶意跳跃
  • spring victoriously成功地跳跃
  • spring back弹回
  • spring up跳跃,迅速长高或生长,突然产生
  • spring through跳过
  • spring to在…出现


  • No good drinking water in that land, save..at a rare spring.

    出自:H. Belloc
  • Of one hill spring three great Rivers.

    出自:P. Holland
  • The perspiration which sprung from his brow.

    出自:Sir W. Scott

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Springs are not always the same. In some years, April bursts upon Virginia hills in one 1) prodigious leap - and all the stage is filled at once, whole 2) choruses of tulips, 3) arabesques of 4) forsy

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automatic temperature regulation
band width of antenna
boat-billed heron
bony spiral lamina
calque formation
carry bone in the teeth
coal oils
continuous plot
corpus gastricum
cuffing season
currency stabilization
detail flow chart
diplommatina tungwangorum
double-breasted suits
drop-forging die
emergency battery lamp
entrusted cash chest system
Feininger, Lyonel Charles Adrian
fiat money
flame tracer
functional position
general accuracy machine tool
giant nerve fibers
glazing clip
glycerol tripalmitates
huckle bones
infection of gastrointestinal
interrupt level
isomeric compound
memory data ready
metaphase i (m i )
mode estimation
morbus Dupuytren
musculus biceps brachiis
normal class
oriented draw
packet limitation
Portuguese Timor
preformed armor-rod
preseismic displacement
pseudoneurotic schizophrenia
pygidial margin
radio emergency search communication unit
real number
rear-view mirror
remote batch module
settlement of account
sound sleeper
splanchnic cavity
spread of the variables
stablemate comparison
strombolian type
structure semi invariant
sulfur chloride
support rod
TENS, Tens
That's cold.
took the road
transferring roller
turbidity methods
turn towards
unglazed tile
yellow docks