音标:[pleis] ; 柯林斯词典等级:2 级; 牛津三千核心词汇;
n. 地方, 地点, 位置, 住所, 座位, 地位, 处境, 特权, 空间, 余地, 职务, 位
vt. 放置, 寄予, 认出, 评定, 任命
vi. 名次列前
n. any area set aside for a particular purpose
n. an abstract mental location
n. a general vicinity
n. a particular situation
词型变化:名词复数形式 : places ; 过去分词 : placed ; 现在分词 : placing ; 过去式 : placed ; 第三人称单数 : places



  1. We must find a place for this new picture.我们必须找一个地方放这张新照片。
  2. Put everything away in its correct place.把东西放到该放的地方去。
  3. Social science affirms that a woman's place in society marks the level of civilization.社会科学认为,妇女在社会里的地位标志着文明的水平。
  4. Geoffrey Chaucer occupies a unique place in English literature .杰弗里·乔叟在英国文学中占有独一无二的地位。
  5. She hopes to get a place in the Civil Service.她希望获得一份公职。
  6. I won the first place in the English Oratorical Contest of our university in 1994.我于1994年获得校英语演讲比赛第一名。
  1. He placed the books in order on the shelf.他把书按顺序摆在书架上.
  2. You place me in a very difficult position.你使我非常为难。
  3. If your orice are reasonable, I can place the oder right away.如果你们的价格合理,我们可以马上订货。
  4. She has a foreign accent that I can't quite place.她有外国口音,但我听不出是哪儿的口音。
  5. She was placed third.她被定为第三名.


  1. This is the place where the storm hit.这就是暴风雨袭击的地方。
  2. They met at the agreed place.他们在商定的地点见面。
  3. We must find a place for this new picture.我们必须找到空地方挂这幅新画。
  4. There are many places of historic interest in Xi'an.西安有许多古迹。
  5. There's a bird's nest in the place where the branch forks.在树枝分岔的地方有个鸟巢。
  6. He likes to go to places of amusement.他喜欢去娱乐场所。
  7. He can usually be contacted at his place of business.通常可在他的办公地点和他联系。
  8. Come round to my place one evening.随便哪天晚上请到舍下来。
  9. They've bought a charming place in the country.他们在乡下买下一幢漂亮的住宅。
  10. Her leg fractured in two places.她的腿有两处骨折。
  11. I lost my last place.我上次看到哪儿,找不到了。
  12. This is the place where the story gets most exciting.这儿是故事情节开始引人入胜的段落。
  13. You two boys exchange places.你们两个孩子交换一下位置。
  14. Keep a place for me in the reading room.在阅览室给我留个位置。
  15. A tidy person likes to have a place for everything and everything in its place.一个整洁的人喜欢每一样东西都有其位置,且每样东西都在其应在的位置。
  16. After you finished, put everything back in its place again.用毕请将每一件东西放回原处。
  17. I was asked to put it back to its place.要我把它放回原来的地方。
  18. There will be a place for you here if you decide to come back.只要你决定回来,这里永远给你保留位置。
  19. Sports never had an important place in his life.运动在他的生活中从未占有重要位置。
  20. The famous general is sure of a place in history.这位著名的将军在历史上必占一席之地。
  21. Correct the result to five decimal places.把结果精确到小数点后5位数。
  22. He got the first place this time, but he never dreamed about it.这回他得了第一名,但他做梦也没想到。
  23. The losing semi-finalists will play off for the third place.半决赛的负者将再赛一场,以决出第三名。
用作及物动词S+~+ n./pron.
  1. Can you place these homeless children?你们能安置这些无家可归的孩子吗?
  2. The man seemed familiar, but I could not quite place him.这人很面熟,但是我记不起来。
  3. I remember her name but can't place her.我记得她的名字,但想不起她的模样。
  4. Place your bets now—the race begins in half an hour!现在可以下赌注——赛事于半小时后开始。
  5. 1
  6. The seats were placed so that we could admire the view.他们把座位摆放得使我们可以观赏景色。
  7. My horse wasn't even placed.我的马未获名次。
用作宾补动词S+~+ n./pron. +(to be/as) n./adj./adv.
  1. Place the girl as a typist.让这个女孩做打字员吧。
  2. They placed him as minister of the church.他们任命他为教会牧师。
  3. Just as I placed the telephone receiver down, the doorbell rang.我刚把电话放下,门铃就响了。
  4. 1
  5. That autumn he was placed as the commander of a regiment.那年秋天他被任命为团长。
  6. He was placed in Xin Hua News Agency as a translator.他被安排在新华通讯社当翻译。
  7. He has been placed as the head of his department.他被任命为他那个部门的负责人。
  8. Isn't that picture placed too high?那幅画不是挂得太高了吗?
S+~+ n./pron. + prep. -phrase
  1. Don't place the bottle near the fire.别把瓶子放在火边。
  2. Place the ladder against the wall.把梯子靠墙放着。
  3. I would place her among the best singers in Britain.我愿意把她归入英国最优秀的歌唱家之列。
  4. He placed unreservedly all the data he has collected at my disposal.他把他搜集到的全部数据毫无保留地让我使用。


all over the place
    到处 here and there
be sb's place
    尽某人的义务 be sb's duty
fall into place
    变得有条不紊; 开始有头绪 take up its proper position; begin to make sense in relationship to each other
from place to place
    各地,处处 everywhere
give place to
    让位给…,把座位让给… be superseded by sth/sb
go places
    获得成功 succeed
in high places
    身居高位; 身居要职 in a position of authority〔power〕
in place
    适当的,适合的 suitable
in place of
    代替 instead of
in the first place
    首先,从一开始 firstly; from the beginning
know one's place
    知道怎样去做 behave in a way that is appropriate to one's position
out of place
    不协调,格格不入 not in a concerted way
place in the sun
    〈非正〉显要的地位,有利位置 a position that is favourable to one's future development
pride of place
    最好〔最显著〕的地位 best〔most〕 prominent place
put in one's place
    提醒某人注意自己的位置 remind sb of one's positionput sb in one's place

    They started to criticize the way in which I had arranged everything, but I put them in their place soon.


put in sb's place
    设身处地为某人着想 consider for the sake of sb and try to share one's feelingsput oneself in sb's place

    Put yourself in my place; what should I have done?


    I went to the check-out and the girl added up the price of all the goods, and then I discovered I'd left my purse at home.Put yourself in my place; what would you have done?


take one's place
    就座 take one's seat
take place
    发生; 举行 happen; occur; hold on
take sb's place
    替代某人 replace sb
take the place of
    代替 act as a substitute for sb/sth
place in (v.+prep.)
    相信; 寄希望于… trust; depend on sb/sthplace sb/sth in sb/sth

    He came in swiftly and placed the child in my arms.


    The old man placed £100 in the bank.


    He was placed in a boarding school.


    place sb/sth in sth

    The ship was placed in the command of Captain Smith.


    He was highly placed in the English Government service.


    place sb/oneself in sth

    They have thus placed themselves in opposition to the people.


    I am placing you in charge.


    place sth in sb/sth

    I place all my trust in you.


    Don't place any confidence in that man.


    His parents placed great hopes in him.


place on〔upon〕 (v.+prep.)
    施加压力; 迫使 urge stronglyplace sth on〔upon〕 sb/sth

    She placed the handkerchief on a piece of paper to dry on the radiator.


    He placed his cap and overcoat on a chair.


    He placed the book on the shelf.


    He placed the TV set carefully on the table and paid out the wire.


    He placed the blame on his wife.


    That picture was placed too high on the wall.


    The blame should be placed upon Bob.


    place sth on sb/sth

    Parents place great hopes on us.


    Keep the people in mind and place hopes on them.


    Do you place much reliance on your doctor?


    On the elementary stage of studying a foreign language the students should place a great deal of importance on correct grammar.


    In recent years our country has placed great importance on economic construction.


    place a strain on sb

    All this is placing a great strain on him.


    A sudden and severe strain was placed on them by the cutting off of oil supplies.


    place pressure on sb

    He failed to finish the plan.So they place great pressure on him to resign.


    Her parents placed pressure on her because she fell in love with a poor fellow.


place under (v.+prep.)
    照顾 watch sb closelyplace sb under sth

    He placed his little son under the care of his aunt.


    You can place the boy under the care of your neighbour.


    She placed herself under the protection of the police.


place with (v.+prep.)
    向…发订单 give an order to a person or firmplace sth with sb

    They have placed an order with us for three new aircraft.



用作名词 (n.)
  • assign place指定座位
  • book place预订座位
  • change place换位置
  • earn place赢得地位
  • establish place确立地位
  • fill place继承职位
  • gain place获得位置
  • give place to让位给,由…继续下去,被…代替,给…机会
  • give up place放弃位置
  • go place获得成功
  • hold place占有地位
  • keep place保持地位
  • know place了解地位,识分寸,不越位
  • lay place for sb给某人安排席位
  • leave some place离开某地〔某个位子〕
  • lose place失去地位
  • maintain place保持地位
  • make place腾出地方
  • make place for让位于…,为…腾出地方
  • occupy place占据地方
  • resign place辞去职位
  • set place for sb给某人安排席位
  • take place发生,举行,产生,就座
  • take place of sb代替某人,接替某人的位置
  • take one's place取而代之
  • trade place交换位置
  • win place赢得位置
  • central place中心位置
  • chief place首要位置
  • conspicuous place显眼的位置
  • cool place阴凉的地方
  • distant place遥远的地方
  • front place前面的位置
  • honoured place荣誉地位
  • ideal place理想的场所
  • important place重要的地方〔位置〕
  • inexpensive place收费不多的地方
  • inland place内陆地方
  • interesting places名胜
  • leading place领导地位,领导岗位
  • lonely place荒凉的地方
  • lovely place令人喜欢的地方
  • many places许多地方
  • native place出生地,籍贯
  • neighbouring place邻近一带
  • old place老地方
  • out-of-way place偏僻的地方
  • permanent place永久的席位
  • private place私人的地方,僻静的地方
  • prominent place显著的地位
  • public place公共场所
  • reduced place削弱了的地位
  • same place老地方
  • shady place阴凉的地方
  • sore place伤痛的地方
  • the cheapest place最便宜的地方
  • tight place困境
  • amusement place娱乐场
  • breeding place野生动物繁殖后代的地方
  • hiding place藏身之地
  • meeting place会议地点
  • parking place停车的地方
  • storage place贮藏室
  • place card(宴席的)座位牌
  • all over place到处
  • at some place在某地点
  • from place to place处处,各处
  • in place在适当的位置上,在某一阶段,适当的,处处
  • in place of代替
  • in the first place起初,首先
  • in the last place最后
  • in the next place其次
  • in the second place第二
  • out of place不得其所的,不合适的,不相称的
  • be no place for没有…的余地
  • place for meeting会场
  • place for sports运动场地
  • place in literature文学地位
  • place of business营业处
  • place of call常去的地方
  • place of origin出生地,籍贯
用作动词 (v.)
  • place a call打电话
  • place an advertisement登广告
  • place evidence提出证据
  • place order订购
  • place sentries布置哨兵
  • place carefully小心地放
  • place fairly合理地安置
  • place firmly牢牢地放
  • place properly适当地安排
  • place respectfully体面地安排
  • place symmetrically对称地放
  • place above使置于…之上
  • place health above all other concerns置健康于一切事情之上
  • place against wall靠墙放
  • place in difficult position使(某人)处境困难
  • place in sun置于阳光下
  • place satellite into orbit把卫星送入轨道
  • place on把…放在…上
  • place on record把…记载下来
  • place under把…放在…下面


  • First he shot down Raglan Road and then he tore up Marlborough Place.

  • Lord Russell was..placed under arrest.

    出自:J. A. Froude
  • Vine had placed Margery in front of him.

    出自:T. Hardy
  • Placed a flower in a vase.

    出自:J. Steinbeck
  • Take the coffin..and place it on the trestles.

    出自:A. Bleasdale

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A place nearby-Lene Marlin 天涯若比邻 I entered the room.我走进房间。 Sat by Ur bed all through the night.整夜坐在你床边。 I watched Ur daily fight.我看着你每天与病魔搏斗。 I hardly knew.我仅仅知道。 The pain was

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歌词: walk with me和我同行 break some bread here with me 来这分给我一些面包 Enemy 敌人 Why cant you live with me? 为什么你不可以和我一起居住? Who are you? 您是谁? what did i do to you? 我给你做了什么? Wish i knew 我想知道 Why cant i live with you?

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applied material handling expenses
bathyal benthos
battle -piece
benzoic condensation
blow-moulding machine for extrathin film
boiler control panel
buddy stores
buffered input/output section
bulge out
carrot(-seed) oil
chronic endemic fluorosis
cold-rolling property
come down on someone
convergence in r-th moment
Cremanthodium nobile
cryovac casing
cultural gatekeeper
dan layers
design criteria for subsurface water control
direct template theory
divided winding turbogenerator
doing time
double heatsink diode
dry batch method
dynamic systems development method
egg penetration test
family hemiprocnidaes
Fischer-Hinnen method
fluid-bed combustion
follow the law
gas shielded welding
gift of the magi
got my back
Grande, Morro
ground mapping
I like his music a lot
income changes
Inst ME
Leipzig, Battle of
mathematical climatology
Merchantile Marine Office
multiple bottom reflection
negative ion formation
network of gravity -magnetic survey
one-core-per-bit memory
open vessel
Pandeiros, R.
propeller water turbine
radio telex letter
radiotelephone distress signal
rear axle bevel pinion end bearing
running life
selector shelf
series microprocessor
shore end of submarine cable
slieve bloom mts.
spatial price variations
stall remedy
standard hydraulic cylinder
sugar daddies
suspension rod
technical inspection location
The Junction
theoretical pathology
Wamba R.
yours affectionately