音标:[ә'fєә] ; 柯林斯词典等级:4 级; 牛津三千核心词汇;
n. 事件, 事务, 恋爱事件
n. a usually secretive or illicit sexual relationship
n. a vaguely specified social event
词型变化:名词复数形式 : affairs



  1. Their love affair is an open secret.他们的风流韵事是公开的秘密。
  2. The party was a dull affair.这次聚会单调乏味。
  3. The minister is busy with important affairs of state.部长忙于重要国务。
  4. Mind your own affairs!别管闲事!
  5. I dislike my mother's interfering in the affair.我不喜欢母亲介入这件事。


  1. What is your attitude towards the affair?你对这件事的态度怎样?
  2. He must take the affair in his own hands.他必须亲自处理这件事。
  3. He is not yet experienced in that kind of affairs.他对于处理那件事还没有经验。
  4. I know nothing of legal affairs.我对法律方面的事情一无所知。
  5. The dean usually has an assistant to help with student's affairs.系主任一般有助手协助办理学生方面的事务。
  6. If you will undertake the affair I shall be very grateful.要是你愿意承办此事,我将不胜感激。
  7. The dispute is a long affair.这一争议由来已久。
  8. The wedding was a very quiet affair.那个婚礼办得静悄悄的。
  9. The affair has taken a new turn.此事已有新的转机。
  10. The affair remains a complete mystery.这件事仍完全是个谜。
  11. They are going to investigate affairs.他们将对事态进行调查。
  12. It's an affair of three-day journey.这是一个三日行程之事。
  13. The whole affair from start to finish did not occupy more than thirty seconds.整个事件从开始到结束不超过30秒钟。
  14. He investigated the affair of his friend's disappearance.他调查了他朋友失踪的事件。
  15. I tried to reassure her, and to make light of the whole affair.我极力使她安心,并努力淡化整个可怕的事情。
  16. The railway accident was a terrible affair.那次火车事故是个可怕的事情。
  17. Their quarrel was a terrible affair.他们之间的争吵是件可怕的事情。
  18. The affair between the manager and his secretary caused a scandal in the small town.那位经理和他的秘书间的风流韵事在小城里成为一宗丑闻。
  19. The two men appeared to be quarrelling, but I soon realized that it was a put-up affair, and not genuine.这两个人看来像是在吵架,但我很快就发现这是假装的,不是真的。
  20. I was glad to be let out of that nasty affair, and have someone more experienced handle the trouble.我真高兴能从那件棘手的事情中解脱出来,让更有经验的人去对付那个难题。
  21. How are your affairs going?你的情况怎样?
  22. As affairs stand,I will not go.照目前的情况,我不想去。
  23. Affairs are in a good condition.目前情况很好。
  24. What is the actual state of affairs?目前的形势如何?
  25. Affairs at present are very unsettled.目前的事态很不稳定。
  26. This is an impossible state of affairs.这是无法忍受的情况。
  27. He told us how affairs stood in the countryside.他告诉了我们乡下的情况。
  28. The nation's internal affairs are bad.这个国家的内部情况很乱。
  29. That's my affair.这不干你的事。
  30. This is no affair of mine.这不是我的事。
  31. Mind your own affairs.少管闲事。
  32. Don't worry about that—it's not your affair.别操心了——那不是你的事。
  33. It is nothing, just a trifle affair.这没有什么,只不过小事一桩。
  34. The journey from Beijing to Shanghai is now only an affair two hours by plane.现在从北京到上海乘飞机只不过是两小时的事。
  35. The exhibition will be a big affair.这次展出将是一个盛举。
  36. The annual dance is a grand affair, and involves the whole town.一年一度的舞会是件大事,况且涉及全镇居民。
  37. Seeing a book through the press is a laborious and time-wasting affair.将一本书印刷出版是一件吃力而又耗费时间的事。
  38. The project was an important but time-consuming affair.这项工程很重要,但耗费时间。
  39. She does the domestic affairs.她每天都忙家务。
  40. Running a household is a complex affair.料理家务是一件复杂的事情。
  41. Leave me alone, mind your own affairs.别管我,去照料自己的事吧。
  42. She is quite able to manage her own affairs.她完全有能力处理自己的事。
  43. What I do in my spare time is my own affair.我业余时间干什么是我自己的事。
  44. He resents people poking their noses into his private affairs.他讨厌人家干预他的私事。
  45. They don't want to get mixed up in it because it isn't their affair.因为那不是他们的事儿,所以他们不想参与。
  46. You cannot expect your son to manage his affairs satisfactorily.你不能指望你的儿子把自己的事情料理得令人满意。
  47. I left my affairs in the hands of my son and went to Beijing.我把我的事务交给我儿子后就上北京了。
  48. Edison has had the gift of picking the right men to handle his affairs.爱迪生具有挑选合适人选处理他事务的才能。
  49. We should concern ourselves with state affairs.我们要关心国家大事。
  50. He is an expert in foreign affairs.他对外交深有研究。
  51. Foreign affairs should be handled carefully.处理对外事务要谨慎行事。
  52. The ministry administers the internal affairs.这个部主管内政事务。
  53. The Prime Minister is kept busy with affairs of state.总理忙于国务。
  54. The chairman has many affairs to look after.主席有许多事务要处理。
  55. The prime ministers agreed that no country should interfere in another country's internal affairs.总理们同意一个国家不应该干预别国内政。
  56. The internal affairs of any state, whether it's big or small, do not allow of external interference.国家虽有大小,但它的内政是不容许外国干涉的。
  57. We are quite explicit about political affairs.我们对政治问题态度十分明朗。
  58. The Federal Republic agrees to conduct its affairs in conformity with the principles stated in the charter.联邦共和国同意按照宪章所述各条原则处理国家事务。
  59. Participation in public affairs is encouraged.参与公共事务是受到鼓励的。
  60. She's being very decent about the whole affair.关于全部事务她一直满意。
  61. Breakfast was a very subdued affair.早餐吃得很压抑。
  62. The party was a vast and lavish affair.宴会规模很大,办得很豪华。
  63. She accompanied him to an affair at the Newspaper Photographers' Association.她陪他去摄影记者协会参加一次招待会。
  64. The retired engineer takes an active part in neighbourhood affairs.这位退休工程师积极参加街道活动。
  65. What's that strange-looking affair over there?那边那个奇形怪状的东西是什么?
  66. This machine is a complicated affair.这机器是件很复杂的东西。
  67. The candy box is really a little pretty affair.那件糖果盒真是件可爱的小玩意儿。
  68. His car is only a second-hand affair.他的汽车不过是辆二手货。
  69. The building is not an unsightly affair.那幢大楼不难看。
  70. In the beginning it was a pretty affair.开始时它相当漂亮。
  71. The meeting was a noisy affair.会议开得吵吵闹闹。
  72. The luncheon was simply a dull affair.那次午餐简直没有趣味。
  73. His anger is an affair of no consequence.他的愤怒无关紧要。
  74. Life would be a dull affair.人生也许会单调乏味。
  75. Lunch was delicious, a very American affair.午餐很可口,很有美国风味。
  76. They are mostly one-storey frame affairs.它们多数是木板平房。
  77. The concert was rather an amateurish affair.这场音乐会颇有些外行客串的味道。
  78. Haas has had an affair with the pretty girl.哈斯爱上了那个漂亮姑娘。
  79. She had numerous love affairs before marriage.婚前她谈过许多次恋爱。
  80. It is rumoured that he is having an affair with his secretary.谣传他和他的秘书有暧昧关系。
  81. He attempted to cover up his affair with that fat woman.他企图掩盖他和那胖女人之间的暧昧关系。
  82. It is rumoured that Tom is having an affair with Mary.谣传汤姆正和玛丽搞男女关系。
  83. It was said that Jim had affairs with Joan.据说吉姆和琼有了风流事。


settle one's affairs
    (尤指远行、入伍等之前)把个人事务料理停当 (especially before go far or join the army, etc.) finish personal affair well


用作名词 (n.)
  • administer affairs处理〔管理〕事务
  • arrange affairs安排事务
  • carry on an affair with sb与某人私通
  • close an affair了结一件事情
  • conduct affairs处理事情
  • cover up an affair掩盖一件事
  • deal with affairs处理事务
  • deal with affairs of state处理国家事务
  • debate current affairs辩论时事
  • direct the affairs of other countries对别国的事情指手画脚
  • discuss the affair of讨论…事情
  • handle affairs of state处理国家事务
  • have an affair with sb与某人发生暧昧关系,与某人私通
  • hush up an affair隐瞒一件事,秘而不宣
  • hush up one's affair with sb遮掩与某人的暧昧关系
  • investigate an affair调查一件事情
  • leave an affair in sb's hand把一件事托付某人做
  • manage affairs处理事务
  • put one's affairs into another's hands托别人管自己的事
  • run affairs处理事务
  • settle affairs解决事情
  • settle one's affairs在遗嘱中安排自己的事
  • straighten out an affair整顿一件事
  • take the affair处理这件事
  • undertake the affair承担那件事
  • wind up the affair结束事情
  • big affair大事,盛举
  • casual affair偶然的风流韵事
  • complicated affair错综复杂的事情
  • cool affair冷冷清清的事情
  • delicate affair微妙的事情
  • disastrous affair灾难性的事件
  • dull affair没趣的事,单调乏味的活动
  • formal affair正式的社交活动
  • framed affair预谋的事件
  • much-talked-of affair街谈巷议的事
  • pitiful affair伤心的事
  • quiet affair不声张的事
  • regretful affair遗憾的事
  • romantic affair风流韵事
  • secret affair私通
  • serious affair大事,正事,严肃的事
  • sinister affair不幸的事情
  • small affair小事
  • tempestuous affair狂恋
  • terrible affair可怕的事情
  • tragic affair悲惨的事件
  • trifling affair小事,琐事
  • very small affair极琐碎的事
  • wonderful affair奇异的事情
  • worldly affair世俗事务
  • absurd affair荒谬的事
  • annual affair一年一度的事情
  • exciting affair激动人心的事
  • extramarital affair婚外恋
  • illicit affair通奸
  • informal affair非正式的社交活动
  • ugly affair丑事
  • unpleasant affair令人不快的事
  • civil affairs民事
  • cultural affairs文化事务
  • current affairs时事
  • day-to-day affairs日常事务
  • domestic affairs家务,国内事务,内政
  • everyday affairs日常琐事
  • external affairs外事
  • financial affairs财政事务
  • internal affairs内政
  • international affairs国际事务
  • legal affairs法律方面的事务
  • military affairs军事
  • municipal affairs市政
  • national affairs民族事务
  • personal affairs个人的事情,私事
  • political affairs政治事务
  • private affairs个人的事情,私事
  • public affairs公众事务
  • whole affair整个事件
  • love affair恋爱事件,风流韵事,强烈的爱好
  • business affairs商务
  • community affairs社区事务
  • family affairs家务事
  • foreign affairs外交事务,外事
  • government affair政务
  • household affairs家务事
  • veterans affairs退伍军人事务
  • man of affairs事业家,实业家
  • state of affairs事态,形势
  • in a pretty state of affairs麻烦的处境,处境尴尬
  • the bottom of affair这件事的真相
  • the Ministry of Foreign Aaffair外交部
  • on business affairs因公事
  • on public affairs因公事
  • attitude towards the affair对这件事的态度
  • the affair between sb and sb else某人与某人间的暧昧关系
  • affair at present目前的事态
  • affair of a business业务
  • affair of great importance大事
  • affair of great moment大事
  • affair of honor决斗
  • affair of love私通
  • affair of no consequence无关紧要的事
  • affair of several hours几个小时的事
  • affair of state国家大事
  • affair of the heart恋爱事件
  • affair of the university大学的事务
  • affair with sb与某人的暧昧关系
  • love affair with travelling对旅游的强烈爱好


  • What is your affair in Elsinore?


77. rests 1) Our hope rests on you. 2) The affair rests with the judge. bends she bends to her husband's will. asked I asked Stone to help me. bronzed His face was bronzed by the sun.

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今天要学的词组是love affair。Love affair是有关爱的事吧?嗨,有那么说的吗?Love affair就是恋爱,或热爱。巴格达一条充满了书店和文具店的著名街道现在空无一人。报导说:The street was known f

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今天要学的词组是 love affair,是有关爱的事儿吧.嗨,有那么说的嘛. love affair 就是恋爱或者热爱. 巴格达一条充满了书店和文具店的街道现在空无一人,报道说, Street was none for a love affair with books.

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今天我们要学的词是affair。 Affair, 是有风流韵事的意思。An extramarital affair, 就是一段婚外情。美国纽约的前州长斯皮策因为招妓丑闻刚下台,继任的州长佩特森就召开记者会,主动交待自己几

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[00:00.00]I come to have myself insured in your company. [00:01.80]我是来投保的。 [00:03.60]When should I go and have the vegetables insured? [00:05.31]我什么时候将这蔬菜投保? [00:07.02]The underwriters shouler the responsibility

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今天要学的词组是love affair。Love affair是有关爱的事吧?嗨,有那么说的吗?Love affair就是恋爱,或热爱。巴格达一条充满了书店和文具店的著名街道现在空无一人。报导说:The street was known f

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actual tensile stres strain diagram
arc excitation
argue in circle
bad gandersheim (gandersheim)
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belostok (bialystok)
buntal fibre
camera mount
Canadian Arctic Arch.
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circum ventricular organ
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critical infrastructure protection
damping ratios
digital input gate option
e filing
Eurasian collared dove
feed rate indicator
gelatinization temperature
genus bougainvilleas
glyceryl trinitrates
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heitler unit
hell of a time
Huiyin (CV1)
keep a weather eye on
lower punch
MacDonald Point
matched horn
media development
network analysis for systems application program
objective sign
os ethmoides
overuse of
pin break shovel
pine caterpillars?
plow point
power rectifier
prepared hole
prevailing mode
pterygia scabricula
Rapid Access Computing Environment
rerunning unit
rolling recorder
root mustard
Rugby School
septum atrioventriculare
standard labour hour
steam vent
stereo triangulation
T.S.C.(total solids content)
That's the gear!
theatrical film
theory of innovation diffusion (tid)
transductor controller
wellness program