音标:[inˈkri:siz] ;
n. 增加量( increase的名词复数 )
v. 增加, 增大, 增多( increase的第三人称单数 ); 增强, 增进; [缝纫]放(针); 增强
n a quantity that is added
n a change resulting in an increase
n a process of becoming larger or longer or more numerous or more important
n the amount by which something increases
n the act of increasing something
v become bigger or greater in amount
v make bigger or more



  1. We anticipate that demand is likely to increase.我们预料需求可能增加。
  2. Wide reading will increase your vocabulary.博览群书会增加你的词汇量。
  3. They have increased the price of petrol again.他们又提高了汽油的价格。
  4. We must increase our output to meet demand.我们必须提高产量满足需求。
  1. There was a steady increase in population.人口在不断增长中。
  2. The government is alarmed by the dramatic increase in violent crime.政府对暴力犯罪案件的急剧增加感到担心。
  3. She is taking drugs to increase her fertility.她为了增强她的生殖能力而在服药。
  4. Influence will increase along with economic heft.影响将随着经济实力的增强而增加。
  5. The rent increase will hit the pockets of the poor.租金的提高将加重穷人的负担。


  1. Her family increased.她家的人口增加了。
  2. The population of this city has greatly increased.本市人口已大大增加。
  3. The population of the earth is increasing very fast.地球上的人口增加得很快。
  4. In some cases output has increased more than three-fold.在有些情况下,产量增加了3倍多。
  5. In 1973, the output value of heavy industry increased by four times than 1965.1973年与1965年相比,重工业产值增长4倍。
  6. The output of steel of our country has greatly increased.我国钢的产量已大大增加。
  7. My salary has increased one hundred yuan .我的薪金增加100元。
  8. His cough shook him little and his appetite increased.咳嗽不但没有使他虚弱,反而倒使他食欲大增。
  9. The number of tourists has increased greatly in recent years.近年来旅游者的人数大大增加了。
  10. The number of bicycles is increasing.自行车的数量越来越多。
  11. Traffic accidents are increasing year by year.交通事故年年增加。
  12. The volume of trade between the two countries has been increasing each year.两国间的贸易额逐年都有增加。
  13. Their difficulties are increasing.他们的困难越来越多。
  14. The factors for war were visibly increasing.这时战争因素有明显增长。
  15. The rain increased.雨下大了。
  16. The darkness increases the further we advance into the forest.我们越朝森林里走,周围就越来越暗。
  17. Under the rule of Britain the prosperity of the island increased considerably.在英国统治下,该岛的繁荣程度大为提高。
  18. Since joining the Common Market,Britain's trade with Europe has greatly increased.自从加入欧洲共同市场以来,英国与欧洲的贸易大为增加。
用作及物动词S+~+ n./pron.
  1. We should increase production and practise strict economy我们应当增加生产,厉行节约。
  2. Finding himself in a tight corner the boss had to agree to increase the workers' wages.老板看到自己无路可走,只得答应提高工人的工资。
  3. You won't increase your earnings by loitering over your work.你磨洋工是不会长工资的。
  4. He increased the size of his farm year by year.他逐年扩大他的农场规模。
  5. Their government has recently increased taxation.他们的政府最近又增加了税收。
  6. Efforts should also be made to increase their variety.要增加品种还得作出努力。
  7. The government has increased the price of food.政府已提高了食品价格。
  8. The driver increased speed suddenly.驾驶员突然增加速度。
  9. You'll be skating on thin ice if you ask Dad to increase your allowance again.你要是再要求爸爸给你增加零用钱就是冒险。
  10. We had better increase the amount.我们最好把数量再增加一些。
  11. The purpose of criticism is to increase the Party's fighting capacity.批评的目的是为了增强党的战斗力。
  12. His words only increased the anger of the workers.他的话只是使工人更加气愤。
  13. It has increased the contradictions between the two superpowers.这加剧了两个超级大国之间的矛盾。
  14. Travel increased one's knowledge of the world.旅游使人增进对世界的了解。
  15. A serious incident along the border increased our fear of war.边境的严重纠纷加剧了我们对战争的恐惧感。
  16. We have increased his salary from five hundred yuan to eight hundred.我们把他的薪金从500元加到800元。
  17. The physician increased the dosage from one to four.医生把剂量从1剂增加到4剂。
  18. She increased her reading speed from 100 to 250 words per minute.她的阅读速度从每分钟100个词增加到250个词。
  19. 1
  20. New machines were introduced into the factory. As a result, not only were time and energy saved but production was greatly increased.工厂引进了新的机器,因而不仅节省了时间和能源,还极大地提高了生产量。
  21. The safety of cars has been increased by the addition of seats belts.车座上加设安全带增强了汽车的安全性。
其他v -ed as Attrib.
  1. We are badly in need of increased time for study.我们急需更多的研究时间。
v -ing as Attrib.
  1. This reflects their increasing difficulties.这反映了他们日益加重的困难。
  2. These measures were necessary, owing to increasing population.由于人口日益增多,采取这些措施是必要的。
  1. Index-linked pay raise insulated them against inflationary price increase.与生活指数挂钩的工资增长使他们得以免受由于通货膨胀引起的物价上涨的影响。
  2. They went on strike on Monday in demand of a 40% wage increase.他们在星期一举行了罢工,要求把工资提高40%。
  3. Increase in population made emigration necessary.人口的增加使向外移民成为必要。
  4. The tobacco merchants rose up in arms over the increase in taxes.烟草商人对提高税率非常恼火。
  5. In this census, an increase in the number of illiterates was observed.在这次人口普查中发现文盲人数增多。
  6. We need increases in money.我们需要增加钱。
  7. The report called for massive increase in defence spending.报告要求大量增加国防开支。
  8. He diagnosed the increase of crime was due to too few patrolmen.他判断犯罪增加是由于巡逻警员太少的缘故。


increase at( v.+prep. )
    以…增长 make greater in numberincrease at sth

    World energy demand is increasing at a rate of about 3% per year.


increase by( v.+prep. )
    增长 become greater in number or degreeincrease by sth

    Traffic accidents have increased by three per cent in the past year.


    The population of this town has increased by zero point three percent in the last three years.


    In 1978, the farm's hilly orchards increased by 300 mu .1978


    The output of 13 major products has increased by a wide margin.13


    Their salaries increase annually by one hundred dollars.


    The population has increased by 200,000 to 500,000.


    increase sth by sth

    The workers, in cooperation with the management, have increased output by 10 percent.


    In this way the average autumn catch has been increased by two or three times.


    As from Sunday,May 1st, all fares on the corporation's transport services will be increased by ten pence in the pound.


increase from( v.+prep. )
    (使)…由(少)增多; (使)…由(小)变大 (cause to) become larger from (sth smaller)increase from sth

    My pay has not increased from the rate fixed two years ago.


    increase sth from sth

    When is my pay going to be increased from its present rate?


increase in( v.+prep. )
    在…方面增长 become larger in amount, number, or degreeincrease in sth

    He increased in wisdom with the increase of age.


    Activists are increasing in number day by day.


    The library has increased in the total number of books, but not in space to hold them.


    The country has increased in population.


    The attack increased in vehemence.


    The kingdom increased in wealth and prosperity.


    China is rapidly increasing in industrial productivity.


    In recent years China has increased in economic prosperity.


    Our country has greatly increased in power and prestige.


increase to( v.+prep. )
    增长到… make larger to one degreeincrease to sth

    Both drinking and smoking among young people are increasing to an alarming extent.


    increase sth to sth

    The director hopes to be able to increase your pay to $6000 a month.


    My salary has been increased to one thousand yuan .


increase with( v.+prep. )
    随…增长 make larger following sthincrease with sth

    His vanity increased with years.


    The success of the book has been increasing with years.


on the increase
    正在增加之中,不断增加 increasing


用作动词 (v.)
  • increase contacts加强交往
  • increase contradiction增加矛盾
  • increase efficiency of labour提高劳动效率
  • increase exports增加出口商品
  • increase imports增加进口商品
  • increase military expenditures增加军费
  • increase one's ability增长才干
  • increase one's alarm使…更加惊慌
  • increase one's conviction进一步证实
  • increase one's doubt使…增加疑心
  • increase one's effort更加努力
  • increase one's financial burden增加财务负担
  • increase one's happiness增加某人的幸福
  • increase one's knowledge增加知识
  • increase one's membership扩大人员数量
  • increase one's possessions增加财产
  • increase one's power扩大权力
  • increase one's prestige扩大声望
  • increase one's sense增加…的感觉
  • increase one's speed加快速度
  • increase price提高价格
  • increase production增加产量
  • increase productivity of labour提高劳动生产率
  • increase risk增加危险性
  • increase sb's uneasiness使某人更加不安
  • increase speed加速
  • increase standard of提高…水平
  • increase supply增加供应
  • increase tension加剧紧张局势
  • increase the anger使更加愤怒
  • increase the demand增加要求
  • increase the size扩大规模
  • increase daily日渐增长
  • increase fast迅速增长
  • increase abnormally不正常地增长
  • increase alarmingly惊人地增长
  • increase arbitrarily随意地增加
  • increase boundlessly无界限地扩大
  • increase commensurately成比例地增长
  • increase concomitantly附带地增长
  • increase constantly不断地增加
  • increase enormously极大地增加
  • increase gradually逐渐增加
  • increase greatly大大增加
  • increase grotesquely可笑地增长
  • increase infinitely无限扩大,无限增加
  • increase immediately立即增长
  • increase incessantly持续不断地增长
  • increase manifestly明显增加
  • increase notably值得注意地增长
  • increase noticeably明显地增长
  • increase partially部分增长
  • increase perceptibly显而易见地增加
  • increase proportionally成比例地增加
  • increase quickly迅速增长
  • increase rapidly快速增加
  • increase rationally合理地增长
  • increase reasonably合理地增长
  • increase relentlessly无情地扩大
  • increase remarkably显著增加
  • increase slightly略有增加
  • increase sporadically零星地增加,偶然增长
  • increase steadily稳步增长
  • increase stupendously惊人地增长
  • increase suddenly突然增加
  • increase temporarily暂时增长
  • increase by按…增长
  • increase from从…增加
  • increase in在…方面增加
  • increase in number数量上有所增加
  • increase in power权力增大
  • increase in value增值
  • increase to增加到
  • increase with随…增长
用作名词 (n.)
  • bring about an increase使增加
  • call for an increase要求增加
  • cause an increase引起增长
  • demand an increase要求增加
  • get an increase得到增加
  • give an increase增加
  • have an increase得到增加
  • promote the increase促进
  • receive an increase得到增加
  • show an increase显示增长
  • stimulate an increase刺激增长
  • urge an increase迫切要求增加
  • abnormal increase非正常的增长
  • anticipated increase预期的增加
  • apparent increase明显的增长
  • considerable increase显著增长
  • continuous increase持续不断的增长
  • corresponding increase相应的增加
  • definite increase明显增长
  • enormous increase巨大的增长
  • fivefold increase增加五倍
  • goodly increase颇大的增长
  • gradual increase渐增,逐步增加
  • happy increase令人满意的增长
  • immoderate increase过分的增长
  • inevitable increase必然的增长
  • large increase大幅度增加
  • moderate increase适度增长
  • natural increase自然增长
  • prodigious increase不可思议的增长
  • productive increase生产扩大
  • progressive increase逐渐增长
  • qualitative increase质量上的提高
  • quantitative increase数量上的增加
  • relative increase相对增长
  • sharp increase剧增
  • sizable increase相当大的增加
  • slight increase略有增长
  • sporadic increase偶尔增长
  • startling increase惊人的增加
  • steady increase稳定的增长
  • subsequent increase随后的增加
  • substantial increase大量增加
  • sudden increase剧增,突然增加
  • ultimate increase最终增加
  • unexampled increase史无前例的增长
  • unprecedented increase前所未有的增长
  • yearly increase逐年增长
  • budget increases预算的增加
  • pay increases工资的增加
  • price increases物价的上涨
  • salary increases工资的增加
  • wage increases工资的增加
  • on the increase在增加
  • increase by natural growth自然增长
  • increase in在…方面的增长
  • increase in coal consumption煤消耗量的增加
  • increase in population人口的增加
  • increase in salary加薪
  • increase of production增产
  • increase of salary获得提薪


  • Dry up in her the organs of increase.

    出自:King Lear,Shakespeare
  • I could sense the boy's interest dwindle as the pull of his mother increased.

    出自:S. Plath
  • Wage rates have increased by 10 per cent.

  • Whether increasing the price of alcohol results in a decrease of alcoholism is not known.

    出自:D. W. Goodwin

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英语连词中,because,since,as 和for均有因为之意,表示原因,这是它们的共性。但是四个连词也有其个性。四个连词的用法具体如下: 1. Because:引导直接原因,语气最强。常用来回答why问句。

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SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 15 (Xinhua) -- Google announced on Thursday that it is investing 75 million U.S. dollars in a wind farm in the Midwestern U.S. state of Iowa, making its total investment in clean energy projects to nearly 1 billion dollars. The Io

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Singapore tops the list as the most expensive city for the third time in a row, but in a year when costs around the world have been highly volatile. 新加坡已经连续三次被列为世界上生活成本最贵的城市,但是这一年中城市生活

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今天我们学学怕什么来什么的英文表达。 Worrying about things that might never happen increases their chances of happening. by Mike Dooley, Motivational Writer 「担心可能永远不会发生的事,将增加它发生的机率。」

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WASHINGTON, Dec. 16 (Xinhua) -- U.S. Federal Reserve on Wednesday decided to raise benchmark interest rate by 25 basis points, the first interest rate increase since 2006,marking the end of an era of extraordinary easing monetary policy. Given the co

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英语连词中,because,since,as 和for均有因为之意,表示原因,这是它们的共性。但是四个连词也有其个性。四个连词的用法具体如下: 1. Because:引导直接原因,语气最强。常用来回答why问句。

发表于:2019-02-25 / 阅读(127) / 评论(0) 分类 英文语法词汇
accumulated earning
air ring
amplitude-modulation frequency modulation receiver
an official statement
apophyseal pit
blast temperature
blasted away
board-lifted template
bring into use
cable molding
campylobacter jejuni
cherry sawfly
cleaning and disposal procedures
clupeine, clupein
Cobequid Mts.
complex mapping
cortin unit
crystal diffraction spectrometer
dead donkey
dimethylvinylacetic acid
dipole molecules
down stream
Einstein Maxwell equations
Eishort, Loch
engineering model
Friendly footing
genetic ID card
gravel walk
hepta-valent plutonium ion
ill advised
intercellular junction
Jupiter Fulminator
Kelvin temperature
laryngeal tuberculosis
Management of Cleaning Pollutants from Ships
molybdenum dichloride
Narborough I.
orbital indices
overpressure safety operation
Parietti's bouillon
perthitic intergrown
Pimpinella henryi
polybutadiene acrylonitrile propellant,PBAN propellant
positive mapping
potassium phenide
powdered synthetic material
Pyaozero, Ozero
recent studies on
relay-operating time
saturated overland flow
scheme of colors
spin trapping
stability condition
the present age
thickening device
unlimited duty free storage
Villa Matoque
wadding thread
water dispersible zinc stearate
wild grassland
wind-shift line
yellow oleanders