音标:[ә'tæk] ; 柯林斯词典等级:5 级; 牛津三千核心词汇;
n. 攻击, 抨击
vt. 攻击, 抨击, 动手干
vi. 攻击
n. (military) an offensive against an enemy (using weapons)
n. an offensive move in a sport or game
n. the act of attacking
n. a decisive manner of beginning a musical tone or phrase
词型变化:名词复数形式 : attacks ; 过去分词 : attacked ; 过去式 : attacked ; 现在分词 : attacking ; 第三人称单数 : attacks



  1. The police are launching a major attack on drug dealers.警方对毒品贩子发动了大规模的攻击。
  2. His attack on the government was pure vitriol.他纯粹出于恶意抨击政府。
  1. The enemy attacked us at night.敌人在夜里向我们进攻。
  2. There is a newspaper article attacking the Prime Minister.报纸上有一篇抨击首相的文章.
  3. Once you show any sign of fear, he will attack you.你一旦露出任何恐惧的迹象,他就会攻击你。
  4. It is reported that this disease attacks the central nervous system.据报道说这种疾病破坏中枢神经系统。


  1. They knew when to attack and when to retreat.他们知道什么时候进攻和什么时候撤退。
  2. They were attacking just as hard as before.他们进攻得还是像以前那样猛烈。
  3. Make a feint to the east but attack in the west.声东击西。
用作及物动词S+~+ n./pron.
  1. The enemy attacked us at night.敌人在夜间袭击了我们。
  2. The cat attacked the mouse.猫扑向老鼠。
  3. The birds often attack other birds.这种鸟经常攻击其他的鸟。
  4. The enemy planes attacked our city.敌机袭击了我们的城市。
  5. The demonstrators attacked the Presidential Palace.示威群众袭击了总统府。
  6. The enemy attacked our foremost positions all night.整整一夜敌人攻打了我们的前沿阵地。
  7. He attacked me with a knife.他用刀向我刺来。
  8. We attacked the enemy in the rear.我们从敌人的背后袭击。
  9. Germany attacked Belgium in 1914.德国于1914年进攻比利时。
  10. The newspapers attacked the Prime Minister because of the new law.由于这项新法令的颁布,各报纸纷纷对首相进行抨击。
  11. Most of Members of Parliament made powerful speeches to attack the Prime Minister's proposals.大部分国会议员发表强烈演说来抨击首相的提议。
  12. They fiercely attacked the policies of the Labour Government.他们猛烈攻击工党政府的政策。
  13. The senator attacked the press for misleading the public.这位参议员抨击新闻界对公众的错误导向。
  14. The disease attacked his bones.疾病侵袭他的骨骼。
  15. What attacks the body attacks the heart.大凡病害侵犯人体,必然侵犯到心脏。
  16. The disease attacked the crops.病害侵袭了农作物。
  17. We have to attack the budget deficit and other economic problems.我们要着手解决预算赤字及其他经济问题。
  18. He attacked the difficulties at once.他立刻着手解决问题。
  19. He attacked the problem realistically.他从实际出发解决问题。
  20. Our surgeons attacked the problems boldly.我们的外科医生大胆地探索着解决这些问题。
  21. 1
  22. If we are attacked, we will defend ourselves.要是我们受到进攻,我们就实行自卫。
  23. He was personally attacked by an ignorant mob.他受到一无名暴徒的人身攻击。
  24. He was harshly attacked by critics.他受到批评家们的严厉批评。
  25. Such problems were best attacked by using graphs.这样一些问题最好用图表来解答。
  26. 860,000 mu of rice were attacked by locusts.860,000亩稻田遭到了蝗灾。
  27. He was attacked with disease.他患病了。
  28. He has been attacked with dysentery for three days.他患痢疾已经三天了。
  1. Attack is said to be the best form of defence.据说进攻是防御的最好方式。
  2. Their attack came at dawn.他们在拂晓时开始进攻。
  3. The attack fizzled out.这次进攻失败了。
  4. As we had expected, the attack succeeded.正如我们所预料的那样,进攻成功了。
  5. The enemy attack took us by surprise.敌人的进攻使我们感到意外。
  6. After the bombing attack, the city was in a state of chaos.轰炸过后,城市陷入一片混乱。
  7. Our troops are now on the attack.我们部队现在正在进攻敌人。
  8. They made a surprise attack and seized the port.他们发动突然袭击,夺取了港口。
  9. She had her first heart attack the other day.不久前她第一次心脏病发作。
  10. At the piano, his attack was full of life.他开始弹钢琴时那股气势充满活力。


attack against〔on〕
    (向…)攻击,袭击; 抨击 an act of violence intended to harm
attack of
    (被…)侵袭 a sudden and usually severe period of illness
under attack
    遭到袭击; 遭到抨击 an act to be assail


用作动词 (v.)
  • attack a town突袭城镇
  • attack the enemy攻击敌人
  • attack the foremost position攻击前沿阵地
  • attack the government's policy攻击政府的政策
  • attack a person攻击人
  • attack the Presidential Palace攻击总统府
  • attack problem解决问题
  • attack sb's proposal攻击…建议
  • attack anonymously不具名地抨击
  • attack ardently强烈地抨击
  • attack artfully狡猾地攻击
  • attack barbarously无礼地抨击
  • attack bitterly攻击到底
  • attack blasphemously带有亵渎意味地攻击
  • attack blindly盲目地攻击
  • attack boldly大胆地攻击
  • attack bravely勇敢地攻击
  • attack casually随意地攻击
  • attack characteristically具有特色地攻击
  • attack consciously有意识地攻击
  • attack criminally错误地攻击
  • attack curtly轻率地攻击
  • attack decisively决定性地攻击
  • attack despairingly绝望地攻击
  • attack determinedly坚决地攻击
  • attack diplomatically机敏地攻击
  • attack doubtfully难以预料地攻击
  • attack dramatically戏剧性地攻击
  • attack energetically充满活力地攻击
  • attack eventually最终攻击
  • attack extensively大规模地攻击
  • attack fiercely猛烈地攻击
  • attack furiously猛烈地攻击
  • attack harshly严厉地攻击
  • attack hurriedly仓促地攻击
  • attack immediately立即攻击
  • attack impetuously急躁地攻击
  • attack incautiously轻易地攻击
  • attack incessantly持续不断地攻击
  • attack infrequently罕见地攻击
  • attack insidiously不知不觉地攻击
  • attack intelligently聪明地攻击
  • attack madly疯狂地攻击
  • attack mockingly愚蠢地攻击
  • attack murderously致命地攻击
  • attack obliquely间接性地攻击
  • attack passively消极攻击
  • attack personally人身攻击
  • attack prematurely过早地攻击
  • attack probably适当地攻击
  • attack quickly迅速攻击
  • attack rapidly迅速攻击
  • attack recklessly轻率地攻击
  • attack regretfully遗憾地攻击
  • attack reluctantly不情愿地攻击
  • attack reasonably明智地攻击
  • attack restlessly不停地攻击
  • attack ridiculously荒唐可笑地抨击
  • attack ruthlessly无情地攻击
  • attack satirically讽刺性地攻击
  • attack satisfactorily满意地攻击
  • attack savagely野蛮地攻击
  • attack scathingly不留情地抨击
  • attack scurrilously以下流方式攻击
  • attack shamelessly无耻地攻击
  • attack sharply尖刻地攻击
  • attack shortly立即攻击
  • attack simultaneously同一时间地攻击
  • attack skeptically心存怀疑地攻击
  • attack sorely使人伤心地攻击
  • attack successfully成功地攻击
  • attack treacherously背信弃义地攻击
  • attack unbelievably不可思议地攻击
  • attack unexpectedly意外地攻击
  • attack unscrupulously肆无忌惮地攻击
  • attack unwisely不明智地攻击
  • attack vehemently激烈地攻击
  • attack verbally口头地攻击
  • attack viciously恶意地攻击
  • attack vigorously精力充沛地抨击
  • attack virulently恶毒地抨击
  • attack against对…的进攻
  • attack sb/sth by surprise突然袭击(某人〔某物〕)
  • attack sb/sth by words用语言抨击
  • attack from the sky空袭
  • attack in the darkness夜袭
  • attack of fever发高烧
  • attack of influenza感冒
  • attack on对…的进攻
  • attack with a disease受疾病侵扰
用作名词 (n.)
  • blunt an attack挫败进攻
  • break up an attack瓦解进攻
  • carry out an attack发动攻击
  • come under attack遭到抨击
  • deliver an attack发动攻击
  • design an attack拟定进攻计划
  • initiate the attack开始进攻
  • launch an attack发动攻击
  • lead an attack指挥攻击
  • level an attack进行攻击
  • make an attack发动攻击
  • mount an attack发动攻击
  • press an attack加紧进攻
  • provoke an attack挑起(敌方)进攻
  • renew an attack重新发起进攻
  • repel an attack打退进攻
  • repulse an attack击退进攻
  • resist an attack抵抗进攻,抵御攻击
  • sneak an attack偷袭
  • spearhead an attack当进攻的先锋
  • have an attack of患有…病
  • aerial attack空袭
  • all-out attack全面攻击
  • bitter attack猛烈攻击
  • blistering attack狠狠抨击
  • concerted attack联合进攻
  • coordinated attack协调一致的进攻
  • decisive attack决定性攻击
  • fatal attack致命的攻击
  • fierce attack猛烈攻击
  • flank attack侧面攻击
  • frontal attack正面攻击
  • full-scale attack全面进攻
  • hit-and-run attack打了就跑的攻击
  • general attack总攻
  • mock attack模拟进攻
  • nibbling attack吞食进攻
  • personal attack人身攻击
  • preemptive attack先发制人的进攻
  • savage attack野蛮的攻击
  • scathing attack严厉的抨击
  • scurrilous attack谩骂攻击
  • sharp attack尖锐的抨击
  • sudden attack突然袭击
  • swift and fierce attack凌厉的攻势
  • unprovoked attack无缘无故的攻击
  • vicious attack恶毒的攻击
  • vigorous attack猛攻
  • violent attack猛烈的攻击
  • virulent attack恶毒的攻击
  • wanton attack肆无忌惮的攻击
  • acute attack急性发作
  • feverish attack发烧
  • frequent attack时常发作
  • light attack轻微的发作
  • recurrent attack再度发作
  • slight attack轻微的发作
  • air attack空袭
  • blitz attack闪电式袭击
  • enemy attack敌方的进攻
  • flank attack侧翼进攻
  • guerrilla attack游击队的进攻
  • heart attack心脏病发作
  • insect attack虫害袭击
  • liver attack肝病发作
  • night attack夜袭
  • nuclear attack核攻击
  • surprise attack奇袭
  • torpedo attack鱼雷袭击
  • be on attack采取攻势
  • in attack在攻击中
  • under attack遭到攻击
  • attack against对…的进攻
  • attack against the business policy对商业政策的猛烈抨击
  • attack from the sky空袭
  • attack in the darkness夜袭
  • attack of asthma气喘病
  • attack of fever发高烧
  • attack of flu流感
  • attack of indigestion消化不良症
  • attack of influenza感冒
  • attack of malaria疟疾
  • attack of the blues闷闷不乐
  • attack on对…的进攻
  • attack on the problem着手解决该问题


  • The dire attack Of fighting Seraphim.

  • A night attack might be attended with success.

    出自:Ld Macaulay
  • Not a single day had gone by without news of a raid or shooting or terrorist attack somewhere in Ireland.

    出自:J. G. Farrell
  • 673 horsemen, led by Lord Cardigan, rode up the valley under heavy fire..to attack the Russian batteries.

    出自:W. S. Churchill
  • Killers [whales] prefer to attack aquatic mammals such as dolphins, porpoises, seals, [etc.].

    出自:D. Morris
  • Several teen-age girls and young women had been attacked by a nighttime prowler.

    出自:E. Caldwell
  • I was attacked by a strange succession of emotions.


Costa Rica, 1986. 30 years after Doctor Cur's fateful African trip, graduate students from the University of Miami are on a field trip exploring caves. Moving ahead of the group, 24-year-old Inn-Saing Ooi climbs into a deep crevasse . He's not alone.

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a moment
acrbonic anhydride
advertising company
ammonia photolysis
anadimonia latigasciata
automatic channel switch
automobile with electric transmission
base commander
bleeding tooth
boat configuration,boat conformation
cellulose xanthates
checker flag
Conception Junction
continue button
corporal punishments
cyan printer
diagonal plane
eastern redbud
engineering servers
epoxy resin enclosed transistor
flow pulse
galvanized corrugated steel
general government consumption expenditure
genus gallerias
germanium oxide
Haloxylon ammodendron
hardware emulation
haul-cycle time
hit someone for six
hobbing motor
homogeneity of insulation
impetiginous syphilid
independent of
infix extract
Kobresia yadongensis
La Hougue
land grants
lightweight third party authentication
loan guarantee programme
low-melting point alloy die
magnetic bar
meditate on
niantic foot
osmunda japonica thunb.
out of range
permit to unlade
peyton rouss
polyene hydrocarbon epoxide
radioactive heat
restorative process
Rubia tinctoria L.
Sageretia gracilis
side feed opening
snake charmer
steel ribbed floor
stirred ourselves
sundays and holidays excepted
Swedish syndrome
three sigma limit
total time spent listening
transmission electron microscope (tem)
twin rivers
wavelength demultiplexer
wilson's muscle (or urethral muscle)
would pass in a crowd