音标:[ә'bju:s.ә'bju:z] ; 柯林斯词典等级:4 级; 牛津三千核心词汇;
n. 滥用, 虐待, 恶习, 辱骂
vt. 滥用, 辱骂, 虐待
n. a rude expression intended to offend or hurt
v. use foul or abusive language towards
v. use wrongly or improperly or excessively
词型变化:过去分词 : abused ; 名词复数形式 : abuses ; 现在分词 : abusing ; 第三人称单数 : abuses ; 过去式 : abused



  1. The government has set up a working party to look into the problem of drug abuse.政府已成立工作组调查滥用毒品问题。
  2. His political reputation was tainted by his abuse of the power.他因滥用职权而破坏了政治声誉。
  3. He greeted me with a stream of abuse.他见到我就连声辱骂。
  1. It's easy to abuse one's power.人容易滥用权力。
  2. I don't consider it good for a person to be afraid of being abused.一个人怕挨骂,我看不好。
  3. He abused his wife and children.他虐待他的妻子和孩子。


  1. Abuses multiply when citizens are indifferent.公民一旦漠不关心,弊端就会丛生。
  2. Child abuse is a punishable offense.虐待儿童是一种该受惩处的违法行为。
  3. Our car has taken much abuse.我们的汽车损坏严重。
  4. She suffered years of physical abuse.她遭受了多年的肉体摧残。
  5. He shouted abuse when the manager told him to leave.经理叫他离开时,他破口大骂。
  6. An inescapable logic led me to connect these particular abuses to a whole deplorable system.按照逻辑,我必然会将这些个别弊端与整个可悲的制度联系在一起。
  7. The president's attempt to correct governmental abuses is successful.总统为匡正政府弊端而做的努力颇有成效。
  8. The boy was beaten and starved; he lived through much abuse.那男孩常挨打受饿,饱受虐待。
  9. The police are doing all they can to stamp out such abuses.警方正在尽力消除这种弊端。
  10. Woman and child abuse is forbidden in every country.任何国家都禁止虐待妇女和儿童。
  11. Such abuse can only be checked by the force of public opinion.这种弊端只能靠舆论的力量来制止。
  12. The regime had been responsible for serious human rights abuses.该政权对严重侵犯人权的行为负有责任。
  13. The child has been subjected to a lot of abuse .这孩子曾饱受虐待。
  14. Several female students have made allegations of abuse against him.几个女学生已控告他性侵犯。
  15. Her parents were found guilty of gross neglect and abuse.她的父母被判严重疏忽和虐待罪。
  16. A shower of filthy abuse came from his lips.一大堆污言秽语从他嘴里吐出来。
  17. He burst into a storm of abuse.他破口大骂。
  18. He greeted me with a hail of abuse.他一见我就劈头盖脸地骂了起来。
  19. He said that he had experienced a lot of verbal abuse from his co-workers.他说他已经从他的同事那里听到了许多骂人的话。
  20. She shouted a stream of abuse at him.她连珠炮似地臭骂了他一顿。
  21. He constantly addressed her in terms of abuse .他经常用难听的字眼跟她说话。
  22. The commission of enquiry found a number of abuses in the granting of import licences.调查委员会发现进口许可证发放上有许多弊端。
  23. We must put a stop to these abuses.我们必须改掉这些恶习。
  24. The government decided to take measures to put a stop to political abuses.政府决定采取措施以煞住政治上的不正之风。
  25. Corruption is a major abuse in modern politics.贪污是现代政治的主要弊端之一。
  26. They would attack every possible leader with scandal and abuse.他们会用诽谤和辱骂来攻击每个可能成为首领的人。
  27. The word can be so used without abuse.这个词这样用不会错。
  28. Physical abuse and neglect of children are too common.对孩子的暴力虐待和疏于照管太常见了。
  29. The pupils have reported abuses by their teacher.学生们举报了老师的虐待行为。
  30. The girls shrieked abuse at the prosecuting lawyers.那些女孩子尖声辱骂原告方律师。
  31. They showered abuse on that candidate.他们大骂那位候选人。
  32. The other driver leaned out of the car window and hurled abuse at me.另一位驾驶员把头探出车窗对我破口大骂。
  33. John was alleged to have hurled racist abuse at a student.约翰被指控用带有种族歧视的字眼辱骂学生。
  34. This car has taken a lot of abuse.人们用这部车是经常不加爱惜。
  35. They talked about the uses and abuses of figures to prove things in politics.他们在谈论政治上运用与滥用数字作为证据的情况。
  36. The arbitrary punishments were an abuse of power.任意处罚就是滥用权力。
  37. This is clearly an abuse of executive power.这显然是滥用行政职权。
  38. They have for many years been involved in a campaign against the abuse of human rights in their country.他们从事国内反对侵犯人权的斗争已经多年了。
  39. Here are some recent abuses of the word.这是最近一些滥用此词的事例。
  40. To call that state a democracy is an abuse of terms.把那个国家叫做民主国家是糟蹋语言。
  41. What she did was an abuse of her position as manager.她的所作所为是滥用经理职权。
  42. This book is about the uses and abuses of power.这是一本关于权力的运用和滥用的书。
  43. The people hated the politician for his abuse of power.人民痛恨那位政客滥用权力。
用作及物动词S+~+ n./pron.
  1. Don't abuse the confidence they have placed in you.不要辜负他们对你的信任。
  2. He has abused my confidence in him.他辜负了我对他的信任。
  3. He could not abuse their trust.他不能辜负他们的信赖。
  4. I never expected that he would abuse the trust I placed in him.我从未想到他会辜负我对他的信任。
  5. I promised not to abuse their kindness.我答应不辜负他们的一片好心。
  6. I will not abuse your hospitality.我不会辜负你的招待。
  7. Don't abuse your authority.别滥用权力。
  8. Government officials shouldn't abuse their power.政府官员不应该滥用职权。
  9. He abused his authority.他滥用职权。
  10. He abused his privileges in activities outside his official capacity.他在职务范围之外滥用特权。
  11. He never abuses his privilege.他从不滥用特权。
  12. It is important not to abuse your position as the boss's wife.重要的是你不能滥用老板娘的身份。
  13. She is continually abusing her position by getting other people to do things for her.她不断地滥用职权,让别人为她做事。
  14. They abused their power and rode rough-shod over the people.他们滥用权力欺凌人民。
  15. I'll lend you my camera but don't abuse it.我把相机借给你,但不要损坏它。
  16. A good workman doesn't abuse his tools.一个好工匠不会用错工具。
  17. Don't abuse your eyes by reading in a bad light.你不要在光线不好的地方看书损害视力。
  18. Kevin abused his eyesight by watching too much TV.凯文看太多电视而视力受损。
  19. Don't abuse your health by working like that.不要那样工作把身体搞垮。
  20. He abuses alcohol by drinking too much.他饮酒过量。
  21. Too many people abuse alcohol.有许多人酗酒。
  22. He abused his cat.他虐待自己的小猫。
  23. Stop abusing the dog!不要虐待这条狗!
  24. A good rider never abuses his horse.善骑者决不虐待其马。
  25. The man abused his wife by hitting her often.那个男人虐待他的妻子,经常殴打她。
  26. The serf-owners had the right to beat, abuse or even kill the serfs at will.(那时)农奴主有权任意打骂甚至杀害农奴。
  27. “Mr. Bennet, how can you abuse your own children in such a way!”“班纳特先生,你怎么舍得这样糟蹋自己的亲生儿女?”
  28. He was always abusing people.他老爱骂人。
  29. They abused each other.他们互相辱骂。
  30. Don't abuse your friend.不要辱骂你的朋友。
  31. He abused me a little for being so slow.他怪我慢手慢脚,骂了我几句。
  32. Instead of debating the issues the candidates abused each other.竞选者们相互谩骂而不是在辩论问题。
  33. He abused me and of course I answered rather hotly.他竟辱骂我,当然我也有点不大客气回敬了他几句。
  34. Most of the foremen abused the workmen in the foulest languages.大多数的工头用极其污秽的语言辱骂工人。
  35. It is one of those cities where the people are really unfriendly and abuse you all the time.它是这样的一种城市,在那里,人们很不友好,老是对你说粗话。
  36. She abused him roundly for his neglect.她严厉斥责他的疏忽行为。
  37. I asked him to desist from abusing me in private to newspaper editors.我要求他停止私下向各报馆编辑诽谤我。
  38. 1
  39. The privilege was abused.这一特权被滥用了。
  40. The author felt abused by his agent on the grounds of neglect and indifference.作者觉得经纪人薄待他,因为经纪人对他漠不关心。
  41. “Think still again,” he said,“and do not act rashly. The best of God's gifts may be abused, and yet they are all good.”“再想一想吧,”他说,“不要鲁莽从事。上帝恩赐的精华可能会被滥用,可它们终究是好的。”
  42. She has been much abused.她老受虐待。
  43. The arrested men have been physically abused .被捕的人曾遭受肉体上的摧残。
  44. Several of the children had been sexually abused.几个儿童受到了性虐待。
  45. Social workers discovered that the child had been abused by her father.社会工作者发现那个孩子曾受她父亲的虐待。
  46. The patients were often physically abused or drugged.病人常遭肉体上的虐待或被乱施麻醉。
  47. The young worker was very much abused by his boss, but he held in his temper.这个年轻工人被工头大骂,但他还是忍住了怒气。
  48. He was abused in the press.他受到新闻界的诽谤。


open to abuse
    可能被滥用的 capable of being abused


用作名词 (n.)
  • direct abuse against辱骂
  • heap abuse on sb肆意谩骂某人
  • hurl abuse at谩骂
  • keep abuse on对…破口大骂
  • shout abuse破口大骂
  • shower abuse on sb痛骂某人
  • take abuse挨骂
  • check abuses防止弊病
  • correct an abuse匡正时弊; 纠正陋习
  • curb abuses防止弊病
  • eliminate abuses根除弊端
  • expose contemporary social abuses揭露社会时弊
  • prevent abuses防治弊病
  • reform abuses革除弊端
  • remedy an abuse匡正时弊; 纠正陋习
  • root up abuses根除弊端
  • wipe out abuses根除弊端
  • put an end to abuses废止恶习
  • crying abuse亟待根除的弊端
  • foul-mouthed abuse下流的谩骂
  • horrifying abuse可怕的虐待
  • personal abuse人身攻击
  • physical abuse肉体摧残
  • sexual abuse性虐待
  • shocking abuse骇人听闻的虐待
  • verbal abuse口头辱骂
  • alcohol abuse酗酒
  • drug abuse嗜毒
  • child abuse虐待儿童
  • election abuses选举舞弊
  • a shower of abuse一顿大骂
  • a stream of abuse不停地骂
  • a word of abuse骂人话
  • abuse of authority滥用权力
  • abuse of health糟蹋健康
  • abuse of privileges滥用特权
  • abuse of the word被滥用的词
  • abuse of trust滥用信任
  • abuses of the age时弊
用作动词 (v.)
  • abuse one's authority滥用权力
  • abuse one's office滥用职权
  • abuse one's power滥用权力
  • abuse one's privileges滥用特权
  • abuse sb's confidence辜负了某人的信任
  • abuse sb's kindness辜负某人的一片好心
  • abuse one's eyes使用眼睛不当
  • abuse people骂人


  • Dickens was careful to castigate abuses which were being reformed.

    出自:W. R. Inge
  • I'm in a position of trust and privilege..and I take care not to abuse it.

    出自:M. Frayn

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注释: abuse [E5bju:z] n. 虐待 militiaman [mi5liFEmEn]] n. 民兵 wage [weidV] v. 发动 detention [di5tenFEn] n. 拘留 supervision [7sju:pE5viVEn] n. 监督,管理 pledge [pledV] vt. 保证 ad

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