标签:金融术语词汇 相关文章
《中央结算系统运作程序规则》CCASS Operational Procedures 中央结算系统证券存管处 CCASS Depository 中央结算对手 central counter party(CCP) 中央买卖盘纪录 central orderbook 中央证券存管处国际会议 Conferen
Glucosamine - a glucose or galactose molecule with an amine group attached. see also glucuronic acid. Glucose - a molecule of great importance to life as it provides a ready source of energy for both
Enamel prisms - rod-like bundles of hydroxyapatie crystals which are orientated at right angles to the tooth surface. Each prism can be traced from the outside of the enamel all the way to the dentine
Epidermal growth factor - a cytokine that stimulates epithelial cell proliferation. Epinephrine - a neurotransmitter substance found at all adrenergic synapses (nor epinephrine or epinephrine). It is
Hyaluronic acid - the largest glycosaminoglycan known, it plays an important role of restricting the flow of water in tissues, particularly in synovial fluid where it acts as a lubricant.. Hydrogen bo
In Vitro - experiments which are carried out in a laboratory as distinct from in vivo experiments In Vivo -experiments which are carried out in live animals as distinct from in vitro experiments Immun
Insulin - an endochrine hormone produced in the spleen which controls the amount of sugar in the blood by a) transporting it into cells and promoting glycolysis b) converting it into glycogen for stor
Intermediate filaments - unlike microfilaments and microtubules, they are verystable. Instead of being stacked proteins, as in actin, intermediate filaments are built of interlocking proteins. A dense
Lamella-bone - the microscopic structure of cortical bone gives it the appearance of concentric or parallel plates ( from Latin, lamella, the diminutive of lamina, meaning a plate or leaf). Lamina pro
Lymphocytes - white cells involved in the immune response. B lymphocytes are so called because they mature in bone while T lymphocytes mature in the thymus. Both cells look alike until they recognise
Darwinian medicine - an approach to the treatment of infective diseases which takes account of the co-evolution between the host and its parasite. Deciduous - from the Latin
Covalent bond - a strong bond between atoms formed by sharing outer electrons. When an atom has 8 outer electrons it is stable. Those which naturally have 8, like neon and argon gasses are quite unrea
Code - the code of nucleotides is written in
Cemento-enamel junction- the junction between the enamel covering the crown of the tooth and the cementum covering its root. Often referred to as the CEJ. Cementoblasts - cells of mesenchyme origin, i
Calcium-binding proteins - proteins which have the ability to store calcium ions and to bind onto calcium in the hydroxyapatite of the enamel surface. Calculus - a hard deposit of calcified plaque whi
Ameloblasts- cells which differentiate from ectoderm and secrete enamel during tooth development. Amino acids - building blocks of proteins containing a carboxyl group (COOH) and an amino group(NH2) b
Abductors - muscle taking a limb or the jaw away from the body. Acetyl choline - Aneurotransmitter substance found at all cholinergic synapses including those of motoneurones at the neuromuscular junc
Morphogenesis - the process in which tissue shapes and organ structures are developed during embryology. Morphogenic fieled - an environment in which the shape or pattern of a developing organ is dete
我国商务部2月16日公布,1月份非金融对外直接投资(ODI)120.2亿美元,同比增长18.2%。 请看《中国日报》的报道: Chinas non-financial outbound direct investment (ODI) reached some $12.02 billion in Jan., which is
Greek taxation 希腊税收 Doubts over competence 全面质疑 Not a single prominent tax evader has yet been convicted 至今为止,希腊还未对任何有明显偷税嫌疑者进行惩罚 GreeceS elite used to see stashing funds in Swiss bank a