标签:致辞 相关文章
Every year on World Teachers Day, we celebrate the limitless contributions made by teachers around the world. Day after day, year in and year out, these dedicated women and men guide and accompany students through the world of learning, helping them
Message for World Autism Awareness Day 世界提高自闭症意识日致辞 2 April 2014 2014年4月2日 This years World Autism Awareness Day is a chance to celebrate the creative minds of people with Autism Spectrum Disorders, and to renew our pled
This years observance of World Environment Day shines a much-needed spotlight on the illegal trade in wildlife. There is grave cause for alarm. Elephants are being slaughtered for their ivory, rhinos for their horns, and pangolins for their scales. F
Message from Ms Irina Bokova, Director-General of UNESCO, on the Occasion of World Environment Day 联合国教科文组织总干事伊琳娜博科娃女士世界环境日致辞 Seven Billion Dreams. One Planet. Consume with Care. 七十亿个梦想、
双语:潘基文2015年世界环境日致辞 Message on World Environment Day 世界环境日致辞 5 June 2015 2015年6月5日 The theme of this years World Environment Day is Seven Billion Dreams. One Planet. Consume with Care. 今年世界环境日的
Message on World Cities Day 世界城市日致辞 31 October 2015 2015年10月31日 The theme of this years observance of World Cities Day Designed to Live Together highlights the key role of urban design in building sustainable, socially integrated
Promoting China-Latin America Common Development byUpgrading China-Brazil Cooperation 在中巴工商界峰会闭幕式上的致辞 Address at the Closing Ceremony of the China-Brazil Business Summit 中华人民共和国国务院总理 李克强 Li
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You,you talk a lot about hard work and passion. 你说了很多努力工作和激情的事 Rumor has it,I have done my research,you partied so hard the night before your graduation that you missed it.True or false? 据传言 我做过功课 你毕业前
Dajia hao! Hi, I'm Gary Locke, US ambassador to China. And I'm really proud to be able to communicate with our netizen friends throughout southern China. 大家好!嗨,我是骆家辉,美国驻华大使,我真的很自豪,能与我们在中国
Vice Premier Mr Li Keqiang, Minister of Education Mr Yuan Guiren, Mr Chancellor, Distinguished Guests, Members of the HKU Family, Ladies and Gentlemen, 尊敬的李克强副总理,袁贵仁部长,校监先生,各位来宾,各位香港大学大家
有新同事的加入,身为主管的你需要在新员工大会上发表讲话。为这件事挠头吗?那就看看下面这个address 能不能给你帮点忙吧! I am Peter, Sales manager of the company. First of all, I would like to take th
Secretary-Generals Message on World Health Day 秘书长世界卫生日致辞 7 April 2014 2014年4月7日 Every year more than one million people die from diseases carried by mosquitoes, flies, ticks and other insects, such as triatomine bugs. These
Secretary-Generals Message for International Mother Language Day秘书长国际母语日致辞21 February 2014 2014年2月21日 International Mother Language Day celebrates linguistic and cultural diversity alongside multilingualism as a force for pe
Secretary-Generals Message on International Human Solidarity Day 秘书长人类团结日致辞 20 December 2013 2013年12月20日 At the dawn of this century, at the Millennium Summit, world leaders reaffirmed their commitment to peace and security,
The tradition of an Olympic Trucebegan in ancient times to allow safe passage for athletes travelling to the Games. This resulted in an environment where the true spirit of the Olympic Games was on display: peaceful competition among nations, feats o
Message on International Womens Day 国际妇女节致辞 From the Glass Ceiling to a Carpet of Shards 把玻璃天花板打得粉碎 8 March 2016 2016年3月8日 As a boy growing up in post-war Korea, I remember asking about a tradition I observed:
1、致辞: Directions: Write a speech on the opening of a conference of no less than 120 words. In your speech, you should: 1、进行自我介绍,2、详细介绍大会内容,3、结束语。 Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to B
Ladies and gentlemen, on behalf of everyone at Tip Top Trading, thank you for our award. 女士们,先生们,代表Tip Top Trading的每一位员工,感谢大家对我们的奖励。 Our company is at the forefront of plastic innovation. 我们的
On behalf of everyone at Tip Top Trading, thank you for our award 代表Tip Top Trading的每一位员工,感谢大家对我们的奖励。 Our company is at the forefront of plastic innovation. 我们的公司处于塑料创新的前沿。 Yeah!Er