标签:拾贝 相关文章
迷你对话: A:You look pale, you must have poor health. 你脸色很苍白,身体一定不大好。 B:Yeah. You said it. 是的,你说对了。 A:Why not go to see the doctor? 那为什么不去看医生呢? B:Ive done that. The doctor advi
迷你对话: A:What do you think of his behaviour yesterday? 你怎么看他昨天的行为? B:He's a sad dog. He came to the wedding in jeans! 他是个粗野的人,竟穿牛仔裤参加婚礼。 A:I don't think so. He only had no common sens
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Pins and needles,一堆别针和绣花针放在一起,那还不浑身是刺?这个词组偏偏有个有趣的含义“发麻”。 Pins and needles表示“身体某部位(因缺乏血液循环)
迷你对话: A: The last thing I want to see is to lose face before my friends. 我最不想见到的事情就是在朋友面前丢脸。 B: Thats really unbearable. 那真是令人难堪呀。 A: But you know, things cannot always go as you expec
Rabble-rouser的意思是“煽动者、煽动政治家(尤指利用情绪或偏见煽动民众,以期获得领导地位及达到私人目的的人)”。你知道这个词的来历吗? 19世纪中
A cock and bull story,公鸡和公牛的故事?非也,非也。它的意思是“荒诞的故事、无稽之谈、无伤大雅的谎言”。 1620年左右,这个短语第一次出现。据说当
Toe the line,踮着脚尖在一条线上走?别误会,它可不是走钢丝呦。它的意思是“听从命令、服从纪律、按惯例行事”。 Toe the line最早出现在18世纪。关于
Abscond这个词可能我们并不熟悉,它看上去有点像absent,又有点像second,那它到底代表什么意思呢? 如果你和朋友去下馆子,因为饭菜不合意或钱包被盗等
Doodle有两种含义,一种是“涂鸦;漫不经心地画画”,另一种是“闲荡,打发时间”。 Doodle最早出现于17世纪初期,表示“傻瓜,笨蛋”。这个意思应该起
第一、迷你对话 A: I am exhausted. I need some sleep. 我累死了,太缺乏睡眠了。 B: Didnt you sleep well last night? 昨晚没睡好? A: I twisted and turned all night, and couldnt sleep. I was worried about my mothers health. 我翻来
迷你对话 A: How are you feeling, John? 约翰,你感觉如何? B: Oh, not too bad, but Ive got to stay in bed. 还不太糟糕,但是得躺在床上。 A: Do more exercises after you are healthy. 等好了后可得多锻炼一下身体。 B
迷你对话 A: Whats up? You look low. 怎么了,看起来不大高兴。 B: Its my girlfriend. I guess shes playing the army game with me. 是为了我的女朋友,我觉得他一直在欺骗我。 A: How come? 怎么会呢? B: I saw her dati
第一、迷你对话 A: I would much rather see her once or twice and not do anything about itwhat could I about it anyway? 我宁可见他一两面就算了,我还能干什么了? B: Dont say things like this. Please be confident. I think you s
迷你对话1 A: I envy you so much. You can go to the best school in this city. 我真羡慕你,你可以到城市里最好的学校读书。 B: It is all due to my father. My father is nobodys fool. 这都多亏了我的父亲,我父亲是个聪明