标签:办公邮件 相关文章
Winter and summer, the mails must go through, and in their lonely posts at remount and relay stations the men who looked after the ponies must be fed. 无论冬季还是夏季,邮件必须送达,在换马站和中继站,在孤独的岗位上照顾
Boys, he said solemnly, it is a great thing we are undertaking this day. 小伙子们,他郑重地说,这是我们今天要做的一件大事。 Our government has entrusted to us the safe carrying and delivery of its mails. 我国政府已委托我
So, this is trash day and I need to take the kitchen garbage out and dump the recycling bins as well. 因此,这就是垃圾日。我需要把厨房垃圾拿出去并倒掉回收箱。 The garbage, garbage, is just another word for trash. Garbage是另
Part nine is called Relaxing, the Mail, and the Trash. 第九部分称为休息、邮件和垃圾。 We begin with the sentence With the dinner dishes done, 我们以由于晚餐餐具洗好擦干了这个句子开始, the dinner dishes are the dis
With the dinner dishes done, my wife and I each sit down on the couch to chill out and watch the national news which comes on at 6:30. 由于晚餐餐具洗好擦干了,我和我妻子坐在沙发上歇息,并观看6:30开播的国内新闻。 Du
With the dinner dishes done, my wife and I each sit down on the couch to chill out and watch the national news which comes on at 6:30. 由于晚餐餐具洗好擦干了,我和我妻子坐在沙发上歇息,并观看6:30开播的国内新闻。 Du
My last post referred to confusing multiple negatives. This one looks at the common grammatical problem of double negatives. 上一篇文章讲了多重否定,这一篇将会关注那些更常见的双重否定中出现的语法问题。 Have a loo
WRONG 错误用法 Please find the template agreement enclosed to this email. 协议模板已附在这封电子邮件的附件里。 RIGHT 正确用法 Please find the template agreement attached to this email. 协议模板已附在这封电子邮件的
The word account can mean a variety of things, depending on the context in which it is used. It also has many idiomatic uses. As a result, if not used with great care, the word can cause ambiguity and make sentences difficult to understand. 根据不同
As you know, in English you generally make a word plural by adding an s at the end. There seems to be some confusion, though, about how to make plurals of terms made up of more than one word. For example, do you say bicycles shops or bicycle shops? D
Then he placed the letters in a machine that marked on them the date and the name of the city in which they were. 接着工作人员把信放在一个机器里,机器在它们上面印上了日期和它们所在的城市。 The machine also made so
Every little thing I did during the entire sales process created a first impression on a prospective client. 我在整个销售过程中做的每件小事都给潜在客户留下了第一印象。 From the car I was driving to the way I handled mysel
Dear的正确用法 我们都知道Dear可以表示亲爱的,例如: Dear listeners: 亲爱的听众们 但不论是单数和复数形式,都不能单独使用: Hi dear ? Hi dears ? 正确的用法是接上人名,例如给客户写邮件时,
邮件沟通较之面对面交流的一大优势在于,你可以借助一切力量使得你撰写的邮件准确无误得表达你的意图,而不必担心发音不标准或语法错误等让人尴尬的掉链子情况发生。 但往往人们忽视
Jeff Bezos, chief executive of Amazon, has mounted a rapid defence of the online retailer he founded after a stinging attack on its management style. 在亚马逊(Amazon)的管理风格遭到尖锐批评之后,这家网上零售商的首席执行官杰
snail mail 传统的邮递 今天我们再学一个押韵的习惯用语:snail mail。 snail是蜗牛,人人都知道蜗牛爬动的速度出奇地缓慢。它们得花好长好长的时间才爬得到某一个地方,而mail是邮件。 snail m
身为一个上班汪,起早贪黑,加班都不带眨眼。那你能不眨眼的用英语说出你每天的工作中发生的一些事情吗? #1 My Morning Coffee Makes Me Perk Up Im not a morning person (someone who has a lot of energy in the mo
但往往人们忽视的便是一些细枝末节的注意事项,这儿有一些建议可以保证你的邮件给人留下好印象。 1. Know your email terms: 英语电子邮件发送程序有很多缩写,如果你不知道意思的话,你向老
Post-office banking 邮政银行 Put your money where your mail is 邮件在哪儿,钱就在哪儿 America's postal service ponders a foray into financial services 美邮政业或将涉足金融业 WITH a workforce of just over 491,000 in 2013, the