标签:办公邮件 相关文章
In my free time, I really like surfing the Internet. When I get home from work, I turn on my computer, wait until it boots up completely, and then I go online. I still have a dial-up connection, but I'm switching to a broadband Internet service soon.
Surveys 调查 If you want to know what people think about you, what should you do? 如果你想知道别人是怎么看你的,你会怎么做? You have to ask many people. 你要问很多人。 This is called a survey. 这就叫调查。 A surve
The Mail Goes Through 邮件送达 A few scattered flakes of snow began to fall as his pony galloped easily along the trail by which they had come that day. 当他的小马沿着那天他们经过的小路轻快地奔驰时,几片散落的雪花开始
Panic clutched at him as he climbed back into the saddle. 威廉爬上马鞍时变得惊慌失措。 Unless the pony's sense of direction came to their rescue, they were lost. 除非小马的方向感来拯救他们,否则他们就会迷路。 He l
1. Initiate a meeting 发起会议 I would like to hold a meeting in the afternoon about our development planning for the project A。 今天下午我建议我们就A项目的发展计划开会讨论一下。 I suggest we have a call tonight at 9:30p
Looking over some letters A: Mr. Emory? Id appreciate it if you would look over these letters before you leave today. B: Id be glad to. Just leave them on my desk. I didnt expect you to finish so soon. A: Thank you, sir. Ill leave them here. If there
I am looking forward to your visit. 我期盼着你的到访。 look forward to表示期待,盼望。要注意这里的to不是动词不定式,to在这里是个介词,所以look forward to 后要接名词或者动名词。 I am looking forward
One thing I hate about watching television something I don't like is having to watch all the commercials. 看电视时我讨厌的一件事我不喜欢的事就是要看那些广告。 A commercial is the same as an advertisement on television or rad
A container is like a big box that you put something in, A container就是可以放东西进去的大箱子, and so a trash container is a big, in my case, plastic box that has wheels that I can then put it down on the street. 因此,在我看来,
It was a new pet store. Brian walked into the new pet store. He said hello to Paul, the owner. Paul said hello to Brian. Brian said, This is a clean pet store. This is a quiet pet store. This pet store doesnt smell. Brian looked around the store. Bri
What is the correct position in a sentence of the word also? also这个词在句子中正确的位置在哪儿? One of the most common mistakes associated with word order is the tendency to put adverbs in the wrong place. This particularly applies to
Is it OK to split infinitives? 把不定式分开是否恰当? Most split infinitives follow this model an adverb is put between to and the verb. But you also get compound split infinitives where more than one word is put between to and the verb, for
Remember that damages is not the plural of damage, but actually has a different meaning. 记住:damages不是damage的复数形式,damages有其他的含义。 Damage means loss or injury to a person or property. It is an uncountable singular nou
WRONG: We would appreciate if you corrected the entry in the register as soon as possible. 错误用法:如果你能尽快更改登记处的入口,我将非常感激。 RIGHT: We would appreciate it if you corrected the entry in the register as s
Like it needs help. And I said, What's the plan, Dan? I'm thinking fireworks, bouncy castle ... 好像他才需要帮助吧。我说:你们有什么打算呢,Dan?我能想到的是开业的烟花,充气的城堡 I'm not sure what you mean. 我没
A: Would you mail a letter for me? My hands are full. 你替我发封信好吗?我现在很忙。 B: Oh, I am soryy. Im afraid I cant do it now. I have to meet my supervisor in a few senconds. But I could mail it after that. 哦,对不起,现在恐
Gmail under attack Gmail遭到袭击 Something phishy 网络袭击事件 A Chinese cyber-attack on a jumpy America 一起中国对颤颤巍巍的美国网络安全的网络袭击 Jun 2nd 2011 | from the print edition THE more onerous internet securit
Most millennials hate the thought of leaving a voicemail, especially when it's to a love interest. Now, scientists say they have good reason. 大多数千禧一代不喜欢语音留言,尤其不喜欢给喜欢的人发语音。现在,科学家说这