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Around the time I turned 40, I went to see a therapist, a man who knew me well. I tended call him once or twice a year on an as-needed basis. I had reached the point of being able to sort through most problems on my own. But life had -- as it occasio
1.The waste pipe is blocked; try ____ it out with hot water. A) rushing B)brushing C)crushing D)flushing 2.His actions do not ____ to his words. A)respond B)consist C) correspond D)accord 3.He____satisfaction from helping people in trouble. A) deride
Today decades after becoming an unlikely star in Hong Kong,Bruce Lee is now embraced as an icon for all of China. 几十年过去了 曾经的名不见经传,到现在被称作心中的偶像。 In recognition of his contribution to Chinese culture
Once You Learn These Hard Truths About Life, Youll Become Much Stronger.当你知道生活残酷的真相,你会变得更加坚强 1. Everyone You Love is Going to Die 你所爱的每一个人都会离开这个世界 2. We Give Our Lives Meaning 我们
英语中由构词法产生的词汇约占整个英语词汇量的70%左右,但这些词汇中适合我们中国人用构词法来记忆的却不多。原因有两方面:其一,很多构词法单词,即使英美人也无法辨别其词根和前后缀;其二,即使明知该词的词根,前后缀,也很难推知其具体意义。 我们对传统的构词法
Once I saw the TV show, it was about the fathers and their kids having the match, they were separated by five groups and compete for the match. At first, they were competing happily, but as the game came to the end, the last group was so worried. The
一、四级词汇总量分析 大学英语教学大纲规定四级考试对词汇的要求是记忆4200个单词以及由这些词构成的常用词组。根据研究分析大学英语四级考试历次真题,我们将四级词汇分为核心词汇
旅行的意义 Accomplish Goals 实现目标 Having a travel to-do list and slowly crossing things off that list keeps you motivated and positive. That list can include things like visiting certain locations or accomplishing a feat such as climbing
Dig a Little Deeper There's a story about the California gold rush that tells of two brothers who sold all they had and went prospecting for gold. They discovered a vein of the shining ore, staked a claim, and proceeded to get down to the serious bus
雅思阅读备考基本点--背单词是基础: 一般IELTS阅读中涉及词汇量比较大,而且许多为专业词汇,考生在平时接触的少,一般来说具备4000左右,即四级水平即可应考。对于单词基础薄弱的考生